If Bossy was the Sending Holiday Cards type, this family portrait may be in the running, where family portrait equals a guest appearance by Bossy’s favorite Not Stray and yours, Baby David aka Snowflake.
If not for Christmas, you should still send this out as cards. Everyone needs a photo of a dog sitting like this to tack up on their fridge or bulletin board. Very cute!
I just passed the laptop around so the whole family could have a peek.
It’s good to have the husband look at Stella after he’s been complaining about daschunds.
Watch out, Bossy. Is Snowflake nee Baby David, nee Honky nee was a stray a male or female? Our stray-was-going-to-be-an-outside-mouser-living-in-the-shed-under-a-heat-lamp is a female who ended up being the stray-was-going-to-be-an-outside-mouser-living-in-the-shed-under-a-heat-lamp-but-now-sleeps-on-our-bed-with-us-and-the-dog. And now, now she’s IN HEAT AND MEOWS ALL NIGHT LONG AND WE HAVEN’T SLEPT ALL WEEK!!!! Her spay appointment isn’t until January 19th. GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kitty in DA house! Yo!
Ruh roh.
I can never get enough of the sitting Stella.
I simply LOVE this pic.
If not for Christmas, you should still send this out as cards. Everyone needs a photo of a dog sitting like this to tack up on their fridge or bulletin board. Very cute!
I love this picture!! But… Stella doesn’t try to consume kitty friend?
That’s Honky cat, no? We need the backstory to this shot.
Cracker and Stella don’t seem to mind each other very much, which only means that you are in SO much trouble.
Wait til Son Of Bossy finds out!
We have a Snowflake-Honky-David-Lookalike hanging around our building. Last night I saw a bowl of food outside the door of a vacant apartment.
Kitty looks very comfortable on the couch, where is her brother sleeping on your bed??
YAY……………..comments are back!
I heart this picture. Love, love how Stella sits so ladylike on the couch.
bossy’s son has been raised to respect diversity, I’m certain he will love sharing his room with the newcomer.
snowflake is so smart.
I just passed the laptop around so the whole family could have a peek.
It’s good to have the husband look at Stella after he’s been complaining about daschunds.
Snowflake: I haz in!
Stella = Cute
Kitteh = Cuter
Bossy’s Daughter = Cutest
YAY it looks to me like that honky baby david is keeping his snowflake arse at your house!!!
Dog could eat cat for Christmas Dinner…
Wait, weren’t there identical twin cats? Did Stella eat the other?
I think the cat is in to stay. Watch out for fleas!
Sweet picture, all it needs is Bossy’s son home from final exams.
Watch out, Bossy. Is Snowflake nee Baby David, nee Honky nee was a stray a male or female? Our stray-was-going-to-be-an-outside-mouser-living-in-the-shed-under-a-heat-lamp is a female who ended up being the stray-was-going-to-be-an-outside-mouser-living-in-the-shed-under-a-heat-lamp-but-now-sleeps-on-our-bed-with-us-and-the-dog. And now, now she’s IN HEAT AND MEOWS ALL NIGHT LONG AND WE HAVEN’T SLEPT ALL WEEK!!!! Her spay appointment isn’t until January 19th. GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!