Yet Another Little Known Fact April 19, 2010 On Friday night, Bossy put the honky in honky tonk in a bar in Marfa Texas. Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail « Previous Post: Yet Another Little Known FactNext Post: » Yet Another Little Known Fact
Em says April 19, 2010 at 2:28 pm A local magazine here in LA (944) has a small article about Marfa in it this month. So Marfa is everywhere! (Okay, it’s really just in Texas. But it is being talked about!) Reply
foolery says April 19, 2010 at 6:26 pm Still wondering how that town got its unusual name . . . unless . . . hey, did they call you BOFFY? Just curious. Reply
Margie says April 20, 2010 at 11:05 am Glad to hear from you. I was sure you had blood clots from driving 10,000 miles at a time. (Your mother worries, you know) Reply
A local magazine here in LA (944) has a small article about Marfa in it this month. So Marfa is everywhere! (Okay, it’s really just in Texas. But it is being talked about!)
Still wondering how that town got its unusual name . . . unless . . . hey, did they call you BOFFY? Just curious.
Glad to hear from you. I was sure you had blood clots from driving 10,000 miles at a time. (Your mother worries, you know)