Oh girl I totally understand. I hope you figured out when an where you could get that breakfast sandwich. :-). Good luck on the rest of your trip! So much fun meeting you and the rest of the Denver council!
One of the best road trips of my life included Kansas. Dodge City, in fact. There was no shoot-out scheduled at high noon that day, so I just punched my brother instead.
Sadly, this photo does not reflect the true Kansas cuz you can’t see, hear or feel the friggin’ wind that blows non-stop 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year. But it’s home and there’s no place like home.
The first time I ever saw a tornado was when I lived in Kansas. I was coming home from church and watched it swirl above my house. You can not imagine the power they have until you see one up close. Only saw them on tv before that.
I have been to that exact spot. In Kansas. Until the radio warned of a tornado – the announcer was able to pinpoint the exact spot (between this exit and that exit on Rt 70 heading in that certain direction). Well, to me it sounded like it was about to land on top of me so I pulled over at the nearest bar. Didn’t go in, but stayed in the car. The bar was near a ditch I could throw myself into for safety. Or something. Scary state but very nice people.
Or Iowa
Agreed. I think it was the longest day of my life. From Limon Colorado to Columbia MO (where you might be right now). Welcome back to wavy land. p.j.
But you were just here on the left coast! You are putting on the miles, girl. It’s wearing me out.
Cool photo and all…but I’m twiddling my thumbs here waiting for the Seattle write up.
or Nebraska
Or anywhere in the middle bit of Australia. But with less trees. Me likey hills. Drive safe!!

Amen Sister! (well there are some cool wind farms here and there but basically you’ve got it!)
I think I’ve taken that exact same photo of Kansas.
Are you saying that Kansas is flat? Watch out for tornados, Dorothy.
I read in the paper that your husband John Cusack was in Chicago in late April. Maybe he will be back to meet you when you are here.
No wonder Dorothy went to Oz.
for 9 f-ing hours. been there, done that.
It bears a striking resemblance to Nebraska.
I lived in Kansas for 3 LONG years. It did not look that nice. It was flat, brown, dry, windy, ugly, boring, and VERY VERY VERY HOT.
Oh girl I totally understand. I hope you figured out when an where you could get that breakfast sandwich. :-). Good luck on the rest of your trip! So much fun meeting you and the rest of the Denver council!
Yep, that looks about right. Driving through Kansas is BORING!!!!
But is it better than Roaming in Wyoming?
Hey! Wait a minute, haters! Kansas is beautifully useful–every inch of it is productive. Show some love the next time you have something to eat.
One of the best road trips of my life included Kansas. Dodge City, in fact. There was no shoot-out scheduled at high noon that day, so I just punched my brother instead.
Love, A Fellow Flat-Lander
Sadly, this photo does not reflect the true Kansas cuz you can’t see, hear or feel the friggin’ wind that blows non-stop 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year. But it’s home and there’s no place like home.
The first time I ever saw a tornado was when I lived in Kansas. I was coming home from church and watched it swirl above my house. You can not imagine the power they have until you see one up close. Only saw them on tv before that.
I have been to that exact spot. In Kansas. Until the radio warned of a tornado – the announcer was able to pinpoint the exact spot (between this exit and that exit on Rt 70 heading in that certain direction). Well, to me it sounded like it was about to land on top of me so I pulled over at the nearest bar. Didn’t go in, but stayed in the car. The bar was near a ditch I could throw myself into for safety. Or something. Scary state but very nice people.