Salad with ginger dressing. But not just any salad with ginger dressing, this salad with ginger dressing from a nearby Japanese restaurant, which Bossy has tried to replicate most of her adult life — and Bossy is about 88% there, but that elusive 12% is unforgiving.
Yum, radishes! Also, your comments are working now. I think.
Bossy simply must share if she gets to 100%. Hell, I’m not even 50% there. Our Japanese restaurant has a similar (maybe the same?) dressing and OMG-yum.
This might get you a little closer….
MY favorite thing, especially on a cool afternoon coupled with a bowl of Miso Soup and a Sake chaser
Love this. There’s a place down here that makes a lemon tahini dressing that’s a contender, too.
I have a favorite Japanese ginger dressing from a restaurant, too. It’s more orange-colored than yours, but oh so tasty. The nice thing about the restaurant in question is that they’ll sell (or maybe it’s give?) you some if you bring your own jar.
The best dressing, hands down!
What is it about that dressing? Everyone I know loves it, no one can make it!
Perhaps Bossy needs more sake to crack the code.
I want to dip my finger in it and lick….someone better take me there next visit! Happy snow! Can’t wait to get picts!
I completely agree. It is perfection in dressing form. And with a sake flight from my local sushi joint, HEAVEN!