Welcome to Bossy’s Ear Worm, which features songs currently in Bossy’s headphones. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
Lovage, Strangers On A Train.
It’s cold and dark outside. Time to get warm and glowy.
Bossy doesn’t know much about this record, Music To Make Love To Your Old Lady By, released in 2001, except it’s by Japanese-American hip hop producer Dan the Automator (Daniel Nakamura) under the pseudonym Nathaniel Merriweather.
Bossy loves that it’s all hypnotica (a Bossy™), but on the other hand the guitar line is so old-school simple, like a kid practicing his scales. And the discordant cello and violin throughout is priceless.
Thanks to Bossy’s friend Jason for inspiring her with music she’s never heard.
Now that is one interesting piece of art, very mikepattonesque.
Wikipedia says:
“Dan the Automator provides trip hop beats while the vocals mostly consist of Mike Patton and Jennifer Charles engaging in sultry and provocative dialogue. Nevertheless, the overall tone of the album is tongue-in-cheek.”
Ah yes.
According to Wikipedia, there’s Hitchcock involved as well as some Serge Gainsbourg. Ah yes.
I love anything Mike Patton touches for the most part and this disc is freakin’ great, top to bottom. This and Tomahawk make me so happy.