The members of Bossy’s council who suggested the story of Honky the Cat may not be over yet are correct.
This cat. He sleeps in Bossy’s window boxes all day, positioning himself in the box coinciding with whichever room Bossy is working. He greets Bossy’s daughter very early every morning, and seems to appear from nowhere whenever Bossy or her family arrive home, positioning himself at their front door.
embrace the kitty……………he be yours!
i think hoboes had a special name for women who were kind to stray kitties. or maybe there was a symbol in the special hobo language to designate such homes. or something like that. it involved hoboes, anyway. i swear it’s true because i read it on the internet, or in one of those “wireless” catalogs, or some such.
but what i am saying is: HONKY THE CAT may simply be an emissary of hoboland. are there train tracks near your home, perchance?
Aw, he’s chosen you. Maybe he was Bossy’s husband in a different lifetime when he lived in the sewers of New York City and Bossy was Linda Hamilton.
Cats adopt people, not the other way around. My (former) cat adopted my neighbor a few houses down. They now take care of her.
embrace him…he has a purpose.
I am the adopted (by them) mom of 2 adorable puddy tats; wouldn’t have it any other way.
I think Honky the cat is down with all the milk you’re giving him. Honky may have been born at night… but it wasn’t LAST night.
Honky is the kind of cat I want – one that sits in window boxes so I can look at him (and maybe wander outside to rub his ears), but one that doesn’t come in my house.
what do you mean ugh…
this stunning animal is yours in all the best ways…
he can go back to his home for his litter, shots, hairballs…..
AND thats the most decorative charming thing I’ve seen in your windowbox….ever.
–>Can Bossy’s Brother please, please, please do an impersonation of Honky in the windowbox like he did of the flowers earlier this year? Thinking of that picture still makes me giggle.
Yep, the rent-a-cat program is the best. You get the perks of having a cat without the bills or balls (hair). That IS a very pretty kitty.
Just a tip from a kitty lover, cow’s milk gives cats the poopsies (ew)…but they love it.
I think I drew that picture in 6th grade art class.
And I think Honky is stalking your family, much like certain children in my neighborhood who wait for our garage door to open to announce we have arrived home from whence we have gone.
Awww, honky is home!!
They’re right, cats adopt you. What’s that song,”Our house is a very, very fine house, with two cats in the yard…. You need one more.
It’s the milk!! Stop feeding the cat and I bet it will not come around quite so much. It very well may love you but my guess is it loves the milk the most!
Uh? Uh?? UH??? Oh my heavens. Bossy!
That is too cute I just want to nuzzle him.
He must be related to Watson. Watson lives in my sister-in-law’s neighborhood. He spent years going up and down the street visiting his “families”. Once my sister-in-law had children, Watson decided that would be his permanent home. It took a village to raise a cat.
Will Bossy’s Brother be doing an imitation of the cat in the window box?
Our first cat, Felix, adopted us a few months after we moved into town. She showed up and we figured she was a stray, took her in and when we took her to the vet to get spayed he told us she already was. Mom later found out she belonged to a lady a few blocks away who had several cats, and Felix just decided to get her own damn family. We had her for almost 20 years.
Aaah, you’ve been favoured by a cat… be flattered, and enjoy it. Can’t resist the cuteness!
I was visited by a black cat. He came a-calling more and more often, stayed longer and longer, and began to sleep over when I was ill in bed for a week. One day his owner came around with basket and bag of food. That’s how I got my Thomas. He’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me!
Congratulations on your new kitty! You can run but you cannot hide.
“LuLu” adopted me the same way: except she’d meow until I brought out a bowl of milk. Then she’d disappear to her real home. Was it Katherine Hepburn who said the ideal relationship is having separate homes?
I have a handsome white tomcat who visits every day…has done for three years. I call him my spare cat as I had a house cat when he first started visiting. Every morning he waits on the doormat for a scratch and a handout.
the kitty is a long dead relative reincarnated – I kid you not. pls. buy some cat food and keep it on hand. love the kitty, it will bring you good luck.
OMG. Totes LOL’ed and SMAOTP (spit martini all over the place) when I read Bossy’s Mom’s second comment. Well played, Bossy’s Mom! You rocketh. *smooches*
(oh, and totally *heart* your new all-white kitteh)