Recently Bossy signed-on with BlogHer and Sprint to explore the role of digital parenting, even though the only thing Bossy understands in that whole sentence is the word parenting, which Bossy thinks of as that thing she ignores in order to watch the Bravo channel’s Milion Dollar Listing marathon.
Because Bossy has an outdated phone that doesn’t take photos or feature a qwerty keyboard or have a working cattle prod, Sprint agreed to send Bossy a silver marvel known as the HTC Hero.
The first thing Bossy wants you to know is the HTC Hero’s Basic Guide is 135 pages long. The. Basic. Guide. The next thing Bossy wants you to know is the nice folks at Sprint, while writing the Basic Guide, must have laughed until they pooped a lung.
For instance this is the way they describe the different ways of getting around your device:
- Flick — move your fingers in lighter, quicker strokes than swiping
- Swipe — quickly drag your finger across the screen
- Drag — press and hold your finger with some pressure
Not to mention the description of the slide and the rotate, or what to do if you pinch your trackball.
Of course, none of these maneuvers represent much of a concern for Bossy, who can’t even figure out how to get the thing out of its packaging:
I heart giant dog heads.
Video Bossy is very entertaining to bleary-eyed blog readers on Monday morning! I myself am a fan of analog parenting…my antique brain just can’t seem to make the leap to digital. Maybe I need new equipment!
Please please Bossy draw us a picture of Chad from “Million Dollar Listing” (after you’ve figured out your new phone, of course).
How is it possible that Bossy is old enough to have a son in college?
Hilarious! (just the laugh I needed after playing hostess this holiday weekend and developing a kidney infection which morphed into the hostess visiting the ER where there were no cute doctors just really competent ones) You crack me up!
I admire Bossy’s calm and smiling demeanor; I’d be swearing like a drunken sailor and wielding the scissors like Norman Bates.
A pinched trackball sounds like a very serious condition.
Video Bossy is cute and giggly.
I too have just received a new piece of hardware … and the phone’s ‘basic’ directions are also in a bound volume.
That bound volume really doesn’t even begin to tell you enough!
P.S. I love these video Bossy posts!
P.P.S. Please let me know what you learn, I need some help too!
my phone would probably work better if I’d charge it. which I would do, if I could find it.
It’s a good thing they didn’t ask me to do it. I’d never put it down.
I am verklempt mit de verklas effect. There be bears in them woods.
Is it sort of sad that Julie is so amused watching Bossy open a box?
Is Bossy that entertaining, or does Julie need to get out of the house?
Play on, Bossy…
Bossy makes me laugh. Love it.
I alternately heart and hate my iPhone, depending on whether or not I can figure out whatever I’m wanting to do with it at the moment…and whether or not I remembered to charge it.
Aw, now we don’t have the same phone anymore.
I dunno. All these vlogs of giggly, box-opening trying-to-talk-in-third-person Bossy are making me have to realize that she’s a real person and doesn’t just live in my computer for my personal entertainment. Not sure I like reality. No doubt I’m in a minority amongst the Bossy Posse though (re: seeing bossy in motion, not about disliking reality…)
Thank God they provide definitions for swiping and dragging. Those Sprint people think of EVERYTHING.
–>Bossy entertains whether in her writing/pictures or vlog. I can’t wait to see the diagram Bossy’s daughter draws of the phone with instructions.
BOSSY forgetting to refer to herself in the third person made Farty do a LOL. Wayyyy too stressful. I’ll – er, Farty will stick to his tin cans and wet string.
Holy Crap – is your old/current cell phone actually on??? I swear I saw a blinking green light…
BusyDad can officially catch and clean (and perhaps cook) a fish in the time it takes for Bossy to open up a cell phone box. Next up, field dressing a duck vs installing a battery. Tune in!
I love your Bob Eubanks theme music! I suspect the Council will soon be purchasing 3-D glasses to watch your videos. “BOSSY at Large” perhaps?
Whoa. Newlywed Game theme. Mind warp. All I can see are pastel tuxedos!!
I’m totally impressed that you didn’t use your teeth to open the package. I usually resort to that…
Oh my gosh, Bossy is too cute. Who knew watching a box being opened could be so entertaining?
Yeah, I got a pinched trackball once. It was while dressing in the locker room after running hurdles and doing the shot put…. Oh, you probably don’t want to hear about this.
BusyDad FTW. LOL
Bossy, you make me feel so much better about my (lack of) technical prowess.
Thanks for that post me, ur, I mean Bossy. Three minutes of entertainment and information Wow.
The giant dog head made me cry in hysterix for some reason.
“Thumbs” Bossy “Thumbs”
I’m sorry, Tootsie was distracted by how in love she is with BOSSY’S hair.
Bossy is so cute. & I agree with Joie – Bossy cannot be old enough to have a son in college.
Excellent! I’m expecting you to keep us updated about the new phone, Bossy. Since I’m considering getting that very phone when my contract expires.
Foolery doesn’t use third person but will for the purposes of this comment in order not to sound too stalkerish, but GAHHHHHH foolery thinks BOSSY is adorable all over again. Foolery did a donkey noise at the advent of the Newlywed Game music.