Bossy’s week began on Saturday afternoon when she was asked to go on a cross country book tour! Of course it was Bossy herself who was doing the asking! But as you can imagine Bossy was flattered to be asked at all, even if asked by herself, and eventually Bossy acquiesced, although at first she was a bit skeptical in regards to the book tour concept due to the fact she doesn’t have a book. Details shmetails.
The first thing Bossy did was announce the spring 2010 road trip on her blog and ask for her fellow bloggers and readers to sign-up for her (No) Book Tour so Bossy and her council can convene across the country and not sign the books they didn’t write.
And the response was tremendous. Hundreds of emails flooded Bossy’s inbox, many of them with the sweetest words of encouragement, such as:
High-Tech Cleaning Compound Cyber Clean® Home & Office Takes CES 2010 By Storm; Physically Removes Germs For Thousands Of Attendees!
Aww. In fact, some people were so excited about Bossy’s impending (no) book tour, they emailed photos of their surroundings to entice Bossy to visit!
The next thing Bossy did was create a Google map so she can track the location of everyone who signs up for Bossy’s (No) Book Tour:
And in no time, the pushpins representing participating bloggers and readers began to litter the landscape — in most cases one pushpin represents many different people in that one location:
As you can see, Bossy is all the rage in Montana and the Dakotas, as ever. In fact, it makes Bossy feel much better about her United States popularity overall when viewing her (No) Book Tour map in this way:
If you have not yet signed up for Bossy’s (No) Poo Book Tour, please email Bossy today at iambossy (at) gmail dot com or use the contact button at the top of this page. The more the merrier, where merrier equals the swollen purple driving feet you’ll have to read about for five weeks. Yay!
When you sign-up for Bossy’s (No) Book Tour, Bossy will throw you on her map and link to your blog if you have one. This is a list of the blogs already participating in Bossy’s (No) Book Tour — 99 blogs to date with more being added every minute! Be the 100th!
Times are tough and we are already giving our little bit of extra to Haiti. But if you’d like to throw some money in Bossy’s tip jar to help with gas money, there’s a Donate Now button that lives toward the top of Bossy’s right column. Or click here.
Click this link for an example of the kind of Road Trip-style posts you can expect, which is the long way of saying Bossy is in Starbucks again.
And this is what Bossy was up to one year ago today. Never has a stimulus package been so stimulating.
Can’t Wait!
Although my daughter thinks I’m crazy to even THINK about allowing you to come visit………………due to the fact that you are a crazy, ax murdering, painter from Philly and all!!
Are we snubing the Canada? we are the your closest neighbour or is that Mexico but see they didn’t make the cut either. Love the idea looking foreward to hear No reviews of your new Book, Have a fun tour
–>I’ve emailed some local Virginia Beach bloggers to get them to sign up to convince you to come here.
**cue the evil laugh**
I see you’ve already mapped out Denver, so just let me know when you’ll be here, and hopefully I’ll be able to join the party!
I’m excited to see Chicago represented on that pushpin map!
Poor forgotten BFF Canada….sigh….
Happy to see you are coming to the land of enchantment! The spare room is ready, looking forward to your trip!!
Hey!!! Im waving from the upper left hand corner of the map!!–and its not Seattle, baby..Nothing remotely urban here, except remote-ness,but we do have the pacific ocean out our front door, oh..and the VaMpIrEs in a little place called FORKS.
I see STOCKTON, CA is on your map. I hope you decide to visit here. That would be fantastic.
Darn, I e-mailed you the wrong chicken picture. If I send the better one, plus maybe more cows, will that tip the balance? I have no Schwing Pills to offer as enticement, sorry.
Wow, I didn’t know sending pictures of the drugs we could provide was part of the deal! I better check the medicine cabinet :o)
When Bossy gets to California Bossy must abandon Starbucks and go to Peets Coffee and Tea!!!! I shall take you myself!
Oh, APeetsMom as in Peets Coffee! Here I thought Amanda Peet’s mom reads BOSSY. She still might, probably.
