As some of you may know because Bossy couldn’t stop complaining about it for three minutes in a row, Bossy’s blog has been caught in some sort of code purgatory ever since Bossy was recently forced to upgrade her blog’s platform:
After many days of torture, where torture equals Bossy gave up and took time off and that sleeping late thing is pretty darn great, Bossy’s team of beautiful and talented web designers came to Bossy’s rescue!
If you don’t yet know Bodacious Girl, check out her cute new cooking blog which she started with her cute new boyfriend. They cook all kinds of romantic things together, like Pork Larb. Aww.
And if you don’t yet know Urbanana, get your fanny over there. Unless you are one of those cold hearted types who don’t enjoy photos of sweet new newy newness.
Besides that, Bossy has many stories to share with her council from the last two weeks. Unfortunately Bossy can’t remember any of them.
Oh yeah, there was that fascinating post Bossy wanted to write about Target and its ineffectual Christmas Light inventory:
And there was that gripping post Bossy wanted to write about how her friend Martha recently announced she had returned to her natural hair color. Except when she said it, she looked like this:
Of course there was also the scintillating post in Bossy’s head about when Bossy went to a book signing event featuring Bossy’s close and personal friend Her:
But today Bossy is getting snowed in, and so she can’t get to these backlogged tales and more.
And Bossy can’t get to these stories because Bossy has been sitting here on her sofa looking out that window and drinking coffee for hours and hours and hours and Bossy is too caffeinated to concentrate.
Instead, to celebrate Bossy’s working comment section, Bossy’s friends at Seattle’s Best Coffee stepped forward with a giveaway! Who remembers Bossy’s friends at Seattle’s Best Coffee after Michael Jackson died?
This time Bossy’s friends at Seattle’s Best Coffee would like to give five Bossy readers a kit containing three of their seasonal favorites: Sleigh Bell Blend, Almond Roca, and Peppermint Mocha Trio. Here is a link to the descriptions of each, utilizing words such as balanced, smooth, rich, sweet, complex, and simple.
Got it? That’s five winners, three coffees. Just leave a comment below — a comment! — one per person please. And Bossy will employ her friend the Random Number Generator to select a winner at the end of the weekend.
Good luck, council! Bossy has missed your input, expertise, judgments, advice, and wit.
My blog suffers from being commentless, too. Just not for the same reasons as Bossy’s.
Great giveaway, great post. Thanks!
OMG! Free coffee!
*falls over*
begs Mr. Random Number Generator to pick ME ME ME ME ME.
I would do naughty naughty things for free coffee. Srsly.
(I am out of coffee and the Whole Foods is CLOSED. b/c of the SNOW! GAH!!!!)
My husband loves him some coffee. He’d love this!
I wondered what was up and missed Bossy’s posts as they are my bedtime reading (for enjoyment after tough days, not as a method to induce sleep). Wouldn’t mind more coffee! Keep warm and dry, I am in NJ grinding my teeth as I hate snow!
I am making a comment so that I can win the coffee so that I can give it to the handsome and talented Mr. Vuboq!
And, OMG, next to the sad little light section, is that an enormous CANDY section!
I would sooooooo enter for some o dat coffee but because I am part o da talented design team I am probably eliminated by some sort of friends family and affiliates of bossy are not eligible to win or the SKY WILL FALL. So I sit here. Uncaffinated in my sadness…
Welcome back comments! and yum…coffee!
Awww, thanks for the compliments, Bossy!! We’re all so happy that your comment section is back. Am I eligible to win coffee? Because I need me some coffee. Newborns like to stay up all night – who knew?!
So glad you’re back. Have a very merry Christmas.
Oooh, that’s some serious snow! Perfect for a cup of coffee.
SQUEEEEEEEEE the comments are working! It’s 70 and sunny here – but I still like coffee. Even if you might hate me after that sentence.
I missed Bossy sooooo much!
Also, please pick me for coffee. I have a 4 week old and dear lord, I need the caffeine.
