You are the best, funniest, most intelligent, diverse, warmest, by far most generous readers on the web. Bossy thanks you from the bottom of her tired, enormous heart. Happy Christmas and Merry New Year from the Bossy cast of characters to you and you and yours.
and same to you and bossy’s family. and the cat.
Feliz Navidad from the Land of Enchantment!
Merry Christmas to you and your amazing family!
I hope you and the family have a wonderful Christmas, Bossy.
Right back at ya Bossy!!
Y-O-U are a most excellent adventure..I love ya Boss!!
Merry Christmas, old friend…
coastal nest
I sometimes think I must be gay or something. Always the only guy commenting
Anyway, Merry Christmas from the left coast to Stella, “Homey” and all the human kind—and thanks for being
Merry Christmas BOSSY’s family, and Stella too…OK and Baby David/ Whitey or whatever!
Merry Merry Holidays and a joyous adventurous New Year to Bossy and family! Hello and hugs from Massachusetts!
Have a wonderful holiday with your wonderful kids! And plenty of wine!
Jolliest of Christmases and the Brightest of New Years to the Bossy Clan.
To Bossy, Bossy’s family, Bossy’s pets *and* Bossy’s readers: MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Southern Nevada desert!
Back at’cha.
Merry Christmas Bossy!
Your fan in the Great Northwest.
? Linda
Merry merry to Clan Bossy!
Happy Hollydiaz para tu!
Same to you and yours and the adopted yours!
Merry, Merry Christmas, Bossy and Bossy’s family and friends…and may you have a bright and prosperous new year filled with most excellent burritos!
buenos burritos,
Cactus Petunia
Merry Christmas!
Merry, Happy, Healthy, Joyous, Holidays!!!
Thank you, Bossy, and the same to you! And thank you for your daily presence/presents all year – it’s been such a pleasure.
I’ve gotten quite fond of Bossy, Bossy-fam, Bossy-animals, and Bossy-Posse in the last year and a half or so. SOooooo witty; makes my day. Merry Xmas from the Pacific NW!
And would you please show a side view of Stella in her Santa suit? She looks a little concerned that it’s bunching and binding under the armpits. That’s how I’ve always felt about 1-piece bathing suits. Except they bind someplace else.
Jenn accepts your holiday kiss and tosses in and responds with a heartfelt hug.
Delurking to say thanks for brightening up so many of my days, Bossy! Happy holidays to you and your family –
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Thanks for all you funnies!!! Looking forward to 2010!!
Stella thinks that by not looking at you taking her picture that no one will truly see her. I usually do this by closing my eyes in every picture.
Happy Navidad and Feliz Christmas. Or something.
Exactly what I would want for Christmas- MORE STELLA!
We’re already well and truly there Bossy – Christmas 09 is shaping as a beauty! Snuggles and lean-backs to Stella (what is she wearing here BTW?) and *chink* to her humans.

Merry Christmas to the Bossy Clan from the Cat Clan.
Buono Natale, Bossy.
Merry Christmas Bossy and family. Love your blog.
Peas On Earth, Goodwill to Hen.
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones
P.S. Bossy’s Dane isn’t just great, she rocks the doggie clothing with style.
Have a merry, merry and a happy, happy!!!!
Merry Christmas to all of Bossy’s clan and the cat that is not a stray and thinks he belongs to Bossy’s daughter.
Asthmagirl wishes Bossy and her clan the happiest of holidays!
Awwww…thanks. YOU TOO!
Merry Christmas Bossy! I would pay money to have seen the process of wrestling Stella into her holiday sweater.
Merry Christmas Bossy. Looking forward to both the mundane and tantalizing adventures of Bossy in 2010. Thanks for the laughs.
Merry Christmas, dear Bossy & company!
Yeah baby, merry nessmiss and nappy new year to you to. You got buful, buful brown eyes and no what, love the lady in red dress. Here, hab sum more champ pain. Buful, buful, your gorjust.
Likewise, I’m sure.
A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and ALL of yours, Bossy!
All the best Bossy and Family of Bossy. Have a wonderful Christmas!
Wishing you a most wonderful Christmas and a marvelous New Year!
Bossy’s Dane is simply Great. As are you all! Thanks for sharing…Happy Holidays!
Thanks for the smiles and laughs throughout 2009! Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!! (and can you see about finding some clogs for us this year?)
Merry, Merry-Joy, Joy to you and yours!
Merry Christmas Bossy! Thank you so much for brightening my days. Much Love from Kansas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!
Merry Everything to you and your good family, Sweet Bossy. And thanks for all the love you share in our wide and wonderful world.
We are kinda fab huh? Thanks Bossy! You inspire us!!
I can’t wait to swap hilarious X-mas stories ….ok I’ll start–just spent lovely day with my WASPY family making insanely polite conversation not talking about the fifty purple elephants in the living room. AGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!
I feel better now
Merry, merry Christmas, Bossy! Thanks for brightening up my life!
back atcha you gorgeous woman.
Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to all people and things Bossy, from Central Europe where I moved in order to get my Christmas presents 24 hours earlier than the rest of you! This really is the most cheerful, generous, humorous blog anywhere. Thanks!
Is that the inside of DiBruno Brothers I see? I broke out a lovely cheese last night that I carried home from them months ago. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Bossy’s Great Dane isn’t just great, but she also greatly needs a lint roller! Hope you and the family have a wonderful holiday!
Awww, Happy Christmas from BC!
Merry Christmas, Bossy. Hope you are not as tired as we all are around here. It has been a pj day and leftovers day for us. Last year were you Jewish or do you celebrate all the holidays. That would be fun
you have NO idea how much laughter you’ve brought into my life ths year– a year filled with more strife than I can adequately articulate. So thank YOU Bossy!!! And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
And a Merry Christmas to you, too!
Happy Christmas, Stella! You look adorable!
Merry Christmas to you, Bossy. And Happy New Year!
To all of your readers too!