As Bossy has mentioned before, her holiday cards — like the one above from 2006 — always consisted of xeroxes on card stock.
Here’s what Bossy would do: she’d assemble twelve month’s worth of photographs depicting various events and then crop them and size them to create a collage which she would also size to fit on a post card and then she’d make a stack of copies at Kinkos and lick one hundred stamps and address the back of the card by hand and include meaningful personal messages,
but now Bossy has a blog.
These days Bossy skips holiday cards, which saves her money but leaves her feeling like one of those pinched curmudgeons who yell the neighborhood kids from her front porch.
Which is why Bossy was so pleased when her friends at Tiny Prints offered to give one Bossy reader a $50 gift certificate to be used anywhere on their custom card site. Bossy appreciates the fact that the Tiny Prints holiday cards represent the many different ways the winter holidays are celebrated, which is another way of saying sister mercy they have Hanukkah cards.
Simply leave a comment below, and within the next few days Bossy will employ her friend the Random Number Generator to select a winner. Good luck!
dang, i already bought my holiday cards – now i just have to write them out…
It figures, I already did mine. But I’m sure I could think of a reason to use this!
Totally just got guilted into doing cards..damn.
Does the certificatge come with adorable grandchildren to put on the card too?
Now I feel so Grinchy because I spam my Christmas wish across the universe in an email.
It has been many years since I’ve sent cards. I miss it.
Mine are sitting in the desk. I bought them last year. I didn’t send them.
Ohhhh— I want to win!
They have such beautiful designs; would be great to win. Altho I have yet to get a decent photo of my kids photos for a card…
I was actually thinking about skipping the cards this year, but this would definitely change my mind.
We (hopefully – haven’t actually looked at them yet) took our Christmas picture this weekend. Thank God for digital cameras!
Very cute designs! I would really like to win.
–>I ordered 50 last week and literally got a hand cramp from addressing them. Who hand writes anything anymore?
We weren’t going to do holiday cards this year because of cost, but this would allow us to!
Mr. Wonderful moved in this year and we are not sure how to sign the cards. Should it be Mr. 48 years old and never been married and Me? Advice?
Thank you for the above photos of New York City. They are lovely.
I may or may not send Christmas Cards……………..maybe Groundhog Day cards?
Sign me up- these cute designs will distract from the fact that my 2 year old refuses to smile when the camera comes out…
Christmas, ish-mas. I’d rather send valentines to all my imaginary beaus.
Thank Gah for this giveaway. I have yet to order my cards or even get a decent photo. I sure hope I win!
On a side note: my daughter has been influenced by a pic of your daughter wearing mismatched socks. She is all about it these days, which is odd considering the rest of her outfit must be impeccably matched right down to the underwear. (she is 8, BTW)
Hooray! A great give-away. Thank you Bossy and Tiny Prints.
Fear not, early card shoppers – they have super Thank You cards.
I’m all over it – thanks Bossy and Tiny Prints! Jinx, Emily.
I love holiday cards, now i need to find friends to send them to.
Would love to win this one, Bossy!
cant believe i havent even thought of when to try to coerce my 3 into posing for a pic. love the idea of xeroxing onto cardstock – wouldnt have thoguht it would make it thru the USPS as a postcard but if bossy says it can be done, then who am i to doubt?
Oooh, this would be nice. Thanks for the chance, Bossy!
Would LOVE to send out picture cards this year!!!! I’ve never done it!
I have definitely not sent out cards this year…and am debating whether or not to even bother.
I go back and forth on the to send or not to send out cards… I’d love some free ones, that’d make the decision for me!
I have boring cards. Would much rather send fun ones. No cute kids, but I do have four cute cats and a Handsome Husband. I could so make that work!
Will Tiny Prints tell me how to gather all four of my kids into one spot, so I can get a picture of them together? Instead of cobbling together a mess of him/her, her/her, him/other her, none of him/him, wait now there’s two of him, three of her, only one of the baby, start again…
Oh hell. It’s barely December and Momma’s already into the eggnog.
Oy! I’m in! This poverty party could use the boost.
I would LOVE to win this – it would save me SO MUCH TIME. AND MONEY. GAH.
Next year’s cards will be the best, because I just found out our local outdoor gear store offers free photos with Santa. With a camo backdrop. And I will have a baby to pose with this redneck Santa by next Christmas. I can’t wait.
I am such a sucker for anything stationery related!!
I’m thinking Summer Solstice cards.
Hmmm, maybe if I won I would send some out, stranger thangs have happened
too cute
This might be the only way New Years cards will happen this year!