Hooray! Comments are back! Bossy can pick herself up off the floor!
Glad you’re back…have a cup of coffee on me!
Comments are back! Horrah! Huzzah! All other words ending in ah!
1. Chumbawamba is singing in my brain. Thanks for that.
2. Awesome. Have to love dedicated web designers. They are the best! (And I somehow have a visual of her programming while in labor. “No, no, that’s not the right code, it’s AAARRRGGGHHH!”
3. Awwe. Cuteness. Thank god for menopause. Those pictures no longer have the power over me to make me want to make another one of those.
5. I prefer indigo and that’s my suggestion for Martha. It’s the best of both the blue and the purple worlds.
6. Love PW. Love Bossy. You’re both gorgeous.
7. This is one of the reasons I’m moving back East. (I know everything you’re about to say, but there’s no talking to me about it at the moment. Talk to me in January 2010.)
8. I know. Same here with the caffeine.
Glad the comments are back, Bossy.
Coffee, please!! I’m about to move to chilly Buffalo (where there is less snow than here in WV today) and study for the NY bar exam. Oh random number generator, please see the dire-ness of my sitch and send me coffee so I can stay warm AND pass the bar!
Glad you are back Bossy!
Welcome back Bossy’s comments, and commenters!!! You were missed! Also – coffee giveaway – excellent! Snow – not so much, although now that I’ve moved to the desert I sorta miss it (kind of, not really).
Yeah! Comments are back! I like Martha’s natural hair color.
Yum! Coffee giveaway! Pick me RNG!
Silly Bossy, You didn’t buy your Christmas lights on October? Neither did I.
Please send me some coffee!
Bossy’s coffee has no caffeine??? Mmm….coffee.
Coffee = Christmas gift? Because I still need a few. We won’t care if they don’t come until after Christmas.
Hey random-winner-picker! Here’ s a random thought: pick me cause I used to live near Seattle. Oh! Plus I hate Starbuck’s cause they act like they invented Seattle and I love Seattle’s Best cause they don’t..
Glad comments are back Bossy! Cool pic of you & PW!!
Yeah! Comments are back! (Not that I comment hardly EVAR but… yanno!)
Yay Bossy’s back! Have fun with all that snow, hope I win that coffee!!!
LOL, I meant January 2011.
FREE COFFEEEEEEE!! OH MAH GAH! Count me in…obviously I need more coffee…..
Coffee! Yes. Christmas lights? We managed to mis-file ours and had to go to Tar-Jay too. I also noticed their stock was way down from previous years (when I didn’t need anything anyway).
You are too funny. I love coffee.
Must Have Coffee!
Yay comments!!! And Yay Free Coffee!!
Oh, and I just have to say that as an engineer who works for an oil and gas company I was seriously LOLing at your blog platform drawing.
welcome back!
I wish I knew how to quit you, Bossy’s comments.
Ah, coffee….. Bring the IV drip and I might make it through the day. Must have been a late one last night…..
Poor hubs is suffering from complications of oral surgery. Would love to give him this coffee. (don’t drink much of the stuff myself.)
Yay for comments being back in working order!
Can we leave comments now? ha ha
Whazzup with the lack of Christmas lights? I couldn’t find any either. Thanks for the giveaway and yay! for the comments working.
Just what would one blend Sleigh Bells with to make coffee? Aside from coffee beans that is.
Whoohoo! Bossy got her comment section back for Christmas! Way to go, Santa…thanks for making the early delivery.
Love your snow pics! Count me in for the coffee giveaway! Thanks!
I have entered every single dag gummed Holiday giveaway on the internets in the past two weeks. Hopefully my luck has changed, because I could really use some coffee.
Yay! Your comments are back. I’m looking forward to next 10 Word Tuesday.
Also, coffee = love.
Dearest Bossy:
I have had a crap, crappity, crap-crap weekend. And it’s only Saturday afternoon. Do you know what would make things a little better? Free coffee. Free coffee would temper my temper, lift my spirits and remind me of all that is good and beautiful in this world.
