This cute little number.
It’s a phone. No, it works. Bossy spied it in Anthropologie while she was out and about Christmas not shopping, which means Bossy was carrying things to the register but then putting them back before purchase.
Christmas not shopping saves scads of money!
Anyway, speaking of telephones, Minnie Mouse called, and she needs this one back.
Click here to see the phone in its many different colors. But orange wins. Because orange always wins.
Cute phone! Not $198.00 cute, but still cute.
Anthropologie – A nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to use my credit card there.
I have one of those old rotary phones that belonged to my grandmother. It’s a kind of French baroque one, heavy on the gold, SO tacky, but still cool. And we actually use it upstairs, because it works when the power goes out. Also, no beeping when you dial, and the ring is much less strident. I dig it.
is that the phone you call The Incredibles on?
When I saw this phone in the store, I almost called Verizon to have them set me up a landline.
Then I saw the pricetag.
Then I made a promise to myself to stop buying things just because they are orange.
My 7 yo DD TOTALLY agrees w/Bossy that orange always wins!
I love this phone! Although Anthropologie is toooo expensive for me. And yes, orange always wins.
I’ve been eyeing an old orange Trimline phone at a local consignment store, but I’d be just as happy to settle for your orange phone.
I have an 1950s aqua rotary-dial wall phone that I got at a thrift store for 10 bucks. Alas, no land line, so it just hangs on the wall as interior decor. I’ve sometimes wondered (sometimes after wine) what I would do if it actually rang.