Bossy is going to tell you something you never heard, especially those of you who watch the news or the Weather Channel or talk with friends or subscribe to Facebook or Twitter or have internet: Last weekend an East Coast blizzard dumped close to two feet of snow in a blanket that wiped out power from D.C. through Bossy’s neck of the woods, which is neither a neck nor woods.
Bossy paid enough attention to the forecast to know a storm was coming, but she tends not to take threatening weather reports too seriously — not since the time a local broadcaster stood outside the television studio in what could only be described as a flurry and said, “The city of Philadelphia is staring down the barrel of a shotgun.”
Nevertheless, the storm did arrive as advertised, and here’s what Bossy did to prepare: she went to the food store she cooked a roast she bought lots of wine she stacked a cord of firewood she had Saphenous Vein Ablation on her left leg.
Another snowstorm is supposed to be on its way later this afternoon, and so Bossy has another chance to get it right. Bossy has been thinking about the things and people she would most like to be snowed-in with, and she can sum up her list in this way:
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy and her council about the people and things you would like surrounding you if snowed-in?
And be sure to check back later today for the best snowed-in ideas on all the web.
If you missed last week’s challenge, click here to find out what fortune Bossy’s council would stick in a cookie if they were to write one for themselves, in ten words of course.
Or maybe you’d like to read the Dr. Seuss poem Bossy wrote one year ago today, dedicated to her son. Bring Kleenex.
Chocolate, diet coke, book, TV, cozy pajamas and a snowblower.
My kids,Sundays mix o’people, music makers, ingredients, games, books.
The hubby & keeedz; friends who make me belly laugh.
Brando, Nabokov, Ellington, Matt, Diz (both), Steven Colbert, Mark Shields.
Husband, books, Fudge Berry Swirl Frozen Yogurt.
Take THAT, Snowmageddon!!!
Gerard Butler, Makers Mark, firewood, bearskin rug, lubricant and toothpaste
Dear husband, my sweet baby dane, italian food and wine.
a clean house, big fire, good book, stew and cabernet.
(In real life)
schools closed, cheerios ground in, home office,quiet in there !!!!!!!
A cabin, wine, company, paper, strong coffee, and rhyming dictionary.
Maybe Bossy likes km’s (#8) better: stew, fire, clean house, etc.
Agent M and sketchbooks, with cookies hot from the oven.
Pasta maker, flour, eggs, The complete Sopranos, red sauce waiting.
Bossy’s son, coming home is out of the question, right?
Bossy’s daughter: did we ever find sewing machine instruction booklet?
Bossy’s grrrlz, canapes, booze, cable, and wipe boards for everyone.
–>Family, dogs, electricity, internet, netflix movies, beer and comfort food.
Beer with lemon, sleeping dogs, the latest Newbery Award winner
Fireplace, husband, kids, dogs, frolicking in the snow, SNOW MEN!
I’d just be happy with KM’s clean house, except mine.
Snow White and the 7 midgets, plus Barry White’s singing.
(The) Wire, Hunnie, Cozy pants, ingredients for house-made chai & channa masala.
Miss May–the best cribbage challenger– Beruit, brie, baguette, grapes.
Snow shoes, puff pants, hot chocolate, teletubbie hat, camera, & Hunnie.
hot chocolate, sewing machine, material, thick novels, A Cozy Quilt!
Dog,, clean house, firewood, tomato soup, grilled cheese, wine.
A fireplace, my husband, my daughter, my cats, my TiVo.
Firewood, family, a huge mountain dog, alcohol, sleds. Snow on!
Since I live in Florida, a heavenly choir of angels.
Huzband, kids, dog, firewood, food, wine……….that’s all I need!
coffee books electricity pasta Body Heat mine and movie husband
Wine, San Marzano tomatoes, fresh bread, cheese, book, fleece, hubby.
husband, girls, skip bo, electricity and homemade mac ‘n cheese.
Hubby, vino, Wii, firewood, warm socks, hearty soup, many naps.
My son Justin. Just home from Colorado. Snowbound in Michigan.
Johnny Depp, dark chocolate, heart meds: who needs ten words?
Puppies, Cats, Kindle, Pinot Noir, Brie, Pears, Crackers, Jammies, Blankets, Socks
Hot chocolate, blankie, kitty to cuddle, True Blood on TIVO
Red wine, new book, jammies, movies, happy kid and hubby.
Spaghetti and meatballs with a nice Chianti
A stack of books, Mandarin Orange Vintage Seltzer, my dogs.
and.. spaghetti with a nice red sauce (no meat balls),
flannel jammie pants and a t shirt, lots of beer.
Hot roaring fire, cheesy ham and potato soup, and the chips.
Easy: beer, BF, endless pepperoni pizza, the dog, pajamas, books.
Dog, Chili, Cocoa, books, internet, quilts, candles, maybe another dog…
Should say family. Right now prefer Stephen King book, chocolate.
