This hat.
Bossy bought it from a street vender in New York City a few years ago. If the calendar sports a month between November and March, place bets this is what you’ll find perched on Bossy’s head.
Have you ever known people who don’t wear hats? Yeah, Bossy never understood that. Is it because they don’t want to mess up their hair? Well, that may explain it, because Bossy doesn’t have that concern: her hair is messed up in perpetuity!
And Bossy isn’t talking about a little cute decorative hat, she is talking about the kind of hat that actually does the job of covering the ears and every part of the skull, since this is where we lose the most body heat, right out the top of the head, like the heat escaping out the roof in Bossy’s little house, or like this post, escaping Bossy’s brain one nonsensical sentence at a time.
In whatever case, when Bossy was a young adult she often didn’t have a hat and she would wait for all manner of city bus on freezing windswept streets — but now if Bossy sees that scenario it looks so ridiculous because Sister mercy put a hat on! Where do you think you are? Aruba?
Me and hats, we have Issues. I don’t know if I have a particularly misshapen head or too small of a forehead or what, but most hats are in my eyes if they’re covering my ears. It’s very irritating. I dig your hat, though.
CUTE cute cute!
I can’t do hats very well either. So I do those earband things covered by a hood. Or a scarf.
But Bossy is rocking that hat.
Loving the hat! My tall boy wears a similar hat because he’s cool like that. I personally go for the roll-brimmed fleece hat that can be pulled way down for ear-warming if necessary, but can approach cuteness with the brim rolled up.
Well. You look CUTE in the hat. I look like a mean man in any hat I put on–except for a visor. So, no hats for me. Oh. And I’m not a man, tho I can be mean from time to time.
If Bossy ever goes homeless and has to live under a bridge, call me. Cuz with that hat buddy, you sure look like a dumpster diving, wild eyed thorazine child.
I love your hat. Is it just me or does that hat make you all silly and goofy?
remember the laughs we had when I tried on the cousin to your hat and between sputters and guffaws you agreed with me that I don’t have a head that can sport a hat… but I love YOUR hat on YOUR head!!!
Dear Bossy’s friend Amy — that is totally not how that story went. Bossy thought you looked GREAT in that hat and Bossy urged you to get it, but you were all, MY HAIR.
OhOhOh, Bossy! In KNOW we’re not supposed to shill for our ownselves in other bloggers’ comments, but it’s not really for me, and I’m not even a blogger so maybe this doesn’t count? My beloved oldest son (every bit as endearingly wonderful to my heart as your own beloved son is to yours, and for most of the very same reasons
runs an on-line shop where he sells really cool earflap hats like that in every conceivable size shape and color. (Literally, there are hundreds to choose from!) If you let this comment live (I’m not a spammer, I promise!) then you and your readers can check it out at:
They are really well made — very warm! And they’re fair-trade supporting woman-owned businesses in Nepal. Heads should definitely be kept warm!! Why not be stylin’ at the same time? 
I think he’s got a closeout section so it’s even great for your fellow Poverty Party participants. (My dog’s name is Max. See? No spammer would tell you stuff like that!
OhOhOh, Bossy! I KNOW we’re not supposed to shill for our ownselves in other bloggers’ comments, but it’s not really for me, and I’m not even a blogger so maybe this doesn’t count? My beloved oldest son (every bit as endearingly wonderful to my heart as your own beloved son is to yours, and for most of the very same reasons
) runs an on-line shop where he sells really cool earflap hats like that in every conceivable size shape and color. (Literally, there are hundreds to choose from!) If you let this comment live (I’m not a spammer, I promise!) then you and your readers can check it out at:
I think he’s got a closeout section so it’s even great for your fellow Poverty Party participants. (My dog’s name is Max. See? No spammer would tell you stuff like that! :-))They are really well made — very warm! And they’re fair-trade supporting woman-owned businesses in Nepal. Heads should definitely be kept warm!! Why not be stylin’ at the same time?
ACKKKKK! So sorry.
Tried to retrieve and fix typos.
(Gah — Delete that first one)
Got entirely too excited.
Total Klutz, here.
Leaving now to hide head over in the corner.
Bossy in that first picture scares me.
I wear brimmed hats. Keeps off the rain.
–>Nice hat. Are the lights brighter on the top of your tree or is that just me?
Men go bald if they wear a hat every day!!
Bah! Humbug!
Bossy looks like she could use some Thorazine in that first picture and some zanax and oh I don’t know a couple of martinis. You really look sort of wired, dear. I live in Texas and we get REALLY COLD temps here, but it moderates in a day or so. We don’t know cold like you do, but you don’t know heat like we do. However, with that being said my knitting group would probably be interested in copying your hat for themselves. I’ll send them the link asap. I’m not a good knitter yet, but they are so very experienced. One girl knitted food…and I’m still trying to figure that one out. She found the pattern in a book. One should truly watch what one reads if it leads to something like that. We meet at a local Panera’s on Monday night and people stop to chat with us frequently. We invite them to bring their knitting and join us, but nobody ever does. Oh well. Keep warm as much as you can.
I have a similar hat (that a certain recently featured blogger got me for the holidays), but to be an aspiring hipster one must never tie the braids that fall from the earflaps. Style blasphemy!
In Canada we call your ‘hat’ a toque.
Oh the misunderstood torment of the Normal Well-Meaning Non Hat Wearing people. My sister and I HATE hats and we’ve decided it is because our heads are the size of tealights and putting a hat on creates a rodent look. Tragic.
My mother and I used to have EPIC battles over my refusal to wear a hat in sub-zero weather.
I still get claustrophobic after about 15 minutes in a hat.
Don’t get me started on mittens.
I love Bossy’s hat. On Bossy.
I bought a simular hat in NYC on a freezing cold day last year. My girlfriend refers to it as a Heidi hat…
Oh, dear starz bossy! Are you possessed by the ghost of Christmas’ past, present and future in that first picture!? Because your eyes look a little…well, let’s just say intense….if you start writing :redrum redrum in your blog posts, your readers will have to have an intervention.
…but that hat is adorb. on you. Totally.
Googled “goofy winter hat men” and your blog post was fairly high on the list.
How random, love the hat!