Before Bossy talks about her three cute friends pictured above, she’d like to say this: November 16th. It’s November 16th, people. We’re halfway through November already, which is strange because Bossy is still waiting to pass an afternoon at her local swim club, which closed on Labor Day.
This year Bossy didn’t even have the chance to purchase or carve a pumpkin, and here it is time to prepare her dirty little Thanksgiving secret.
Which leads Bossy to explain this edition of Match Game: Bossy has provided a list of her friends, and a list of Thanksgiving plans. To win, simply match all three of Bossy’s friends with their correct Thanksgiving plans!
Today’s prize is courtesy of Bossy’s friends at Seattle’s Best Coffee, whose tag line should be: Not just a company name, but a description!
The folks at Seattle’s Best Coffee provided Bossy with two different bags of caffeinated whole beans — one richly smooth and one smoothly rich — packaged in a nice gift box made of cedar or some other weighty wood that will cost Bossy a day’s salary to ship. Happy Thanksgiving!
As usual, if more than one person guesses correctly, Bossy will employ the random number generator to select the winner. Good luck, council!
Martha is cooking
Amy is mooching off of Bossy
And the Hunk of Burn’n Love is going to a cousin’s house.
Did Bossy know that Seattle’s Best is the only coffee Grandma J buys?
Eric – favorite cousin
Martha – visiting
Amy – cooking
Amy is coming to Bossy’s house?
Martha is cooking for the first time?
Eric is going to a cousin’s house?
Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas is five weeks away. I’m starting to stress!
Martha = cooking
Eric = cousin
Amy = coming to BOSSY
rockle = stealing … er, “appropriating” BOSSY’s secret recipe
I’ll play:
Eric to Bossy’s house
Martha cooking for the first time
Amy to cousin’s house.
And 35 member of my family to my house!
Martha is coming to Bossy’s house.
Eric is visiting a cousin.
Amy is cooking.
Martha – to cousin’s
Eric – cooking
Amy – To Bossy’s
Martha (who doesn’t cook despite what it looks like on her TV show, magazine, website, etc.) is going to her cousin’s.
Eric – can sing & cook, he’s cooking turky for the 1st time
Amy will be at Bossy’s
Can’t use the prize, I don’t make coffee at home but wanted to play the game.
Oh, heck! I always get these wrong…
Eric is coming to Bossy’s
Amy is visiting a cousin
Martha is cooking a turkey?
Cactus Petunia needs a coffee injection.
amy – cooking
eric – at cousin’s
martha – at bossy’s (martha really lives under the floorboards at bossy’s house)
Amy = coming for dinner
Eric = visiting a cousin
Martha = cooking the turkey/trimmings
Guess I need to start getting my holiday plans together!! Crap.
Amy is coming to Bossy’s house
Eric is going to his counsin
Martha, cooking first time in years.
Martha is coming to camp Bossy.
Amy is cooking.
Eric is visiting the cous’.
Amy = cooking
Eric = cousin
Martha = coming to BOSSY’s house
Martha is coming to Bossy’s
Eric is cooking
Amy is visiting the cousin
Eric going to Bossy’s
Amy visiting a cousin
Martha cooking a bird
Martha is going to Bossy’s, Eric is cooking and Amy is spending the day with her cousin? I hope I’m right because I love coffee!
Amy is coming to Bossy’s house
Eric is cooking
Martha is spending the day with her cousin.
JP and Hubby are ‘Turkey Trotting’ for cocktails at 3 places then crashing at friends for late dinner………….
I make my own rules………….Yo!
Hmm, I’m going to go with Martha visiting Bossy (maybe more haircuts in the bottle I mean future), Eric cooking and Amy visiting cousin. Yum LOVE coffee!
Martha will be eating at Bossy’s house.
Eric will be heading to the favorite cousin’s house.
Amy will be cooking the bird for the first time in a long time.
Martha = cooking
Eric = cousin
Amy = bossy’s
I’m not guessing as I am not a “drinking coffee” type of gal. But coffee flavored things like Kahlua, ice cream and froo froo coffee drinks or froo froo coffee drinks made with ice cream and kahlua call me over!
Anyway, I am wondering where Gene Rayburn and Charles Nelson Riley are for this episode of Match Game.
Amy = Bossy’s house
Martha = back to the kitchen
Eric = off to visit a cousin
This Amy = hoping for free coffee
Amy- cooking
Eric- Cousin
Martha- bossy’s
Amy-To Bossy’s
Martha-To visit a cousin
Martha is coming to dinner
Amy is cooking
Eric is visiting a cousin
WRH is hoping somebody invites her over for leftovers b/c she ISN’T cooking a turkey for the first time in years.
Eric looks like he can cook.
Amy looks like she will be there to eat.
And Poor Martha has to miss it all because her cousin is visiting from Europe and she is obligated to make an appearance at her aunt’s table.
coffee!! Seattle!! friends!!
my opin:
eric = cousin
amy = cooking for the 1st time in well, a while
martha = hanging out w/ the Bosster
I bet Eric is a monster in the kitchen.
Pretty sure Amy will be doing right by her cousin.
Martha? Must be going to Bossy’s for Thanksgivingmas.
And since you seem to be have lots of pull around here Bossy, could you see about moving Thanksgiving to a Friday. My boss is unmovable about working on the day after Thanksgiving. Clownshoes.
Amy is cooking. Eric is cousining. Martha is Bossy’ing.
Martha visiting
Eric with cousin
Amy cooking
I liked my answer so much the last time that I’m going to use it again: Each of Bossy’s friend’s plans are already written alongside them.
Eric – favourite cousin
Martha – visiting Bossy
Amy – cooking again
Martha- visiting Bossy
Eric- favorite cousin
Amy- cooking again
Martha…with Bossy Eric…Top Chef Amy…with Cuz
Martha – cousin’s house
Eric – Bossy’s house
Amy – cooking!
Eric – guest of Bossy
Martha – cooking
Amy – going to cousin’s house
Martha – going to the cuz
Eric – hanging with Bossy
Amy – perusing the Joy of Cooking…
I’m going out on a limb….
Eric is cooking
Amy is coming to Bossy’s house
Martha is going to the favorite cousin’s house
Eric = Bossy’s
Martha = cousins
Amy = cooking
just a hunch
Martha will be at Bossy’s
Eric will be with his cousin
Amy will be cooking
at least that’s what I think they should do
Martha will be at Bossy’s house. Eric is visiting a cousin, and Amy is cooking. I will be visiting a cousin and cooking a pie for the first time in five years since my baker sister will be out of town. I’m only sad that Bossy’s house isn’t in my plans too. I’d bring a killer pie!