Yesterday Bossy featured her friend Geoff in one of her left column features, which reminded Bossy of the funny day she and Geoff spent together in the fall of 2006.
It all began when Bossy and her friend Geoff went to see Bill Clinton at a fundraiser for a local politician. Bossy and her friend Geoff were campaign volunteers, so they got their tickets for free. Which was probably about twenty dollars too steep.
Bossy was so excited because years earlier, Bossy and Bill Clinton shared a rope line moment. In fact Bossy couldn’t wait to catch Bill’s eye again, because she was certain they’d fall madly in love. Hilary who?
But first Bossy and her friend Geoff had to wait in a very long line. Bossy’s friend Geoff passed the time by taking extensive notes for the imagined court case:
While Geoff scribbled the events, Bossy spied lots of very famous people in line, like Monica Lewinsky:
And Adam Ant:
And Moe Howard:
And Bossy’s friend Geoff recorded all this and more:
Meanwhile the line grows even longer:
Finally Bossy and her friend Geoff were admitted inside the auditorium and Bossy was thrilled to secure a spot with full stage visibility:
And so Bossy shoved over into a totally clear space with a direct view to the podium:
And Bossy and her friend Geoff were so happy with their new position in the large crowd:
Until Bill Clinton walked onto the stage, and then all Bossy and her friend Geoff could see was this:
But eventually the audience calmed, allowing Bossy to slowly reach in her messenger bag and pull out her silver Canon PowerShot A300 while the many Secret Service agents prepared to lunge. And it was this camera Bossy utilized to take the following award winning campaign shot of her future husband Bill:
Unfortunately, a few minutes later, Bossy succumbed to the press of bodies and the hours spent standing and nearly fainted around the feet of her friend Geoff, and so excused herself to find a place where she could curl up and die.
And thus Bossy missed another opportunity to seduce Bill Clinton. But you won’t be so lucky next time, Billy Blythe.
Forgetting about politics, I just don’t understand how Bill Clinton is considered sexy. *shiver* Bossy has several much better looking husbands to choose from.
Exactly, GreatAunt. Where is Mr Cusack these days?
Luckily you now have a Nikon D80 and are unlikely to experience shaky camera syndrome ever again in a well lit environment….unless you were having an epileptic fit that Bill was in the room. In which case…high ISO is the answer.
Bill Clinton, really? Ewww.
some friends and I got stopped by Secret Service (and just how Secret are these people? You can tell what they are a mile away!) in Chicago a few years ago because Hillary was attending her High School reunion at our hotel.
We were trying to get back to our rooms to rest or weary feet after a day of perusing the latest and greatest (that year) crafting stuff soon to be available and a Tommy Lee Jones stunt double stopped us in our tracks so Hillary could leave the building.
One of my friends about fainted and was trying to get pictures – the rest of us were trying to get the SS guys to take her (our friend) down. We offered money – no deal. We offered cheesecake and he almost took us up on it.
Anyway after some schmoozing, Hillary left the building, we got to go to our rooms, and when we told people we had been stopped by the SS the response we got was “There’s a big surprise.”
I heart Bill too.
The likelihood of coming away from a moment in life with even one (clear) photo to document it is in directly inverse proportion to its importance. Universal law. Look it up! Or, just look at my photo album!
Better luck next time, Bossy! You really had a long day and standing up and waiting is agonizing.
I think I spied Mother Theresa in one of the pictures too!
Bill Clinton spoke at my son’s college a few years ago. My son was one of a few chosen to meet with him before his speech. I proudly display a very unblurry photo taken of my son holding hands with Bill (okay, it was a posed handshake).
He also met Aretha Franklin after her speech at the college. She refused to pose for individual shots with the 12 students, only a group shot, saying she was in too much of a hurry. Her limo was later spotted getting a gigantic order at the local McDonald’s drive-thru.
Bossy nigger please. I’m Politically incorrect but how come Bossy can have a Honky cat? Does that make my two black dogs the ‘N’ word?
I was really excited when I thought those signs said SLESTAK.
I went to Bill’s inauguration activities on the mall in whatever century that was. But just in the past year I attended a dinner in Richmond where he was the featured speaker. There was no pink bubble gum blocking my view or access, nor was there a Satan behind me. If I’d sprinted down the aisle I probably could have kissed him just before the Secret Service tackled me.
All that being said, you give me Adam Ant, I’ll give you Bill. I’m Desperate but not Serious. Because I’m already married to Kevin Bacon.
I wish I were Geoff.
honestly, i think Bossy could have curled up and taken a nap and still seduced Bill. because it doesn’t take much. seducing Bill is totally the sort of thing Bossy could do whilst napping.
About 5 years ago Bill saved my life! I was attending a large gathering at our university where Bill was campaigning for our soon to be ex-governor. I had front row space but way on the side. Luckily the side where he entered, so at most I thought that at least I saw him pass by about 30 feet away. But on the way out he starts shaking hands and the closer he got the wilder the little old ladies got in that section. Problem is I am a dwarf and on a low scooter. At that point I’m thinking “oh gah! I am going to die at a damn political fundraiser, mobed by the blue hairs”. Lo and behold Bill sees me down there and in a voice that sounded like Elvis he says “Ladies, please be careful with this young woman” Woo hoo! “Please move back” and then extends his hand to shake mine. A few of those blue hairs behind me would have killed me as he ignored them. I thanked him and he departed. He has the softest hands!!
I think the hierarchy of hotness is:
1. Young Ronald Reagan
2. Obama
3. Bill Clinton
For some reason seducing Obama would be way more adulterous than seducing Clinton