Oyvey. Bossy was going to write a very poignant and meaningful post about her vintage Christmas tree balls and how precious they are to Bossy and her family and blah blah sentimental blah, except Bossy’s power has been out all morning, and there’s nothing like no electricity to put someone off celebrating things vintage.
Plus, Bossy’s husband hasn’t carried the Christmas ornaments from the attic yet, which makes all kinds of sense since Bossy doesn’t have an attic, although the absence of ornaments, even if kept in a crawl space, makes it difficult to feature these ornaments in a post.
But trust Bossy, they are notable. For instance, some of them look like this:
And some of them look like this:
And some even look like this:
OK, Bossy is lying, none of them look like that. But Bossy was feeling sorry for her Polygon tool, which gets little love in Photoshop.
Anyway. What is the opposite of vintage Christmas ornaments in various shapes not polygon?
That’s correct! The answer is the Christmas tree ball you see above, which is an Omnitech Digital Photo Viewer Ornament. This ornament comes in many styles and stores up to 100 images, and plays them in a constant slideshow on your Christmas tree.
Here’s the deal: the Omnitech Digital Ornament retails for $10 and is available only at Staples, but Bossy’s friends at Staples would like to offer one of these ornaments to three Bossy readers.
Simply leave a comment below, in ten words please, telling Bossy about your favorite holiday decoration. It doesn’t have to be a Christmas decoration. Bossy will employ her friend the Random Number Generator to select the three winners.
And make sure you check back later today for the most decorative comments on the web.
If you missed last week’s Ten-Word Challenge, click here to read nearly 200 crazy neighbor stories, in ten words of course.
handmade scallop shell ornaments, made w/ love, sand still inside !
I’m a big fan of the lights all my neighbors put up on their roofs and lawns. I love to look at them, but I don’t have to put them up or pay the electric bills myself.
Other than that, my favorite ornament is a handblown glass hummingbird I bought in Poland forever ago.
our tree topper – it’s the topper from my parents’ wedding cake!
Any ornament made by my sweet three year old, Jeb.
A Santa dwarf. Really. Just you try not to laugh.
I love my twenty nine piece Wallace candy cane collection.
Five year old LOVES the “Baby Jesus Playset” – ahem – Crèche.
advent calendar! Yummy sweets for twenty four days in December.
Remodeling. No decorations this year. Only Sterlite storage totes aplenty.
My dad’s handmade faceless angels sound scary, but they’re beautiful.
Nativity scene my father gave to my mother in mid50s.
Green construction paper tree with daughters kindergarden picture on it…
(Shes 23 now)
Love my old Campfire Girls beads strung on string.
Kids ornaments from birth to last year disappeared in move
Great Great Grandma’s VERY HEAVY solid glass 6″ diameter balls.
Santa on a Harley, riding, smoking, eating cookies, tossing toys.
Grandma Virginia’s vintage silver birds with faded red wings. Lovely.
My Glassy Babies. Year round.
My pink sand filled ornament from my Honeymoon in Bermuda.
Handmade ornament the husband made when he was five. PRECIOUS!
I have some ornaments my boys (now 16 and 14) made out of applesauce and cinnamon when they were SO MUCH SMALLER! They still smell like cinnamon and sparkle with glitter! I love them!
Blown glass ornaments made from Mt. St. Helen’s ash. Beautiful!!
My Muffy VanDerBear angel bear tree topper. Just beautiful!
Very pretty to look at but too much work. Blah!
Kids made popsicle stick ornaments at school. Will keep forever.
Clothespin ballerina ornament – the first one I bought for myself.
Advent calendar – made by mom – featuring daily family holiday photos.
My “baby’s first ornament.” A Hallmark kitten in a stroller. My 5-year-old “baby” broke just broke one of the wheels off of it. Still love it though.
First Christmas together ornament, must hang first and together, rule.
1950s lighted elves climbing ladder, future electrical-fire in making.
–>Ornament from Key West with message from husband on back.
The angel on top of our tree every year that my husband made out of tin foil and a napkin from our wedding (it was clean!).
