You are looking at Bossy’s new best friend, one of the hosts of the QVC shopping network. Her name is Lisa Robertson, but Bossy calls her Lisa. Robertson.
Isn’t she, like, so pretty? Even if she does have corpse fingers:
But looks aren’t everything. So here is a list of the reasons why Bossy loves her new best friend Lisa:
Because when you phone Lisa to talk about the Ecclissi Sterling Bombe Link Bracelet Watch With Diamond Accents, she seems really glad you called:
And Lisa’s not just a good talker, she’s a great listener:
When you tell Lisa good news, she’s always happy to hear it:
And when you tell Lisa weird news, she gets all concerned:
And when you’re the fifteenth caller in one hour to tell her she’s beautiful, she’s all Oh my gah no way thank you:
And when everything’s been said that needs to be said regarding the weather in Corpus Christi, and your friends in the bridge club, and the Arte D’Argento 48″ Sterling Cultured Freshwater Pearl Necklace, Lisa Robertson waves goodbye like you’re her BFF too:
Lisa looks cold! She should tune into HSN and buy a sweater from hostess Lynn Murphy.
My husband used to love watching the home shopping channels. He never bought anything, he just thought they were incredibly entertaining. Of course, he also gets great amusement out of televangelists. I do not share his enthusiasm for either of these programs.
Maybe after Bossy’s Big Bonanza she can have a HOT PICK day too.
So what’s Today’s Special Value?
How can she be Bossy’s BFF when she’s MY BFF?! She’s so friendly and SO HAPPY that YOU called…and her laugh is adorable. I’ve never bought anything from a home shopping channel but I think she’s fun to watch. She’s also a great actress because she acts like that ugly crap is the BEST STUFF she has ever SEEN.
Im having her and Kelly Ripa over for a Chanukah party
Love her eyebrows.
she used to date my friend’s brother (who is also a qvc-er, but behind the scenes). She is exactly like that in real life.
She wears Diamonique like it’s the real thing.
Living in little old West Chester was amazing because the QVC people become part of your real life too so it’s truly like seeing your buddy on television.
HaHaHa. Grandma J, that was hysterical. I never watch shopping channels because I’m afraid I will order something. Plus, I”m more of a “blue light special” kinda girl.
I like my BFFs a little dead behind the eyes, too.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Gah! The sad thing is so many of you actually watch these channells! I’m with David.
Hey, I have that watch! Must be she’s my friend too
hilarious and spot on!
My mom is into the Quacker Factory clothes. She’ll call me and ask me to turn on the TV and let her know if the sweater they’re showing would look good on her. What the hecks do you say to THAT?!
You say sure it’ll look good on you, just let me know when you plan on wearing it, then be busy that day so you don’t have to be seen ‘in public’ with her wearing it.
Home Shopping Network was sooooo great. It always made me feel like I had a friend [cuz clearly I don’t in real life].
I’m suspicious of anything with diamond accents. I’ve never met a diamond with an accent and I really don’t think my jewelry should have either.
Lisa, though…she looks pretty bias-free on that matter.
Ha! Corpse fingers.
Seriously, though, that job would be hard. No way could I keep my cool and smile while some lonely wackadoo started jabbering nonsense at me live and on the air.
Lisa is only 4′ tall. That’s why the bracelet watch looks so huge on her but won’t fit around my wrist.
Probably. I wouldn’t know. *cough*
I wsa just watching her last night with the Bare Minerals lady. Between them and the Quacker Factory’s Jeanne Bice, I really see no need for any other channels.
I worked behind the scenes at Shop NBC occasionally on the weekends. You wouldn’t believe the things the hosts say about the merchandise before they go on air. They really are good actors, they are laughing inside as they sell most of the stuff.
Did you know Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs used to be a QVC host? Here he is talking about his attraction to, well, you’ll know soon enough:
I think Lisa is soooo pretty, too!! I have a girl -crush on her. It’s those perfect eyebrows…
She does the RCA dog head tilt very well.
Lisa scares me. But they only time I ever see her is when Leslie from Bare Escentuals is on. Which I’m compelled to watch, even though I never by from QVC.
My parents used to leave the shopping channel on when they left the 3 golden retrievers home alone, to keep them company. No lie.
Serious deja vu, or is this a re-post from another time?