And while we don’t have snow here in the deep South, we are pretty cold. And you know what would warm me up? Free coffee. You (and random number generator) know what to do.
Hi Bossy,
I love your blog –with and without comments!
I’m so excited for you to have your comments back! I hope I win coffee!
Let the record reflect. No comment.
I miss Seattle badly. Please send Seattle’s Best coffee to ease my sorrow.
I love, love, love the purple in Martha’s hair!
I figured I won the free dog biscuits…maybe I’ll get lucky again : )
Coffee, did someone say coffee?!?! And free at that!!
Good to have you back, Bossy. I was getting lonely over here in the land of far-flungedness.
Will be seeing you in a few days.
I’m thrilled to be able to say “hello!” again, and to day dream about coffee, sweet sweet coffee.
as one who drinks coffee that makes her Navy dad proud, send it my way please!
Pick me! Pick me!
well the hair is not so natural after all…. sign… I was worried for a while…. scared to visit…. thank the Lord that the dye didn’t take! Let the purple shine through….
I love coffee…
i wish i had the balls that martha has – i would LOVE purple hair… oh yeah, and some coffee too.
Almond Roca, please.
Purple hair is my secret dream, not sure it would go over well with the cookbook committee crowd though….
Every day I tried to leave a comment, just because I couldn’t. Do you think that’s why I have a hard time with diets?
Lawdy, gimme coffee. The forecast for Christmas is all: snow! And then it’s going to snow again! And AGAIN! And then maybe HAIL!
And I’m pretty sure BEARS will come out of the woods and eat us all then. Because THEY’LL BE HUNGRY TOO.
for christmas this year, there will be 8 adults at my parents’ house, and two kids under age 3 — we’re gonna NEED coffee.
I, too, was disappointed with Target’s Christmas light section. Maybe winning some coffee would prevent disappointment from becoming bitterness. Especially balanced, smooth & sweet tasting coffee. Couldn’t hurt.
I’m not a regular commenter, but something about NOT being able to comment made me WANT to comment that much more. I’ll need that coffee to Seattle my nerves.
Glad to see your comments are back! Yeah, all the stores actually have had noticeably poor inventories on everything! I heard on the news the same thing. They just couldn’t risk have unsold inventory, or some such thing.
I am having 19 christmas eve including 8 children I think the 11 adults could use coffee for this event. Not sure 3 would be enough but its a start
sweet sister bossy, i was so sad about the plunge from the blog platform but as usual, your hair looked *great* and your boots are fab.
Not a coffee drinker and pregnant anyway. I just wanted to take the time to say that I’m happy that we can once again leave comments! I’ve missed you comments section, nice to have you back!
That Peppermint Mocha Trio has my name written all over it. Or more likely 5 other names written all over it.
whee! Comments are back. I am envious of your snow. We have a paltry inch on the ground right now. I am also envious of the cleanliness of your house, as mine is in the purgatory of painting and looks like some untidiness elves have been helping out the process. Coffee would help.
I love coffee! and I love free!
Coffee!!! Hooray!
coffee = my early death from too much caffeine
You cannot tell me you are drinking massive quantities of DECAFFEINATED coffee are you?! That is like drinking de-alcholized wine for crying out loud Bossy..
As I am due to be released from pregnancy and into sleep deprivation hell soon, I so want some coffee!!
Coffee? Seattle’s Best? I have a long term affection for their coffee. Of course Grandma J won your last Seattle’s Best giveaway over a month ago, so she doesn’t expect to be so lucky twice. But please Bossy….when wilst they send me my coffee?
Nectar of the gods…
I have the cutest coffee cup from Seattle to put that in! Thanks.
Seattle’s best coffee?! I live in CT and will be heading to Seattle for a visit next year. Visit or not, I’d love the coffee!!! Good for you for sitting in line at the bookstore–I got a note that PW would be in Manchester, CT this weekend and I LOVE her blog, recipes, articles, etc., as much as I lvoe yours, but “sister mercy” I could NOT do the hours in a bookstore thing!!
