Yet Another Little Known Fact April 8, 2010 Vuboq met Shallow Gal during Bossy’s Excellent Road Trip get-together in D.C. two years ago, and these two have become very close actual friends since. Just warms the heart. Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail « Previous Post: Yet Another Little Known FactNext Post: » Yet Another Little Known Fact
Momo Fali says April 8, 2010 at 1:10 pm Is that “Dee-On” in the background with EVEN CUTER hair?! Gah! Genes just aren’t dished out fairly, are they? Reply
foolery says April 8, 2010 at 1:12 pm BOSSY’s camera does great things with eye color. Please photograph my eyes when we meet, BOSSY. Reply
Stimey says April 8, 2010 at 1:21 pm I also discovered Shallow Gal after following a link after your last tour. I lurve her. So sad to have missed this. Reply
ShallowGal says April 8, 2010 at 2:02 pm Another little known fact: I am WAY less cheesy in person. And Vuboq. . .oh, never mind. Reply
vuboq says April 8, 2010 at 2:22 pm vuboq is even WAY LESS CHEESIER in person than ShallowGal. Srsly. Reply
amber star says April 8, 2010 at 3:58 pm I can hardly wait until you get here! vuboq and ShallowGal seem like really fun people. Reply
The Zadge says April 8, 2010 at 7:50 pm This is the first thing in 2 years that makes me sad I’m not in D.C. anymore! Reply
Is that “Dee-On” in the background with EVEN CUTER hair?! Gah! Genes just aren’t dished out fairly, are they?
BOSSY’s camera does great things with eye color. Please photograph my eyes when we meet, BOSSY.
I also discovered Shallow Gal after following a link after your last tour. I lurve her. So sad to have missed this.
Shallow Gal is one of my favorite shallows of all times!
Another little known fact: I am WAY less cheesy in person. And Vuboq. . .oh, never mind.
vuboq is even WAY LESS CHEESIER in person than ShallowGal. Srsly.
I can hardly wait until you get here! vuboq and ShallowGal seem like really fun people.
This is the first thing in 2 years that makes me sad I’m not in D.C. anymore!