Bossy loves that her blog readers are sharp as tacks.
After Bossy posted that thing about Robert Downey Jr being a Junior, Bossy’s blog readers were quick to point out that Robert himself has a cute son named Indio, and someday in the not-so-distant future a generation of Indio admirers will contemplate who his father is and maybe someone like Bossy would still be around to say, while half-croaking, “He was a talented and handsome actor with a colostomy bag an Oscar nomination.”
Indio is a musician that while talented, could take or leave the spotlight. Believe it or not, his father is keeping him on a somewhat straight path. Here is his band from a few years ago:
If that’s him in the picture, he looks kinda girlie to me. Not my type.
See…I saw the pic in my Google reader and HAD to come to your site just say….OH DEAR LORD GOD HE LOOKS YUMMY IN THAT FIRST PICTURE. Love him. LOVE. HIM. Can’t wait to see him in Sherlock Holmes.
I didn’t realize he had a son (or that his son’s name is Indio) and all I could think was that Indio, California is sort of yuck. (It’s near it’s pretty step-sisters, Palm Springs and La Quinta.)
Thank goodness it is not an ode to Indio.
If you’re interested in a movie starring a pre-drug Robert Downey, pre-angry & aggressive Kiefer Sutherland and pre-sticky fingers Winona Ryder, check out 1969. It’s not a great movie … it’s not even a good movie, but I saw it when I was too young to be critical of anything and it’s stuck being my favorite.