Electricity, DVDs, great book, puppies, hubby, chili, safe loved ones.
Vin Diesel, whipped cream, Pinot Noir, warm fire, some food!
Hubs, kids, DVDs, wood for fireplace, taco dip, beer.
Olympics in my home town in four days: daffodils blooming!
Movies, snackies, my cuddle partner and electricity.
Sopranos series, Italian food, wine, chocolate and comfy fuzzy blankie.
in real life I’d get:
Bored kids, soggy floor from sledding muck, pulling hair out….
hubby, kids, cookie dough, chocolate, heat, TV, lots of cartoons
Wine, fireplace, Hugh Laurie, piano, hearty calories, Sopranos DVDs, knitting.
All I want is for my power to stay on.
The bf, the cats, mac-n-cheese, wine, heat, and ATHF DVDs.
POWER ON, Red wine, sappy movies, secret lover, sex toys.
Good Food, booze, pellets for pellet stove, laughter and love!
Heater on, soup, homemade bread, books, DVD’s, electricity, toilet paper, tea.
after reading all these I need t throw a party !!!!
Friends. DVDs. Scattergories. Drinks. Spinach-Artichoke dip with pita chips.
Snow — that stuff on mountaintops? Why would I be there?
Scrabble and my two boys, Declan and Jack, worthy opponents.
A Crate of Wine, Books, Knitting, TV, and my Tween!!!
Ooooo Crap I forgot….
Power ON & Cord of Wood…..
I am literally snowed in at home: coffee, vodka, pillow.
On Couch with family with lots of alcohol and food
Peets coffee, of course, red wine, books, blankets, firewood,electricity!
good book, warm blankie, snuggly babies, happy husband, mellow (HA!) dog.
a devastatingly handsome snowplow operator, who also cooks and bakes.
The boyfriend, a huge stack of firewood, three bottles of wine, guacamole and nachos. Hmm, I think I just made my valentines day plans.
Viggo Mortensen and a case of Molson. Chips and dip.
Case of wine, a glass and who cares after that?
The US men’s speedskating team in their tight spandex suits & hot chocolate. (Hot thighs and cinnamon sticks)
Friend who doesn’t know i am in love with him.
On this snow day, I’m out of wine. Send help.
Stocked pantry, heat and electricity on, good book, and family.
Oldest kid already has day off tomorrow at 1 of his colleges in NYC. Wimps.
Besides heat and electricity, I’d want my husband and child with me a long with a sufficient supply of paper products, a big stack of magazines (celebrity gossip and home decor), my favorite shrimp bisque, grilled cheese sandwiches, the pioneer woman’s cinnamon rolls, a machine that dispenses only Starbucks mochas, the internet, and every rated-E-for-everyone Wii game (to keep the child entertained so I don’t have to).
Kahlua, coffee: peppermint schnapps, cocoa: beer, appetizers, board games, friends!
This would have been my Mn snow-day back in the day, I’m in Az now and having people over Sat, and I believe my theme is gonna be “snowed in”!! Thanks for a good idea!
electricity – ice storm whomped us last year – well stocked now
George Clooney, my two sons, M&Ms, Diet Coke, MacBook, iPhone
cross country skis… sorry that I didn’t bring them down this past weekend… there truly is nothing more beautiful than fresh untouched snow to ski upon…in the woods! (hike it if you don’t have skis!)
lots and lots of beer, plenty of firewood, Scrabble board.
I’m from the deep south. Pray tell, what is snow?
Would kill to spend time alone with my secret crush.
Husband, unwatched Netflix, unread Oprah magazines, paper, pen, arugula, pasta.
Do I have to choose anything, can’t I just SLEEP?
somebody shoveling all the snow around my house and cars for free.
1) I’ll have a muffin named Bacon and bottles of wine.
2) Of course when I say muffin, I really mean husband.
Yummy food, hot water bottle (with hot water) and good books!
MY dogs…….
and………..peace on earth????
My son, parents, siblings, Thanksgiving dinner. That’s all I want.
Good books, good wine, food, flashlight, blankets, oh yeah, husband.
Husband, books, television, snacks, computer, booze, pajamas, a million dollars.
# 6 I’m with you, bring on the blizzard conditions.
2 kids, my puff-doggie, wine, spicy guac, books, mags….
Dawn in Austin doesn’t do snow, hence the “Austin”
Long ago, before Austin, I made fried pickles for snowstorms.
Booze, pot of sauce, loaded Tivo, a fire and Her.
Wine. Firewood. DH. DB. Lotsa food. Snowblower – and lotsa wine.
Boots that I could hike snow in. Never have those.
Nobody’s mentioned Bailey’s Irish Cream. A blizzard without Bailey’s??? How?
And all the other stuff mentioned above. Arugula. Johnny Depp.
Computer, Pajamas, Vodka, Candles, Cigarettes, Books, Television, and some Hot Chocolate