Oldest daughter’s stocking. Handmade. The only thing I ever finished.
The ones on sale for 90% off after Christmas.
Flying Santa with a magic wand, grants wishes for real.
creepy stuffed santa by top stair – gets ’em every time.
anything with kids’ pictures to remind me of their cuteness!
Childhood ornaments, some purchased on special outings, some carefully handcrafted
A Holly kissing ball. Bought in Texas 10 years ago.
This year – Santa hat on rustic wooden great blue heron.
Little snowman, button on bottom, plays “Jingle Bells”, nose lights-up.
Star Trek transporter — Kirk, Spock, Bones inside, with lights/sound!!
The lopsided gingerbread house when the roof doesn’t cave in!
My family gathering for italian dinner on christmas eve then having breakfast once we all stumble out of bed.
The Christmas stocking that newborn me was brought home in.
Small terracotta pot, upside down as bell, fingerprint polka dots.
I love Christmas lights and wish they were up and on all year round.
ugly sack-type thing with lace and fabric strip accents made by sis.
two tiny mice each in a tiny mitten – string attached.
Our 20-year-old xmas tree that still looks new!
Vintage mushroom that only I can put on the tree.
I made a Cardinal’s nest for my mom in 2nd grade. We used spray paint and airplane model glue and very tiny little christmas tree ornaments as eggs. Then we attached a little tiny Cardinal to stand on the edge of the next. The nest was then connected to a clothes pin which snaps on to the branch of a Christmas tree. My mom let me have it and I tell my children how proud I was of it every year.
The smashed-up, very used cowboy hat that I perch atop my cowgirl Christmas tree.
But that’s besides the point. What I really needed to say was your first photoshop ornament looks suspiciously like an olive. Power failure…yeah, right.
made by our children, handprints, construction paper, pipe cleaners, glitter
Blue sparkly reindeer chosen with Grandma and Grampa about 1969
daughter’s little face in a circle of red /white yarn
Rude gingerbread! http://blogprincessg.blogspot.com/2007/12/damn-this-place-smells-good.html
I like fairy lights.
made with picture of daughter with chubby belly and santahat
she was 5
12 Days of Christmas vintage Avon ornaments from my Nana.
Cranberries and popcorn, strung on white thread with sharp needles.
Tree ornament: looks like a fish, made from a nut.
Two camels from Israel, fuzzy hair, bright saddles, from parents.
Uncle Mistletoe and Santa Bear Collection, Chicago Girl I be.
(And you should have heard the swear words in our house when I dropped one of my grandmother’s glass ornaments while decorating the tree. *sigh* Total shatter.)
I have an ornament that is a snow globe nativity scene, but you plug it in and it goes from white to blue to pink. We call it technicolor Jesus.
First childhood ornament, picked out at 3yo–a smiling angel
Glittery 2nd-grade Bree ball, you make every tree sparkle.
Ornaments by children out of puzzle pieces and their faces.
Mom used to dress petrified lizard in tiny Santa suit.
Chili pepper lights!
Then young son made Dreidel Man, now partially limbless.
My Boston Terrier’s puppy pawprint – he’s all grown up now!
We’ve sunk so low to beg for a $10 ornament.
It was the hand-painted clear ball with swirls and a hidden Mickey Mouse design from our best friends. Our nephew toppled the 10 foot tree last year while scrounging ALL the candy canes, and that was the only ornament that broke. Bah humbug.
Let me sum that up in ten words. Handmade favorite smashed by unsupervised nephew, no candy for him.
Tiny antique ornaments/tiny RV tree; kids have the rest.
3-foot-tall lighted tinsel flamingo. Head moves, wings flap. Target. $45.
Jenni D, I REALLY want that petrified Santa lizard please.
(What happened to the numbers on the comments? Technical difficulties?)
Styrofoam ball with photo of my little kid in bowtie.
wine-cork santa made by best friend during drunken phone call.
Elf on the Shelf. Decoration and parenting tool in one.
MILs ornament made from a disposable ashtray in elder care.
Give me the ornament. Some posters don’t understand “ten words.”