I am SO glad you are giving away coffee and not Christmas lights or oil rigs or photogenic newborn babies. I have no ambivalence about coffee. It is always awesome and it never threatens marine life or gets tangled or broken or cranky or smelly. Yay coffee!
COMMENTS!! It’s a Pre-Christmas Miracle!!
Snow? BLOWS!
Missed Bossy’s posse’s clever comments. Nice to see everybody back. Now bring on the coffee!
Love the comments, AND the snow!
Glad you’re back … I missed you! and thanks for the snow pictures; it’s 72 degrees in Tucson (not exactly Christmasy, but lovely none the less). Hope the kids are home and you’re all hanging out together!
Gah, I could go for some coffee right now. Then I could be more awake to enjoy snuggling with my 8mo old little girl!
Coffee! Please!
Me likey SBC!!!!!!
yea for coffee and comments!
MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm Coffeeeeeee….
comments and coffee – all is right
Yummy! Coffee!
Glad things are working again for you. Few things are more frustrating than technology gone awry.
Not as much as we would miss your input, expertise, judgments, advice, and wit!
Yeah, coffee and bossy!
I LOVE Coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Love flavored coffee!
My Dr. decaffeinated me, but I sneak the real stuff now and then.
How excitement… Bossy’s comments return, upside-down no less!! Plus I think I get to be #100. The adreneline rush never ceases around here, does it? Can I stand caffeine on top of it all… I think I could risk it.

I wonder if this will be my lucky number.
Mmmmmmm coffee!!! Mahalo and MELE KALIKIMAKA to the whole Bossy clan!!!
Merry Christmas! glad you’re back, Bossy. your world looks so good…how do you do it?? love the pics of your family.
Woohoo! So glad you’re back with Comments!
Missed you! Srsly.
I’m glad you got it back up and working again, G.
Coffee AND comments!
well, this is my first time to your blog. Pioneer Woman gave you a thumbs up on her website!
Seattle’s Best is my favorite coffee in the whole world! Great give a way! Glad the comments are back!!
Lauren, honey, don’t drink coffee if you are breastfeeding that baby because it will stay up all night AND all day. Just saying.
OMG. Sweet lord of mercy, she is *BACK*. Kiss-Kiss Bossy – missed you SOOOO much (or you missed me, of that I am certain!). HEE!
Coffee, coffee, COFFEE!
So happy the comments are back, and you too Bossy! Love the coffee. Enjoy the snow.
Yay comments! Yay coffee! Yay snow in other people’s states and not mine!
Coffee, please!!!
I sure love coffee, but hate snow. I moved out of snowland MN about 10 years ago and never looked back. OK I’m off to get my holiday haircut in the 73 degree high today!
Free coffee! Yay!
yea comments! need some coffee to feel like a human again after a 2 hour snow shoveling session (northern NJ)!!
ThatGirl thinks maybe, just maybe, Bossy broke her comments so she could drink coffee in peace.
Woot! It’s the return of the comments! And for some fab coffee? Sign me up!
I could use more coffee.
I just thought commenting had gone out of style.
I would love me some coffee to go with the brownies, the cinnamons rolls and the macaroons that I have be devouring whilst stuck in my house waiting for my driveway to be plowed.
can’t start the day without coffee.
Jealous of the snow. Want to sit and drink coffee and watch it snow.
make mine a decaf! Please!
Welcome back Bossy’s Comment Section!! You missed Chanukah!
The deal is I am in my cold office with a hot cup of St. Louis Bread Co. coffee (partially decaf and mostly hazelnut), supposedly getting a bunch of work done so I can stay home the next couple of days and nurse my daughter, who is scheduled to get her wisdom teeth yanked tomorrow afternoon. I am getting nervous. She is calm.
Take care, enjoy the snow, p.j.
So wish I was brave enough to put a purple streak in my hair. It’s my favorite color.
