This photo of Bossy’s favorite Beatle, Paul McCartney, with two of his three daughters — Stella and Mary — which he fathered with wife Linda. Fathered. Is that how you say it?
Anyway. Bossy gets caught up with genetics looking at this photo. Both girls carry many of Paul’s traits, and yet look completely different. Fascinating.
I adore Paul McCartney. I have given my best years waiting for this man. What is it about that little squishy face that I love?
I will say however, that I am (yes still) a huge Linda fan and it broke my heart when she passed. Since then, Paul has made some not so good choices. Even so, Paul, you are forgiven. I’m here – waiting and I’m a vegetarian, so I’ll fit right in. 
Cute pic, but what is that huge bulge in his pants? *blushing*
All that money and his daughter still uses a “corded” remote? Nice to see they are frugal
I love that picture. And Genetics are fascinating….
Sort of like how Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez both look exactly like their father, but don’t look anything like each other.
So sweet. They are probably about the age of his next wife, no?
2 out of 4 daughters. I think he considers Linda’s daughter Heather as one of his own.
I can never identify anything in your Guess and Press, but I knew instantly that that was Paul McCartney’s mouth. Which I used to love, back when it was a Beatle mouth. Now? Not so much.
I love Paul. But it was always John for me. Well, John and George. And the mahrajahajarishikash yogi.
I love looking at family’s and seeing how they are the same but different, which is probably why I am obsessed with collecting old family photos…because I”m looking like no one in the family and it’s making me wonder…
…anyway….what I really wanted to say was STELLA! Hey, sweetie, what is WITH that face you are making?? She looks like she’s clenching her nostrils which is what I do in the mirror to see what I’d look like with lip implants. Just sayin’. And I see no resemblance to Paul or Linda in the other lovely lady. But she kinda looks like George…..
I’m not a Paul McCartney fan. I think he’s a bit of a bollix.
…is this as bad as hating Disneyland???
I just wanted to clear up the children issue since someone commented about *four* daughters..there are three girls: Heather, Stella and Mary (Heather was Linda’s child who he adopted) and one boy: James. I grew up in Tucson, AZ and Paul and Linda had a ranch there; in fact, that is where Linda died. They were low-key people and while you would see them occasionally, it was no big deal.
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