Last night Bossy and her husband watched The Right Stuff, and enough about her husband, Bossy wants to talk about her other husbands who appeared in this 1983 Oscar-winning film.
Since Bossy has an impossible time arranging these men in order of Sexy, she will serve them up in the order they appear onscreen:
Bossy always had her eye on Sam Shepard, but she married him after his appearance in Country, a film also starring his wife that lady Jessica Lange. Country is the story of blah blah blah foreclosure, but anyway, it features lots of denim. And some flannel.
And then Bossy and her husband Sam Shepard held a recommitment ceremony after his role in Baby Boom, which stars Diane Keaton as an advertising executive who buys a farm in Vermont after inheriting a baby and then discovers she hates Vermont even though Sam is the veterinarian in town and he likes to stand really close to her on dark roads while she changes her flat tire. Right, like that would happen. Not the flat tire part, but the not liking Vermont part even though Sam is a single veterinarian.
Next up we have him:
Bossy married Ed Harris after his appearance in Swing Shift, a movie starring Goldie Hawn as a war bride who takes a job in an airline factory during WWII, and then has an affair with coworker Kurt Russell:
Next up in The Right Stuff’s walk of Flame is Scott Glenn:
Bossy married Scott Glenn after he co-starred in Urban Cowboy with Debra Winger and Oprah’s friend.
In Urban Cowboy, Scott Glenn plays a badass rodeo cowboy who works in the local Country Western bar and maybe there was something about a prison break, a backhanded slap, and a Mezcal worm, but Bossy can’t remember those parts because:
Although not a husband, Honorable Mention goes to Bossy’s final selection of foxes accomplished actors who star in The Tight Stuff:
Right stuff …all. But I pref Sam *sigh* he lives with “that lady” three hours west of here in Charlottsville, VA–you just made me remember that. May have to pretend to go to UVA football game, on stalking mission …..
Oops, sorry CharlottEsville ..spelled you wrong!
I LOVE Ed Harris. LOVE LOVE LOVE him. Did I mention I love Ed Harris?
You are very lucky that you didnt say you were married to MY HUSBAND Dennis. We have been happily married for years, Bossy..Even if he really does not know.
Tingly post! Thanks for starting my Friday with the RIGHT STUFF, sista..
waaaaaay over in WASHINGTON STATE.
coastal nest
I remember this from last year, and I have a different reaction to Dennis Quaid this year, which is this :
Even if you plastered Susan Boyle’s head on top of that finely ripped body, I’d still marry him. Her. Him.
Dennis Quaid?! THE BIG EASY. ‘Nuff said.
–>They’re all foxy but there is something sexy about Scott Glenn’s voice….
Oh yeah! They all have the RIGHT stuff. Ditto what Helen said. The Big Easy for Dennis Quaid.
Sam Shepard: I can’t go with Sam because of his bad teeth. It’s a (shallow) deal breaker for me.
Ed Harris: He could do unspeakable things to me and I would never press charges.
Kurt Russell: “I heard you were dead.” Pity.
Scott Glenn: Yes, but I’d cheat on him with Ed.
Dennis Quad: Lordy Lordy, take me now, Dennis. NOW!!!
Gah!! Quaid!! Please forgive me Dennis!!!!
The abs distracted me.
Um, yeah, no fence sitting regarding Dennis Quaid for me. Yum.
Bossy likes the bad boys.
It would feel creepy to marry Dennis Quaid, because my son looks just like him…for real. I never met any of the Quaids way back when. However, I’ve always had a thing for Kurt Russell…so I would cybermarry him and that Goldie woman can take a hike.
I think it was Cher who said you could cut diamonds on Dennis Quaid’s pecs. I passed Scott Glenn on the street once, a few years ago; I had the flu and was leaving work early, quite feverish. There were all the film trucks on the street (there’s lots of filming in Toronto) and he was standing there having his makeup touched up, and he was taller than I imagined him. Yum yum. Better looking in person. Ed Harris and Sam Shepard are definitely two of my secret boyfriends.
I’m not sending you anymore pics of me without a shirt.
I (heart) Ed Harris. Especially in The Abyss and Stepmom. Sexxxxxxxxxy.
Love, love Dennis Quaid! Fell deeper in love with him after his epic film, The Parent Trap!
Absolutely Ed Harris, oh yeah! (Well, once he realizes it’s time to just go right ahead and shave his head.)
Huh. Looking at that picture of Dennis Quaid makes me feel so much more wholesome and so much less jail-timeish than when I look at similar pictures of Taylor Lautner. Thanks for giving me an alternative.
Dennis Quaid totally wants me.
It’s a good thing Bossy put that photo of Dennis Quaid at the end of her post because if you put it at the beginning, no one would have gotten to the end!
I decided about Dennis when he was in a little-seen, but phenomenal movie called “Frequency.”
Mmmm…. Dennis Quaid and Ed Harris. Bossy had a fine looking harem.
This is what you have to decide about Dennis Quaid: does he spend his ENTIRE life practicing his weird pelican smile or does he spend HALF of his life practicing his weird pelican smile.
How’s life there in Nevada these days?
Or wait, is it Utah?
They’re all the same west of Ohio.
None of these guys are even close to the lovable, handsome, flannel lovin” Mr. Boss.
They all seem so old to me. Maybe I am young : ) Or young-ish : ) You have had so many succesful marriages. Way to go!
Sorry, Bossy. Ed Harris has been my common-law husband since 1981’s “Knightriders,” which also featured a verrrrrrrry tasty Tom Savini (oh yum yum, you who love hot men with bedroom eyes and beautiful facial hair should check him out!) and a verrrrrrrrry hammy Stephen King (yes, THAT Stephen King; he and his wife played spectators and he overacted most enthusiastically). King Arthur! On motorcycles! It was the most ridiculous film EVER, but my mother and I just loved it.
And mmmm, Dennis Quaid. “Innerspace”! Cheesy and silly, but mmmm, Dennis Quaid.
Oh, my, yum, Dennis Quaid? What IS the other thought? Besides more yum?
I want to live in Polyandryville too! Bossy, you have fine taste in husbands.
I’ve always loved Sam in the Right Stuff. And the crooked teeth? I just want to suck on them.
My mom likes Dennis Quaid. And I like pepaws so my mom and I actually have some common crushes!
Ed Harris rocks and Dennis Quaid in “The Big Easy” you just want to TRY, and happily fail miserably, to tame that bad boy!