Sometimes I wonder if something has happened to the comments on my blog too, but sadly, not the case.
We go through mucho coffee in this house, mostly because of my hubs. The Almond Roca has my curiosity piqued.
Love coffee! But love Bossy even more!
Bossy, you slay me!
I need some holiday caffeine… and if it arrives by New Years I am definitely going to spike it! lol. Happy Holidays and enjoy the snow… (lucky for us in Maine we didn’t get the storm this time…phew!)
Thank Gah that the comments are back! I have been unconsolable in my inability to post trivial drivel here. Now all is again well with the world. Happy Snow Day, Bossy and Bossy’s family!
Welcome back comments, we’ve missed you!
–>You’ve been missed!
Bossy, I have missed you and your comments! Now I may survive the next 2 weeks with all my kids home from school!
yeah for comments and coffee!
I’m glad the comments are back but even more gladder that Bossy is up to her usual silly self again.
As for Martha’s natural hair color, Bossy: don’t judge. We trolls need love, too.
Does Bossy drink decaf because she was a roughneck in a former life?
sweet lord. this is a *WAY* better giveaway for me to win, seeing as how i drink coffee all the livelong day… not that i’m ungrateful for the (yummy) dog biscuits… they were good… i hear…
Don’t think I have EVAH had peppermint coffee…..Welcome Back, Bossy’s Comments!
Ohh those sound delicious!!! pick me!!
oh bossy, i’m so happy you have your comment section back! did someone say coffee??
Martha’s hair rocks. All that snow rocks. And coffee rocks. C’mon, Random Number Generator!
Welcome back comments! I would love to just smell all of those coffees. Mmmmmm. I’ll leave the drinking part to my hubby.
Too tired to be clever. Want free coffee. Stuck in Tuesday-style commenting mode. Glad they’re back.
Oh that baby is so cute; who cares about lights and comments when you can see cute babies….while drinking coffee of course!
Is Bossy always this grumpy? I just call my cranky posts rants. So people know what to expect…
Hunter (#35) I’m with you – I have been using that IV drip line for years. But the downside is I love the TASTE of coffee.
so glad BOSSYS comments are back, and that the snow missed Michigan for a change…
I love coffee when I’m not 1st trimester pregnant. I might like coffee next week again! Pick me!
Black, no sugar please.
Yay for snow and caffinated coffee!
No comment!
Pssst, Bossy. Those people above don’t really deserve to win. They all secretly hate coffee. I’ve heard them talking amongst themselves when you’re not around. Not me. I love coffee. Now you know the truth, and the right thing to do is to send me all the coffee. God might punish you if you don’t. Just sayin.
I really did try to comment the other day, I swear!
comments? It’s a festivus miracle!!! woohoo!!!
Yeah- comments are back! Coffee is better with caffeine…
In the crowd shot at the PW signing, guy standing in the way back in a blue shirt…that is me.
Hi bossy.
Amity LOVES coffee. Esp. FREE coffee.
Yipee Coffee!!!! Yipee comments back on. I missed Bossy’s council.
you’re back!
I can not get enough coffee these cold and dreary days! Does Seattle’s Best make an IV Drip blend?
Am I too late? Love your blog!
Yay! Comment section is back!
And urbanana’s baby is way. too. cute.
Love the photo of the mug and the window…
yay for comments working! and the troll hair thing = hilarious.
Coffee? Throw my name in the hat for the random number generator!
Yay, the comments are back, the comments are back!!!
Coffee good, Seattle’s Best coffee, even better!!!
mmmmmmmm coffee
Ah, coffee and comments. What a lovely combination.
So glad your comments are working… I was reading, I promise!
Welcome back, comment option! I’m so glad I can chime in again.
Sure would love to drink some yummy coffee while reading all of the COMMENTS!
I love Seattle’s best, even though I’m a California girl. I even buy it to drink. With my own money! So, I’d love to get some for free.
Free Coffee! Yippee!
So glad your back blogging with comments! Missed your witty humor over the last week or so. Happy Holidays!
