My niece does that sock thing, too, but is that a Cosmo on the drink cart behind Bossy’s daughter? Lucky girl! And props to whomever is wearing the leopard print top!
what a day…what great food, what great friends and family and what a great sense of humor bossys commentees have…French Fry pie!!!!!!!!!!! (We must have missed this one falling on the floor only to be scooped up……
I’ll trade your tranquil table and delightful guests for the ones that would not leave my house. See me in my PJ’s people? See me turning off the lights? See the empty vodka bottle?
Can I just say that Bossy’s son’s girlfriend is a very lucky lady!!! I also love your daughter’s mismatched socks. Very Pippi Longstocking (although your daughter would probably not be too impressed if she heard that).
I thought the 3rd photo was a “studio” picture from the movie “Life with Bossy” I’d sure go see it!
Your Thanksgiving looks wonderfully cool and laid back.
Hi, I wanted to let you know that I made you my “Friday Feature” late yesterday. I usually post earlier, so I’m sorry I got it done so late this week. In any event, it’s nothing at all like being a “blog of note”; the main thing is I just wanted to let you know I enjoy your blog. But just in case you get a couple extra folks dropping by your “boss” blog, you might want to have a bottle of wine or at least a glass of water on hand for them…
I can see you had a nice Thanksgiving; I hope the rest of your weekend is good, too.
Happy Belated Thanksgiving Bossy and co…
You know, I have been thinking about thankfulness. And giving thanks. And fullness. And you know what?
BB would be much more informed with todays post Bossy… if only her internet would deign to show her the PHOTOS. As it is I am piecing it together from the comments – which is kinda interesting but probably not all that accurate. I assume that lots of thanks and fulness ensued.
In essence, I WOULD be more thankful if my ‘broadband’ would broaden up a little!
you know, i always *hated* being stuck at the kid’s table. to this day i refuse to have one for kids. they are always welcome at the grown-up table. i seat them together, but they sit with the adults.
Where was BH in all of this, and why was BS sitting at the head of the table? Were you serious about the divorce court threats because of BH’s “I love you, but…” suggestion? My fingers tremble as I write this!!
Happy Turkey to all and to all a great night! I’m not sure which pic is my fave- Stella or maybe the kiddie table or the boys belly up on the couch together? Hugs to all.
OMG. Love luv luuuuuuuv the final photo.
vuboq is totes thankful for all the funz BOSSY brings to his life!
I love sitting at the little table.
Happy Thanksgiving every day Bossy et al…
I love that Bossy’s Daughter has two different colored socks on. So cute.
Ironed napkins?! Color me impressed!
My niece does that sock thing, too, but is that a Cosmo on the drink cart behind Bossy’s daughter? Lucky girl! And props to whomever is wearing the leopard print top!
French fry pie?
what a day…what great food, what great friends and family and what a great sense of humor bossys commentees have…French Fry pie!!!!!!!!!!! (We must have missed this one falling on the floor only to be scooped up……
I’ll trade your tranquil table and delightful guests for the ones that would not leave my house. See me in my PJ’s people? See me turning off the lights? See the empty vodka bottle?
Kids that cook and iron–you know the next generation will be okay!
Drama free holiday? Love it.
Happy Thanksgiving to Camp Bossy!
I love pictures where you can see Stella in scale. Big dogs make me so happy.
Happy Thanksgiving Bossy! It looks like you had a beautiful day. Friends and Family.. that’s what it’s all about.
Can I just say that Bossy’s son’s girlfriend is a very lucky lady!!! I also love your daughter’s mismatched socks. Very Pippi Longstocking (although your daughter would probably not be too impressed if she heard that).
French fry pie? All we made here were apple ones.
Hope your Thanksgiving felt as sweet as it looked.
Love your daughter’s non-matching socks and seeing your kids helping out with the prep.
Mis-matched socks means there’s a teenage girl in the Bossy House.
I love the little girl in the rocking chair at the kid’s table.
I thought the 3rd photo was a “studio” picture from the movie “Life with Bossy” I’d sure go see it!
Your Thanksgiving looks wonderfully cool and laid back.
omg. The mismatched socks, the too-big kids sitting at the kids’ table, and goodness, that last photo slayed me. Thanks for sharing, Bossy.
–>Great photos. I have similar ones of our Griswald Thanksgiving – – 11 adults, 5 children, 2 newborns, 5 dogs and a rabbit (not on menu).
The French Fries Lying In Congealed Fat Pie looked intriguing.
Happy Happy, Bossy.
I went to 2 Thanksgivings this year and they BOTH served brisket. WTF? Your to-do looked awesome…and brisket-less.
Hi, I wanted to let you know that I made you my “Friday Feature” late yesterday. I usually post earlier, so I’m sorry I got it done so late this week. In any event, it’s nothing at all like being a “blog of note”; the main thing is I just wanted to let you know I enjoy your blog. But just in case you get a couple extra folks dropping by your “boss” blog, you might want to have a bottle of wine or at least a glass of water on hand for them…
I can see you had a nice Thanksgiving; I hope the rest of your weekend is good, too.
What a picture perfect Thanksgiving. And that pie is intriguing.
Maybe on Monday you can explain the pie….oh and even the girls in California wear two colored socks!
Happy Thanksgiving Bossy! We adopted a 2 year old Bernese Mtn Dog so now I’m not as envious of you for Stella! Your last photo says it all tho!
Don’t know who she is,but the girl in the first picture lookz like one of mah favorite American Idol contestants of all time: Megan Joy!
Bossy isn’t only beautiful, but smart, too: make the kids cook & clean. And thank you for the shot of Stella, she always makes our day.
Charming. People who enjoy each other, enjoying each other.
What keeps Stella from lifting the turkey off the counter like Michael Jordon palms a basketball?
And what’s the backstory on the, er, Interesting Looking Pie?
Happy Belated Thanksgiving Bossy and co…
You know, I have been thinking about thankfulness. And giving thanks. And fullness. And you know what?
BB would be much more informed with todays post Bossy… if only her internet would deign to show her the PHOTOS. As it is I am piecing it together from the comments – which is kinda interesting but probably not all that accurate. I assume that lots of thanks and fulness ensued.
In essence, I WOULD be more thankful if my ‘broadband’ would broaden up a little!

Lord Above … that is a tall dog
it looks like you had a lovely meal.
you know, i always *hated* being stuck at the kid’s table. to this day i refuse to have one for kids. they are always welcome at the grown-up table. i seat them together, but they sit with the adults.
Happy Thanksgiving, Bossy
Awesome. And there is ironing going on in your house on Thanksgiving? That is beyond impressive.
Love the last pic. That defines Thanksgiving to me.
Wish I would have had help like that !! Gobble,Gobble now I’m all gone!
Where was BH in all of this, and why was BS sitting at the head of the table? Were you serious about the divorce court threats because of BH’s “I love you, but…” suggestion? My fingers tremble as I write this!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Turkey to all and to all a great night! I’m not sure which pic is my fave- Stella or maybe the kiddie table or the boys belly up on the couch together? Hugs to all.
Classy. Warm. Inviting. Love all of your pics.
A real live kiddie table…that says it all for me and days gone by.
Happy Thanksgiving Camp Bossy!
wow. yeah .. sometimes words just cant do a memory justice.
final photo is the best. hands down.
wow. yeah .. sometimes words just cant do a memory justice.
final photo is the best. hands down.
Was that a kid’s table in the kitchen? Oh my. And you had a horse in the kitchen too. Such a fun house.
Better than Norman Rockwell.