Bossy, there’s at least one gal in the Dakotas that love you. *South* Dakota. And over in West River – you know, the Mt. Rushmore half? I didn’t send you an email though because based on my rough 66 days estimate you’d be coming around the time I’ll be gone on business. If you really want to come see our beautiful part of the country, give me a firmer date and I’d be happy to welcome you here! (Heck, I even work at Rushmore – I’ll give you the backstage tour!)
Maybe Montana doesn’t have internet yet and that’s why you haven’t heard from them.
Kansas City….books, liquor, sleeping in and a really kick-ass breakfast – there is room at the Chateau.
i can’t tell if your thumbtacks are on michigan or surrounding michigan. but, antarctica sounds like a much better choice anyways.
Western NC (Asheville) – did I see that on your map? Come on down, Bossy! We’re the San Francisco of the East Coast dontchaknow AND we have moonshine!
The no book tour should become a make a book tour… From your last trip and this trip across America you could make a book with all the pictures you take, from the people to the places… you did visit some very historic places and took pics of some very interesting people… put them in a book with your wit… you would have a best seller! just a thought and remember, you are welcome to stop in Richmond!
Yay Bossy! Let me know when you’re in San Francisco and San Diego. I tend to get around (ah, the gypsy life), so it all depends on timing as to when I’ll be in which city. I definitely want to meet up with you and the Bossy groupies; I can’t wait!!
Detroit is kind of a sad place right now. Bossy would certainly brighten it up!
Great wine and pastries await Bossy if she visits me. And I said that in 10 words, too.
Well, I only live about 30 minutes from you, but you would be MORE than welcome to come and visit us on your No book tour : ). You are so creative! How fun!
Really? Are you coming back to Richmond, VA? Yes, please do!
Just for the files, I think you should add the pushpins for those people _abroad_ as well. I guess you would find me between the “E” and the “u” in “Europe”. I’m ever so european.
I had expected a correlation between places that I’d expect to be rather boring from afar and blog popularity but I might not be all right with that assumption.
Since I couldn’t convince you to come to Turkey last trip I decided to move. I figured Houston might be a more viable option. I’ll serve you Turkish tea and baklava, and we can smoke my hookah (with Raspberry Tobacco!) and pretend we’re in Turkey if you want. It’s much warmer than Antarctica!
Awesome. I will find a way to work your visit into my drinking schedule.
bossy, if you will be in the chicago area, I would love to visit with you or house you and drink an inordinate amount of wine with you and your other chicago area council members. unless we go on vacation that day or get an otherwise superior offer.
I can’t wait till I work years and years on a book of poetry, just to have it canned by a bunch of pretentious loserdouchez who dump on my hopes and dreams and kick me to the curb! I’m never gonna get a book deal! Weeeeeeeeeee! ::dies::
Have you ever read the side effect warning label on those baby maker pills? “Do not take this pill without water. If you get it stuck in your throat you may experience a stiff neck for 4 hours.” I tell you, I have no interest in that stuff, though I get killed unmercifully in the Spam area with those Viagra ads. The reason is if I get an erection lasting more than 4 hours, I AM NOT seeking immediate medical attention. Nurse: “I’m sorry Mr. Ron, where did you say it hurt again, please point to it. Oh that little thing? That can’t possibly hurt that much.”
Last night I dreamt that Bossy was coming to MidLifeMama’s house on her tour, and that I forgot she was coming TODAY and then there she was, and I had not cleaned the bathroom or planned some really fun activity for Bossy and MidLifeMama to do. I woke up all “OH NOOOOO I am so uncool.” This (no) book tour might be the death of me.
ZOMG. I see you are going to be in NJ? Now I have to sign up!
I’m on board for the no/book tour! come see us in Ocean City, Maryland!!!
Stick a pin in Sydney while you’re at it. I mean, if you’re planning on including Antarctica in your itinerary, we’re on the way.
oh no! i didn’t see a pin in the Jacksonville, Florida area! Bossy, my dear, that bracelet awaits you …. as well as the watermelon martini i told you about when i first wrote. sigh. well, i wrote a post on those wonderful drinkies anyway. and i see you do have Orlando on your stopping zone, which i figured would be the case. surely i’m not the only blogger in Jacksonville who is laughing in her house at Bossy’s take on the world? Sela Ward as Michael Jackson? Indeed!