Yeah…. so I heard you met Sista #1 at the infamous book signing extravaganza…….#1 went on and on about your hair……I must admit…..I was jealous…..of both your hair and being 1200 miles away from all of the fun.
Coffee would be good—free coffee even better—but Seattle’s Best is the best.
I am going to comment, and not only for the coffee, but because while that snow is nasty looking and all white and probably slippy and stuff – living here near Chicago, it just doesn’t look THAT BAD… yet.
My garbage cans have a 3inch deep white “hat” on them.
Just sayin’
Happy to know you are not broke anymore!!
Glad to see you are back up and running. If you ever figure out that Ginger Dressing recipe, please share Bossy, I have aslo tried and tried!
Until you do, I would love to sip some coffee! Thanks!
pick me!
I miss your poverty party posts! When are they coming back?
Free coffee???? I have a two-year-old… offering free coffee is like saying “here, have some unicorns and rainbows and kittens!”
Only I wouldn’t want the unicorns and kittens because they’d poo and I’d have to clean it up and HELLO…. we’re potty-training over here! I am so doing enough poo cleaning! The rainbows would be nice, though. They’d draw attention away from the dirt in the house… and…
Wait, what was I saying? Something about tea??
There’s nothing like a good giveaway to fill up the old comment section! Glad to see you’re back!
The Mormon’s insist that decaf has caf and won’t drink it for that reason. It’s sinful!
during “the bossy comment fallout of 2009” the random number generator and i decided to go to counseling. all that mumbo jumbo better pay off now.
Drats, am I too late?!
Who cares about coffee (although I’d accept it).
The real treat is the return of Bossy and her clever and lovely Commenters. Hello everybody! Hot diggety damn! You’re back!
Mmmm COFFEE! I’m getting all jittery just thinking about it
Coffee please.
Congratulations on the Return of the Living Comments! My beloved eMac woke up dead Sunday morning, and I will be largely without a comment section until 2010, so I understand your joy.
Glad you are back and would love any one of those coffees. I don’t drink it but hubby does and we are always looking for ways for him to cut some $$ from his coffee habit.
Yay! Comments are back!
Yay! Coffee!
Yay! (OK, I’m having trouble maintaining that level of happy due to the stench coming from the kitchen table of the 107 bottles of old half-used essential oils the Guy bought at an auction and wants me to clean up, price and package so he can sell them at the antique mall. Please make the smell go away!) Coffee! That’s it, I need some coffee!
coffee.yum. baileys in coffee.yummy.
Look at that, bossy’s comments are back and so I get to be #193 (unless someone hits submit before I’m done).
I drink coffee Bossy, please. I also have lots of tequilla, seeing as how it’s 62 and sunny here. No snow for us this Christmas (hooray!!!!!!) Maybe someone will come back from college in time to dig mom out.
Does Bossy’s prize coffe have caffine? A very important question.
Oh please. Pick me. I never win anything. And I need coffee.
This has been one crazy week and it’s only Monday! I could really use that coffee!
Coffee is good …
I have 4 kids and one husband and they all live in my house and make me crazy. So PLEASE pick me!
Caffine. Yes, please. Thank you.
Coffee for me por favor!
I need coffee!!!! Thanks!
Don’t give a rat’s ass about the free coffee. Just glad Bossy is back!
Purgatory. Platforms. Pork Larb. People vs. Target. Purple. Pioneer Woman. Peppermint.
Thank God Bossy is back.
I think your comment section crashed because it was on serious OVERLOAD.
And I love your green hair.
I like coffee.
Coffee. Can’t live without it.
I hope i win. I love coffee.
Oh Random Number Generator, how I love thee!
What IS with the lights this year??? Went to Target and Walmart and there was not a string of regular indoor tree lights to be found! Finally found some at the local rinky-dink drug store.
Just wanted to vent. Don’t put me in the coffee giveaway. I hate coffee (ducking)!
So glad things are getting back to the way they should be! I love coffee.