An old aluminum tree with color wheel from the ’60s.
cranberry (judy) garland. christmas-y smelling candles. big fluffy bows. silver.
a ballerina ornament made in 1st grade
pix of my dad as Santa with my 2 boys
not part of the 10 words but important to note, dad passed away this past May
Christmas village that my grandfather would put up every year.
little penguin on the christmas tree in scarf and hat
Lopsided construction paper circle covered in glitter hung by paperclip.
The Ginger Bread House thingy that holds our holiday cards.
Anything Snowman. Ornaments, plates, nutcrackers, mini tea set, or wallhanging.
The last Christmas card my my sent me before she died. Goes on the tree every year! 23 years and I still miss her
That would be my mom!
Half-assed cardboard abomination, crafted by craftless husband 100 years ago.
Vintage santas wearing burgandy and ivory, not red and white.
Dirty Little Snowman from my childhood. Saved from a basement flood.
vintage glass tree-topper bought from antique store on first anniversary
Tiny fabric hand, outline of my son’s at 1 month.
All the little, lighted miniture houses my mom puts up.
All ornaments my kids made in school when little. Memories.
Collectible nutcrackers: Moses, Sitting Bull, Sir Lancelot, kid you not.
Captain Kirk? King Kong? No. Embroidered tree from dead friend.
Forty foot blow up nativity scene on the lake dock!
Toilet paper roll Rudolph, use it as tree topper.
Handmade ceramic bell made by artistic daughter long time ago. A picture would be worth 10 words!
Mother and Daughter ornament received from my oldest daughter.
Nothing says Christmas like the Klingon Bird of Prey ornament.
Christmas clown, on top of tree, with accompanying song, natch.
The tiny white twinkling twinkle lights @ Christmas, so pretty.
Poinsettias are my favorite because I love the color red.
Snow Village collection – pain to put up, but beautiful tolookat.
Cardboard ring with school picture decorated with glitter, mom’s tree.
stockings hung by the chimney with care, and love too!
2 small wreaths made from puzzle pieces with my children’s pictures from nursery school : )
Charlie Brown tree cut from our woods. Thins the trees.
My pink angel with white head, silver glitter from kindergarten.
glass pickle ornament gift given to husband before first date
RIGHT ON for the Klingon Bird of Prey ornament MegfromMembersLounge!
Fiberglass “Angel hair” bell – YOU KIDS STOP PlAYING WITH THAT!
PS, I also have the shuttle Galileo which still plays, “Shuttle craft to Enterprise. Shuttle craft to Enterprise. Spock here. Happy Holidays-live long and prosper.”
(PS, I was a psych major too, Meg!)
Terrifying glitter baby sleeping on a dubious moon; really should regift.
The cat’s in the tree AGAIN. He’s now an ornament.
A miniature silver disco ball from a friend – groooovy, baby!
Caribbean Rasta Santa and many black and white cow ornaments.
Well placed tinsel and balls
OH wait? You didn’t mean decorations for me?
Husband called stuffed Santa “creepy” – 3yo hugs and kisses him.
first grade-bulb with my name in glitter, sister lost it
The Grinch with Cindy Lou Who. I heart the grinch!
silver ball played Oholy Night. Mom never let us near.
A cumbersome, large, silver, sparkly, prong-y ball. Weird, but awesome.
3 snowmen in a tub.
Old-fashioned, multi-colored, large tree lights — everbody else has little twinklers!
glass birds from germany.
Bread dough snow family ornament says “One Big Happy Family.”
Angel from childhood – even if head falls off!
talking buzz lightyear ornament. my 5 year old menaces it daily.
old mercury glass ball from my grandma
Peanuts and Lucy with Christmas tree – yard art.
one’s i made when i was little-they fill holes…….(in the tree-you know the empty spots! to many words i know but i had a “that’s what she said!” moment and had to explain)
I made it in Kindergarten. Must hang front and center!
red and green macaroni garland from my boys and I
Angel first used on Christmas tree at my wedding reception
Bumble the snow monster & Rudolph. In the Nativity Set.
