This simple truth is Bossy is allergic to cats. So when that Not stray cat, Baby David, is allowed in the house, he is restricted from many rooms and encouraged to rest away from Bossy where his fur is minimally invasive, which translates to mean Baby David sleeps on Bossy’s lap top while she works.
I wish I had a Baby David. Our cat only likes my husband and I never get any kitty cuddles.
Oh, Baby David!
i’ve got an allergy-suffering-seeking cat in my house too… and she’s all white as well… hmmm
Baby David is seriously sweet, and he seems to have chosen your family.
How do they know who’s allergic? It’s like magnetic attraction. And you’re gonna have fur all over the house. Sorry. He’s very sweet and that’s a lovely picture. He looks quite content.
Cats are sneaky little buggers, eh? People are all “oh he is not my cat” … “I don’t like cats” and then wham cat is suddenly sleeping on your pillow.
why do people think cats aren’t friendly? love that picture.
–>Wait, isn’t Baby David in Stella’s spot?
I love Baby David.
Awww, what a sweet Baby David! He knows when he’s got it good.
I am allergic to cats, too, so I got one, of course. I am fine until I rub my eyes, then I go blind until the meds kick in, but she is so worth it.
Bossy had a lap that is aside from her body…?
Awwwwww! We have Baby Cricket at our house.
But Bossy’s laptop is warm! He really has the sweetest face. Impossible to resist.
Who’s a sweet little shnookums?!
Baby David and Bossy have the same smile of happiness in this picture
I object! (Stella made me write that.)
One cat leads to another. I’m just sayin’.
That Baby David so OWNS you!
“I’m allergic to Cats, the musical.”*
*Wish I could claim this but it was my husband’s bon mot.
I’m not allergic, but Bart insists on sitting on the mouse pad.
I love cats, but one of our dogs seriously hates them. Sigh. I do enjoy seeing Baby David at your house. I worry about him when he’s not there.
I loves the Baby David. After awhile, your allergy will go away, dontta you worry one bit. He inspires you, did you know that?
I”m not sure which makes me laugh more, the cat and his allergens smothering Bossy or the cat’s name of Baby David. Either way, I’m laughing.
… as all good cats should.
He is so cute & cuddly!!! I miss cat snuggles.
Dare I say that Bossy’s pussy whipped? I mean, I am, too! Twice over.