The Necessity is the mother of invention principle.
You are looking at a stick-bundling machine that Bossy’s husband built from old, free scraps of wood — and can something still be referred to as a machine if it just sits there not doing anything?
In any case, Bossy’s husband threw this thing together, which allows one to place a plethora of errant sticks until it’s full, and then bundling with string is made simple and effective.
This saves time and energy and sure beats Bossy’s old system of stick-bundling, which involved throwing the sticks under the neighbors Holly tree. Hi Kate and Len!
We put ours in the “fire tumbler” which is the old inside of a dryer that we use to burn wood.
Though I am certain I am older than Bossy, I totally want to be her when I grow up. Also, the sidebar label of Bossy’s Son over the picture of Ali G.? Is priceless.
Or you could go the cheapest, laziest route of all which is how we do it, using our own legs as the sides and knees as the push bar to then tie the bundles for county collection. When done with brambly, thorny type sticks and branches it makes for extra fun. I am currently shopping for thigh high work boots for this year’s yard clean up.
BOSSY is married to a genius.
Great idea. Why does Bossy have so many sticks?
I throw mine in the ravine behind the house. Which equals your holly bush I suppose, but I don’t have any Kate and Len nearby to have to say hi to. The big ones we throw on the burn pile, which is really a huge pile of debris that we create into a mountain and then hope Husband gets around to burning it (such a Pacific NW tradition) before birds set up house in it. Ah, country life.
Just two words… “Fire Tumber”? Oh Gah! That’s hysterical!!
My stick-bundling method involves throwing all the sticks over my back fence into the woods. Which is why I will soon need to pay someone to clear my fence line (again).
I’m so relieved that it’s a bundler. At first glance I thought it was a guillotine.
What’d those poor sticks ever do to deserve to be put in the stocks?
Huh. Who’d a thought? I just throw ours into the firepit until it’s full. And then commence toasting marshmallows!
Hmm, very Blair Witch.