My favorite decoration is one that somebody else puts up.
Sigh. Delapidated glockenspiel: Crazy grandfather’s ornament at birth. Prized posession.
Shiny Brite ornaments from my childhood in the 40s. Dating myself here, Bossy! Many good wishes..I heart your blog.
picture of hubby’s family with his deceased fathers last Christmas
Eggbert, the character and the ornament on my tree.
Every Christmas as a kid we would go tell Eggbert what we wanted while he insulted our parents.
red sleigh from popsicle sticks made by my little girl
mouse in walnut shell with blanket made by same artist
glass german pickle.find it and win a special prize!
my boys’ dyed green shredded wheat christmas wreaths from preschool.
(from many years ago)
Hand-painted sleigh with inexplicable two dollar bill scroll attached.
Brother’s 2nd grade Santa. Construction paper + cotton balls = glorious.
Gotta tellya, the comments are all messed up! What happened?
shrinky dink-like ornaments made from grocery store liver lids
2000 Lenox Curious George ornament featuring the World Trade Center
Childhood ornament collection, ALL stolen. Much sadness.
Irish nativity set purchased super cheaply at newly opened store.
Gold paint toddler handprint on green construction paper. Say “AWWWWW!”
Vintage whirly gigs hung over old hot lights twirl delightfully!
Bell made from Styrofoam meat carton in 1977. Glitter long-gone.
Joe Cocker glued to the star tree topper since 1974.
(I’m not even kidding)
The polysterene santa boot I chewed the heel off, aged 2. (2’s a number right, not a word. Oh, come on!)
(PS; I also left this comment on last week’s TWT thanks to a sticky mouse and my own stupidity.)
Penguins ice skating with festive scarfs from Hallmark circa 1980
Handmade twisty wire ornament fashioned by darling son this week!
Mrs. Clause weighs 5lbs made of clay at age 4.
Easy Bake Oven Ornament-good memories of sister now deceased.
pregnant bear, because it’s how I looked Christmas 99
Hand crocheted angel and snowflakes made by my grandmother, lost.
Melted-nose penguin skied too close to the light bulb.
Pine cone Rudolph with red lentil nose made in Kindergarten.
My commemorative John Paul II lawn sprinkler that came out every Easter. Let Us Spray! (Actually, I don’t have it anymore. I gave it to a friend who told me he would either kill me to get it, or kill himself if he couldn’t have it — death was involved either way and the Pope would not have approved).
GIveaways are nice and all but I’m running out to buy one of those NOW.
Oh – hand-painted bread dough ornaments made by whole family circa 1971.
bright fabric peacock dangles foil star from his/her beak
Crystal angels that were favors from best friend’s December wedding
Centerpiece filled with pinecones, antique Christmas balls, and candy canes.
My favorite decorations are the ones made by my children.
Every ornament purchased after divorce (which is all of them).
venetian glass angel purchased by grandparents while we were italy-ing
Cat in the hat. But kitty hates wearing that thing.
Ceramic NOEL letters that dad always moved to read LEON.
Last surviving green glass bauble of twenty different childhood homes.
antique soapstone nativity scene found at the thrift for $1.99
the trashbag tied wreath Kindergartener daughter made (and hated making).
Cute felt stockings hanging from a red velvet ribbon.
My Beauty and the Beast ornament. Though I keep it on the Beast side, not the Prince side.
Macaroni wreath around school photo: love the kid-made ornaments!
We have egg ornaments from Salzburg, Austria. They are awesome, and every year I pray they haven’t broken while they were in storage.
I would love to snag (buy) 2 of these for my 2 bosses, but I can’t find them on their website. Any clues?
cheap pastic santa..from the 50’s.. belonged to my mother.
Cute kitty stocking my mom made ten long years ago.
gingerbread houses, marshmallow creme too soft, houses slide slooooowly down
Wood Swedish elf, poke tip of hat — tongue sticks out.
Little wire-feeted feathered birds in blue, white, and red.
ceramic light-up tree painted by my great-grandmother
Ballerina ornament my mom got me when I was a little girl when we went to see the Nutcracker.