I was just looking through photos to use to make my own Xeroxed copies on card stock Christmas cards! Hope I win!!!
I think this would push me to get cards …
I’d love to win these so I could have super-cute cards mocking me from my desk drawer for months to come. Oh, but wait, I’m *sure* I’d get these mailed out. Really!
Haven’t done cards in years. Can’t say I’ve done Xmas emails either. Hopeless, aren’t I?
Sweet! Good thing we haven’t even begun to think about holiday cards!
Oooh, I love cards! I have cute kids and wish I had a real camera instead of this point and shoot thing. I could try harder though with this movitation!
Very cute cards!
Daughter is coming home from college with her husky (dog) which will bring the total number of canines here to, well, quite a few. But a Christmas picture with a husky pulling a sled? Priceless. Pick me!
Could use the help this year, please & thank you!
I just received my 1st holiday card today – I am so not ready for prime time yet..
…sigh…thanks to BOSSY and TinyPrints for having such a cool contest
What fun!
We are actually doing a card this year (pic of the wrecking crew)… I am usually too disorganized to pull that off.
I was going to use tinyprints to do my cards this year (if I can manage to wrangle all four kids), and having a gift certificate would make it even better!
Pick me! I haven’t managed to get a christmas letter out in…well, EVER!
Uuuggggghhh my writer’s hand has JUST recovered from wedding thank you cards and now this?!
Terrific! Count me in!!
I have stopped sending Christmas cards due to the cost, but with a gift certificate, I would make an exception…
This would help move me out of my present state: indecision ad procrastination.
Love your site!
I never do Christmas cards. Should I do Christmas cards? Would it make my far-away family curse me less if I did Christmas cards? I don’t know how I feel about the Christmas cards.
But $50 might move me one way or another.
I’m torn between pressure to do cards, concern for the environment, and general laziness.
Awesome sauce! I could totally use this to get birth announcements from Tiny Prints.
Free cards would spread our new twins’ cuteness to even more friends!
Great giveaway!
Yeah! Gift cards at Christmas time – gotta love it! Thanks Bossy!
pick me!!!! pick me!!!!
Random Number Generator has never been my friend. But maybe if I promise to send her a holiday card?
Doh! I need to get on the card bandwagon! I’ve done them many years in the past, I’m just slacking this year.
Ooooooh! I haven’t sent holiday cards in EONS!
These are great!
Wow… Thanks, Bossy! Happy Holidays!
Pick me! Pick me!
Ooh! Ooh! Maybe we’d actually send cards out this year!
OOOHHH, that is all kinds of awesome!
This would totally solve my holiday card dilemma!
Yay, Bossy giveaways rule. Like nachos rule.
How wonderful! I have a love/hate relationship with holiday cards. As in, I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Sending them, receiving them, displaying them, etc.
But the physical act of sending them out – all of them – each year causes an immense amount of stress.
Anyway, what a great giveaway! And keep your fingers crossed that win or lose this thing – I get my holiday cards done TONIGHT!
me me me!!! pick mee!!!!
I would love to win this …so I can show the world my beautiful grandbabies!
We just had our holiday photos taken….this would be perfect!
My fingers, they are crossed for this win…
We were thinking about doing email cards to save $$ but this would be WAY better!
I took a break from looking at Costco holiday card options to read Bossy…I’m glad I did. These look way better!
We always do photo cards with a letter and this year we have a new puppy to feature! Awww.
My sister just had a baby and I know she would love this to use for a Christmas birth announcement!
Have used Tiny Prints a few times in the past. Such cute designs! This year I’m behind in the Holiday greetings. Seems that every year I’m behind, but this year I really am. Really.
I had pretty well decided to hide under a rock this holiday season and not send any cards at all, given unemployment and $$ and all, but if I win, I’ll come out from the rock.
i want, i want, i want. wah!!!!!!!!!! i want!
they have great stuff on their site and would force me to take a picture of my child where she is not snarling like a dragon or arggghhhing like a pirate…
Do we have to have incredibly gorgeous, blonde children in order to win?
IF I win-then I will send cards this year : )
I love photocards–I’ll send one to Bossy if I win!
Pick me, oh magical random number generator! I haven’t sent a Christmas card in three years, though not for lack of trying…
I’d love to win this give-away. Come on Random Number Generator!
Since I have not yet managed to order my cards, this would be fantastic.
And may I say that Bossy was looking quite lovely in 2006?
I think it’s fun to play Bossy’s game. Hope I win!
