Welcome to Bossy’s Ear Worm, which features songs currently in Bossy’s headphones. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
Owl City, Fireflies.
This tune falls into the category of guilty pleasures, and is once again an example of a song Bossy’s daughter has been listening to for months before Bossy decided it was worthy of a closer listen.
It was written by Adam Young, which isn’t just a name, it’s a description. Poor dear with his insomnia. It’s basically a teenybopper song, but then the chorus sports an unexpected and cool chord progression that made Bossy say, “Oh.”
Bossy has a much more generous spirit than I. I can’t stand that song. Every time I hear about hugs from fireflies I die a little inside.
Grr. Hey, you kids, get off my lawn!
I’m with Liz Tee on this one. I tried, just now, to listen to the whole thing but I simply can’t endure it. But you go, Bossy!
Well produced tune using Autotune. As good audio crap as anything out there. If I read your blog correctly, you know real music and know this for what it is.
I’ll be the first commenter to state emphatically that I love this song, teenybopper factor and all. I guess I’ll have to take comfort in the fact that I have SOMETHING in common with kids these days.
Thank you! I had seen the video for this several times but never caught who the heck sang it. I love this little tune.
I’m in love with Owl City!
Even though I hate it when “bands” only consist of one person,
I’m addicted to Owl City’s freakily catchy tunes.
I do feel compelled to say, Adam Young,
you are ONE person, not a band.
Use your name!
It would make things much easier.
Meet You There,
Hot Air Balloon, &
Fuzzy Blue Lights
are amazing songs, too.
Who am I kidding?
They pretty much all are.
Fuzzy Blue Lights is the first song I ever heard by him
and the one that really hooked me.
Check it out.
this is such a happy song with happy lyrics, it honestly makes me happy listening to it.
I will say that I, too, unabashedly love this song. And the whole album. I’m not much for dividing up songs and artists into “good & real” and “phony & fake” categories… probably because I don’t know better. But when I hear something I like, I know it. And I like this.