About 17 years ago, my mom had a hysterectomy and ended up instead with 3 surgeries in four days. After the initial surgery, she had internal bleeding so they went back in. After the 2nd surgery, she got far worse instead of better so they went back in and discovered the doctor had left one of the sponges inside her. She recovered eventually and is just fine, but that doctor mysteriously resigned and stopped practicing not long after!
And probably taste fresher too! My son uses twinkies as a prop in a play. They were down to the last twinkie which was at least 4 years old. I bought them a new box.
I thought it was a pound cake!
About 17 years ago, my mom had a hysterectomy and ended up instead with 3 surgeries in four days. After the initial surgery, she had internal bleeding so they went back in. After the 2nd surgery, she got far worse instead of better so they went back in and discovered the doctor had left one of the sponges inside her. She recovered eventually and is just fine, but that doctor mysteriously resigned and stopped practicing not long after!
No, no. Sponges decompose eventually.
–>I thought it was some funky looking hot dogs. oops.
And probably taste fresher too! My son uses twinkies as a prop in a play. They were down to the last twinkie which was at least 4 years old. I bought them a new box.
I thought it was some sort of exotic cheese from Traders Joes!
I was thinking “frozen chicken” from Bossy’s teaser picture!
Yeah, I was guessing Trader Joe’s marinated mahi mahi steaks. How they grow them square-ish is a mystery.
too funny!
I saw the thumbnail and thought “Twinkies!” Glad we agree.
Interesting – I thought it was some sort of Iced Lemon Poundcake…
Sitting here at work and thinking this was some kind of delicious looking pastry all yummy with frosting! No way a sponge!!!
I saw the thumbnail and thought fortune cookies.
Mmmm, twinkies. Taste like surgical sponges.
I love those surgical sponges because the bristles on the other side are soft and don’t strip the flesh off my arm when I’m scrubbing for surgery.
It’s twin pack o’ Twinkies. Unfortunately, Twinkies have a sad association here in San Francisco.
Holy cow…I opened this and thought Hey! Twinkies! Come to Mama!!
That not a sponge. It’s a bag of cheesy grits.
They probably taste about the same!
i thought chicken cutlets from the thumbnail!