Is it too late to try? Those are some cute cards. Would love to try them. Happy Holidays Bossy
this would be cool!
I would give this prize to my granddaughter who just got engaged to use as a combination holiday/save-the-date.
We recently adopted our two daughters. I should probably actually send a card out this year darn it!
I wasn’t planning on doing holiday cards this year, but this would definitely change my mind!
Pick me because I don’t just post when you are giving something away, right?
I really, really need to win this. Seriously. Or it’s no cards again from Tracy this year. Sigh.
the tri-fold card is such an adorable idea!
Oh! Oh! I didn’t miss it, did I? I was busy posting a comment about Josh the featured gay! Pick meee! Pick meeee! I has a blog too but still try to get the darn Xeroxes of photos done along with (“sister mercy!”) carefully crafted prose like a newsletter in the mail by December 31 so I don’t have to do what I did one year which is send Valentines to all my aunts and uncles ’cause I felt so bad about not getting the Christmas cards mailed in time.
This is a great prize, but I fear I can’t live up to the cuteness on all the sample cards.
Wining this would be an incentive for me to finally get creative with my holiday cards. I hope the generator picks me, bossy
Awesome, I’m entered!
if I’m a winner, this could be the first year I send out holiday cards!
I used Tiny Prints for my Christmas cards last year and they came out great.
If I don’t win the cards, I just might steal your idea to make them. Even if i do win, I might make some anyway. Thanks for the inspiration. I’m about three years late with cards, and could probably stand to send out two sets this year to make up for it.
ooooh, i need to win!
If I don’t win, it’s another year of cards from the Walmarts.
One can never have too many cards because there is always one card that you get where you say “who in the name of Gah is this person?” so you send them a card too.
Either those are not really the Cohens, or Andrew’s got himself a shiksah wife there.
I would love to win this. It would be the only way family and friends get real cards this year.
Count me in! I’d love the gift card!
David – THAT is freakin’ hilarious.
If I win, this will be the first time in 15 years that I send out holiday/new year’s cards!
I rather like the name Random Number Generator, although I dislike numbers. Perhaps I’ll call myself the Random Comment Generator, since I’m able to fill up as much comment real estate allowed with nothing but randomness and hot air. In fact, if I don’t stop now, I’ll be sitting here at 3:00 a.m. still typing random stuff. But not one shred of it will have to do with numbers.
Now all I can think about is sending Christmas cards that we simply do not have the money to buy, make, or even buy postage to get them in the mail. Maybe if I win I can “find” the money for postage.
Maybe this will help motivate me to actually get my holiday cards out. I’m usually much better about it – but I am so behind the ball with the holidays this year. sigh.
I love to buy holiday cards but the addressing, stamping and mailing thing always gets me!
But if they were personalized, I’d just have to send them!!
I could use these – it would make me get off my rear and actually send my cards out instead of avoidingly avoiding them.
yes, please … cards for me, too!
Great giveaway – i’m not very excited with my leftover cards from last year – thanks!
Ooo! I’ve been looking at their site for baby thank you cards!!
I’d love to make some cards up with pics of my niece and nephew and give them to my sister for the holidays. Early gift, of course, so she could send them out!
If I win, I promise to out-cute the WORLD.
I would use them to make thank you cards for a much too recent very sad occasion.
Angel is available to win. Thanks!
I love Tiny Prints and can always find an occasion for them!
Looks like fun!
Is this contest still open?
Sign me up.
My cards are still up in the dark and cold attic — so I would love to win cards that could be made by the light of the warm computer!
oh, pretty please, I need christmas cards!
I decided to send cards this year (didn’t last year). So now I just need to win these cards.
Oooh! I’m in!
Ooohh! So f’n cute!
Would love to win this!
Hello, I’ve been spending work hours doing photos for this year. In one I cropped out my dog’s eyes and replaced them from another shot because, my God, he looked possessed. I need cards!
This would be awesome!
Good Gah, I will send you one of these fantastic cards if you pick me, and um give me an address to send it to! But on 2nd thought that may be a bit stalkerish.
I haven’t sent cards in well over a bazillion years – so, it would be a really nice surprise from those people who may or may not think my family has passed away to receive a CHRISTMAS CARD! pick me, please
If I win, it will be like, “Oh no, not another picture of Jen’s dog”.
I love your poverty posts! Even when you aren’t giving things away. I’ve save a lot of laundry detergent on you advice so thanks!
But I don’t even KNOW the Cohens!
yeah for contests!