What a fun show to be in – great movie! 14 shows…she’s getting quite the ….what do you call it for acting: resume? Portfolio?
((lol good action photo too))
Congratulations to Bossy’s Daughter! Son just finished Mame and is in a childrens theater production of the Jungle Book, Much to do About Nothing and was just cast in City of Angels. I love seeing what Bossy’s daughter is in each time!
She is SO awesome. It runs in the family. xo
What a fun show to be in – great movie! 14 shows…she’s getting quite the ….what do you call it for acting: resume? Portfolio?
((lol good action photo too))
I love this plucky, little duckling!
Congratulations to Bossy’s Daughter!
Nice action shot, Bossy.
“Kids! I don’t know what’s wrong with these kids today… why can’t they be like we were? Perfect in every way.”
She sure looks SINCERE!!
What’s the story, morning glory? What’s the tale, nightingale?
Love that action shot! Joy all over her face!
Looks like the Tin Man there on the right.
Glad you got to see this before becoming the Ace Bandage Woman, yourself.
Adam Lambert called. He wants his Idol reunion tour outfit back.
Oy, that Birdie costume.
She is so lovely. But why is the FTD Florist guy in this show?
Looks like she’s a natural!
I have a mom-crush on her.
Congratulations to Bossy’s Daughter! Son just finished Mame and is in a childrens theater production of the Jungle Book, Much to do About Nothing and was just cast in City of Angels. I love seeing what Bossy’s daughter is in each time!
Beauty, talent, brains…and pure joy. Congratulations, Bossy’s daughter!
The question mark was just a huge mistake! Nevr gonna happen again! And I really meant to put this: :)))
Is it possible she is a crazed teenager? ‘Cause she sure looks the part!
Love it! She looks awesome. Its must have been hard to compete with that gold lame!
Excuse me but did Edith Head design the costumes? First rate.
Bossy’s daughter is nothing short of incredible.