We all know while in Sacramento, Bossy fell in love with a loyal member of her council, Gramps — but you may not know he was a lifer over at Blue Diamond, and he brought Bossy lots of almond samples, which Bossy has been eating across the western states.
photo courtesy of gramps
i would give up my left nut for almonds. and i only mean the walnut to my left, not my testicles
Oh wow!!!!!!
People will start whispering about us behind our backs. Don cha luv it!!!!!!!!
My Daughters are starting to ask questions and I merely say—-“Yes. we are in love!”
Thanks Bossy—you are pretty special
Samples, Gramps, *I* want samples!! Is that too much like begging? I can’t keep enough Almond Milk on hand for Pete’s sake! Love that stuff. But I’ve started to make my own…sorry Gramps, sorry Blue Diamond.
you are kind Gramps.
Blah blah, Bossy…almonds, blah blah… Where’s that CAMERAMAN???! Of all days for you to be so fast on the trigger replacing that little known fact
OK, fine. Gramps gets today’s “All-Around Good Guy” award. (But I’m still clicking back to say one last fond farewell to Chris :-))
I love almonds…..how does the almond milk taste? Me want some.
The world turns on its axis so easily because of the Gramps of the world.
Here in Chico, CA (almond growing capital of Caleefornia), we call’em “ammonds”. Gramps can confirm that.
Nice to know Bossy has scored a Sugar Daddy! or Almond Daddy, in this case!
Almond milk! Yum. Of course the Dairy council doesn’t want us to call it “milk”. You’ll have to watch the Fox news clip to find out their suggestion.
Love almonds and they’re GOOD for you
I told FOOLERY that there is only one almond joke:
Why do almond growers call them ammonds? Because when they knock them off the trees they KNOCK THE L out of them. Please laugh
I laughed, Gramps. But then, what do I know?