Bossy has this big long story to tell but hasn’t been able to spit it out because:
- Bossy had to upgrade her blog host platform, and she understands not one word of what she just typed except to say everything looks different now when Bossy tries to post. For example the tags are now on the right instead of the center and the New Post button is on the left instead of the top and sister mercy Bossy loves change as much as finding out Ikea changed the dimension of their square pillar candles.
- The upgrade of her blog host platform also resulted in changes to the way her blog looks and behaves. For instance Bossy’s comment section is all messed up and the graphics are gone and other stuff is missing and it’s something about the old code not being recognized due to the fact that Bossy waited too long to upgrade because it may surprise you to learn: Bossy hates change as much as finding out Ikea changed the wick bed of their votive candles. Again.
- Bossy lost electricity for an entire morning. An entire morning, people. Yes that was three days ago, but Bossy is slow to grieve.
Anyway. Please forgive Bossy for stalling this tutorial and yes this is a tutorial so quit asking.
It went like this: Earlier in the week Bossy invited her D.C. blog friend Vuboq, and Bossy’s other stalker friend from out of town, Alwyn, to come to Philadelphia to hang out because Bossy decided it would be fun to see many of the historic sites around her hometown.
An hour later Bossy and her friends found themselves in a lecture in Independence Hall waiting to take a tour of the room — the room! — where the Declaration of Independence was conceived and signed. Or maybe it wasn’t conceived there. Perhaps not even signed. And maybe it wasn’t the Declaration of Independence. Bossy wasn’t really paying attention because she had the church giggles and Alwyn was squirting hand cream and maybe you had to be there.
Mercifully the lecture was soon over, and Bossy and her friends and the tour people and one Marky Mark in That Fishing Movie were ushered into The Room:
All kidding aside, Bossy is quite reverent when it comes to history, and just being in that austere, hushed room filled Bossy with the gravity of historical events. And Bossy was quite taken with the architecture.
Next the tour guide led the group across the hall into The Room. The room where things were signed! Or not!
And then the tour guide led the group outside where they were led into other buildings and… no they weren’t. Actually the tour guide disappeared back into the building and shut the door against any speculation that there was more tour ahead, despite the tour guide’s inability to announce it was over. Bossy and her friends and one Marky Mark were quite perplexed, which led to conversation.
And as it turns out, Marky Mark wasn’t Marky Mark at all, nor had he just wandered off the set of On the Waterfront. No, it turns out he was a helluva nice guy from out of town who had nothing to do and was as hungry as the next frizzy-haired blogger and her friends, and so the four of them hopped a cab uptown where they settled into a nice river of wine lunch:
And the four of them carried on like old friends, which they were, sort of. At least, the four were counterparts in believing one should remain open and game to situations which present themselves, or else you miss life.
And that’s how Bossy picked up a guy in Independence Hall. Bossy’s pretty certain that sentence has never been uttered before. Well, except for that Ben Franklin.
Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit! History just got a lot more interesting. Thanks, Marky Mark and Bossy, et al!
what a totally awesome way to meet new friends!
about change…BossysMom one time hung a pretty dark grey washcloth on a chrome bar in Bossys Bath…
7 YEARS AGO!!!! Think I’m kidding? Nope. Bossys not great with change…apple fell far from tree! It may be 8 years.
I think if mr markymark is bored you should send him on over here *grin* and I cook too
I love that story.
Great post! I wish I’d seen Philly with Bossy!
Once again, Bossy wins for best at arms length self and others portrait!
Whoa – Marky Mark looks just like that David Bromsted guy who won that Design Star thing and isn’t he gay and did he hook up with your out-of-town friend but if he’s not he sure is cute and would you give him my number?
Okay, I’m going to go stand out on the Princeton Battlefield in case Marky Mark is continuing his historic tour in this direction. Looks like you guys had a great day.
Not-Marky-Mark is hawt.
That is a seriously heartwarming holiday story, Better than when the Von Trapps run over the mountains to escape Austria.
Not Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch. Nice.
Would have been suspicious of the shady tour guide to begin with. Everyone knows where the Declaration of Independence was signed…
…at the bottom!
If I come to Philadelphia will Bossy take me on a historic tour, too?
–>Not Marky Mark has a sexier profile than the full frontal shot.
Wait, that doesn’t sound right.
You make history more fun than “Schoolhouse Rock!”
@BH, Just so you know, vuboq made bossy … er … politely asked bossy to retake that final group shot like 4 times.
History with Bossy (and Alwyn and Marky Mark) is fun! and boozy. very very boozy.
I want one!
Heeeeeeellloo cute stranger!
Bossy always makes history lessons more interesting. Cute guy.
NotMarkyMark looked totally different (and better) without the hat.
Sorry Bossy’s having so much trouble with the blogsite whatever. I suspected as much.
Not Marky Mark looks familiar. I haven’t been to Independance Hall since our fourth grade school trip. Although I still have the new-but-made-to-look-old-copy of the Declaration of Independance that I bought (cost me most of my allowance). And I still love that thing.
I hope Santa leaves me Not Marky Mark under my Christmas tree. yum.
Dang it! I always miss life!
Don’t want to say it, Bossy, but that hunka hunka (hunka) burning Marky looks like he’d be a lot more interested in Vuboq than Bossy. Sorry, the gay-dar was a beepin’.
*Oh yeah* Who’s your founding father?
Bossy = FUN! Bossy is my kinda gal – Martini’s anyone? Hope we can converge at Blogher in August!
Bossy’s husband is a helluva guy. And better looking than Mark Mark to boot!
Did someone say something about hating change? I couldn’t hear over the roar of my dial-up internet modem.
p.s. I don’t even know what a modem is.
You can’t see me but I’m all glowy and God Bless Us Everyone from that story about Being Open and Present Moment (but hopefully not about divorce.)
I have a feeling I would have done a lot better in history had Not Marky Mark been around. Only you, Bossy, only you.
PS- If I make it to BlogHer can we go to some vaguely historical site together?
Thank you ever so much for the tutorial, Bossy. However, I think the one about how to parallel park would be much more helpful for my Christmas shopping. I’ll bring the train up and you can give me lessons.
and martinis.
Martinis, friends and cute guys – sounds like a perfect outing.
So did Not-Marky-Mark and vuboq exchange phone numbers?
I took a pic of my kids in that building when they were 10 and 13. The looks on their faces were screaming “can we get the hell out of here and go to the Jersey Shore?”
Recently, I picked up a guy at Tate Modern and told him that would make a charming little story to pass over to possible mutual offspring. Quite alarming he thought I was being dead serious about it.
I love talking to strange men in new places.
Did he blog about Bossy?
My family and I were just in ‘the room’ this past august and when the tour guide held up THE constitution I started snapping pictures like crazy, straining to get a good shot after the 10th or 11th one my husband hisses at me “what are you doing?” I reply back in a much louder, admonishing tone, “What! That is THE const……” realizing my error as the looks I am getting from my sons and nearby strangers range from pity all the way to absolute terror (my youngest who for once was paying attention and even he knew)… it was only a replica. Family vacations, gotta love em! Anybody who wants a bunch of blurry shots of a tour guide holding a replica of THE constitution – I can hook you up.
Bossy, you’re my hero.
Can I hang out with you guys? Seriously. I need these kinds of friends in my life. Great story, warms the cockles of my holiday heart!