Welcome to Bossy’s Poverty Party, an online support group for reining in spending, getting your finances in order, and climbing out of debt. Everyone basically knows what steps to take, but it is nearly impossible to climb that mountain alone.
So every day nearly every day, Bossy will use this space to report her spending and missteps, along with cheap recipes, savings tips, and suggested tricks and goals.
The other day Bossy and her friend Martha were getting ready to go out for some live music, and Bossy whipped her lipstick out of her purse and Bossy’s friend Martha was all, “Gahhhh,” and then she was all, “You should take a picture of that for the Poverty Party.”
So here you are, Martha. Happy now?
The point Martha wanted to make is one Bossy has discussed several times here in these pages that aren’t pages: Bossy is very selective about the beauty/drug store/makeup products she uses — Bossy often chooses the high end stuff, but her satisfaction and relentless stretching of these products actually saves money in the long run.
Martha’s point is how Bossy lands on one lipstick, in this case Paula Dorf which is worth every penny, and wears it to death and she doesn’t end up back in the drugstore aisle every other minute buying brands and colors that disappoint and necessitate a trip right back to the same drugstore aisle, money wasted.
At least Bossy thinks that was Martha’s point. It’s hard to stay focused when you are on your way to hear music drink Bloody Marys.
When a candle is “done” I scrape the leftover candle wax into the new candle. I don’t wear lipstick, but would use a lip brush to get every little scrap of color out of that container.
Also, I’m a big fan of the travel lipstick brush — one like this:
There’s at least as much lipstick left in that stick as you’ve already used — drop one of those travel lipstick brushes in your makeup case, and you’re good to go.
Don’t wear lipstick but if I did, it would look like Bossy’s. Heck! once it’s worn down to the plastic I would use a small brush to get to the stuff stuck in the tube. No shame in that. Still good.
Yup, I do the same thing with lipstick (and most other beauty products). When it gets below the rim, get a tiny brush to scoop it out. Another way to make it last longer is to mix it with Vaseline or Aquaphor to make it into lip gloss.
I agree with Chookooloonks and that picture of your lipstick brought back memories of my mother who always had a travel lipstick brush to reapply her lipstick after eating.
At last count, I had over 40 tubes of lipstick, yet I only wear two shades: a nude gloss and Mac’s Viva Glam.
Long ago, at a Junior League meeting, we had an ice breaker where all the gals took out their lipsticks and handed them to their neighbor. Then, the leader of the meeting put up a chart showing what the shape of your lipstick said about you. Hilarious! And, as I remember, pretty darned accurate. Bossy’s lipstick looks alot like mine, but I no longer know what it means.
Bossy might need to be a hand model.
When I used to wear lipstick, it used to wear down to the same shape. Trying to scrape the last of the lipgloss out of the tube, however, is an impossible task.
Grandma J feels the same exact way about her $1.19 Dr. Pepper flavored chapstick.
I do that with my lipstick! But since I only wear it five or six times a year, one tube lasts me a decade
I blogged, back on the 7th, about how cheap our family christmas exchange is this year!
I agree. Quality over quantity!
Cheap than a brush? Use a q-tip to scrape out the last bits and to apply.
Also? That’s a very lovely shade for you
Just a little bit about saving money in my New Years Resolution post.
hmm, is it just me, or is Poverty taking a backseat for a while? I blogging a bit more about planned spending habits for 2010.