10 days ago Bossy went to a birthday party with a flower theme, and after seventy-two hours of clothes shopping, this was the best Bossy could come up with: black. And a cacophony of necklaces meant to simulate vines and a skirt you can’t see which had nothing to do with flowers — not to mention by this time in the night Bossy had lost the flower from her hair, and her hair itself was ready for liftoff, and let’s just say Bossy is no good at theme parties and leave it at that.
Ok, so it might not have worked for the theme of the party, but you’re rocking those necklaces, so who cares!
Do you have that necklace and bracelet in RED? And could I borrow them?
And cheekbones to DIE for.
but Bossy is lovely, so it’s all good.
Wait? Was this taken in the bathroom at the party? I love bathroom mirror pix!
I’m absolutely positive that no one noticed the lack of flowers. Great jewelry.
So did anybody give you demerits for general your deflowered condition?
*your general