Bossy recently purchased this belt for under $30 at TJ Maxx, which is Bossy’s favorite place to return things shop.
Bossy admits to being old enough to see the wide belt fashion come and go a few different times during her life, but this time around Bossy is having difficulty getting with the program.
Sure, the wide belt she purchased — the one above with the tags still attached and tucked carefully under its wideness — is decorative, like so many others:
One could certainly argue these wide belts add a little flash and distraction. And yet there’s always been something about them that nags at the back of Bossy’s head, something not altogether apparent when analyzing herself in the mirror.
And finally Bossy got it:
From the looks of Bossy’s front- end her behind-end will look just as mahvelous, belt or no!
Only on fat men, does the wide belt look odd from behind. Bossy will rock the wide belt from all angles.
–>If Bossy is considered “Wide” than I’m a Double-Wide!
LOLOL.. that completely took me by surprise – almost choked trying to swallow my juice before laughing. Good one Bossy!
Correction: wide belts look odd on old fat men, but Bossy? Bossy looks like a hotty in one. HOW do you keep that metabolism?
Somebody give that fat man some fasion sense. Some rivets, maybe? Or at least some sparkles.
Bossy, Wide belts only look funny in the back of large men. These belts look sharp on the behinds of shapely woman.
I now know what I want for Christmas. Bossy’s figure.
Bossy needs to share her diet and exercise habits.
I’d kill to be that skinny. That is all.
I need me a wide belt. To camouflage my wide butt.
“Shut up forever” is a bold statement for you to make. Already getting a head start on our New Year’s resolutions, are we?
Oh, Bossy. How I envy you. You are so slender and tall; you would rock any and all belts. Go for it!
Good Lord Bossy has a tiny waist! No need to worry about looking like Santa for you!
i’m likin’ that wide belt. gonna have to stop at tjmaxx on the way home and see if i can find it.
Yikes. You might want to make sure Michelle Obama sees this post. She probably doesn’t know, either.
Wide belts are unforgiving to my post pregnancy body. Boooooooooooo! Now is not the time to accentuate my flab.
amen and amen. next time, though, will bossy stuff a pillow in her shirt prior to snapping a picture of herself? it would really make us all feel better.
Goodness gracious, bossy is HAWT.
Hi I’m new to your blog. Funny stuff. I love the wide belt. I own none though.
I don’t believe a word of Bossy’s promise to shut up forever about anything, particularly wide belts.
Where’d the Santa photo come from, btw?
There are wide belts and wide belts. Just as there are wide belt models and wide belt models… I suspect that the very same belt that Bossy models in this post would resemble a THIN belt on Bush Babe. Just as I suspect a really thin belt would disappear into the softness that was once BB’s waist…

only a wide behind looks odd from behind…and I should know, cause I have one!
That is exactly the belt I have been looking for, but now Bossy has ruined it for me. It would never look that fine on me. Damn you, Bossy!
The wide behind looks odd with the belt, is all.
You’re good to go.
Monnik- A wide belt looks bad on the back side of a fat lady also. I should know.
This made me spit up I laughed so hard.
I’d kill for that waist and abs of Bossy. No I’d not kill Bossy.
You totally rock with that belt.
I love belts. They’re real handy with bondage. I’ll explain later when you’re willing to hear me say, “Tell me that good!”
I have trouble with belts that aren’t designed to go through belt loops. Why have belt loops? Is the belt supposed to sit under my armpits? because that’s kinda where the top of my butt is. No, I don’t think wide belts are for me.
I think I saw tags on Santa’s belt.
What is that white glow around you in the pic ? Your either and angel, or your used the dodge tool and a little liquify in Photoshop….
Nice belt though, but since I am 46, I think those fades are better left to the younger kids.
I’d like to know how one sits when one is wearing a wide belt that goes around the hips as in mannequin picture #2.
Not that I am buying a widebelt, I would need a steel belt to do any good – oh, wait, aren’t those the new tires I just got?
Can Bossy BREATHE in those jeans???
You and your super cute skinny adorable figure. I hate you I hate you I hate you! And I cannot ever, in a million years, pull off a wide belt, EVAH. Gah!
Nuh fair, nuh fair. To have a grown kid and a teenager and look like that. Nuh fair.
I lurve TJ Maxx. And, I used to love being able to wear a belt. Now, halfway through my pregnancy, the only belt I’m wearing is a really unattractive belly band, that keeps my pants up.
No wonder I’m single and pregnant…
I’ve noticed Ann Curry on the Today show had on one of those wide belts and of course it looked great on her, but I’m thinking maybe it might cause some trouble with breathing.
That’s what she said
Have to agree with pp, I think these belts are for the ahem,,, yonger generation. Sorry Bossy.
Hmmm. Bossy has a rad figure and can certainly rock a wide belt…but, maybe one with about half as many studs. A little subtlety goes a long way and can actually be more flattering, eh? Throw this belt at “The Wonderful One” (good X-mas gift?) and invest in one that looks more like the examples you posted. Really, Bossy, you’re too cool for this belt.