Steering with her knees. Now that Bossy is home, all safe and sound, she can admit she drove across the entire country steering with only her knees for hours at a time, across all of the lonely counties in states like Idaho and Wyoming — but also sometimes while stuck in rush hour traffic. It kept Bossy awake and entertained. It doesn’t take much, silly Bossy!
–>Look BOSSY’s Mom, NO HANDS!
OMG your legs are ridiculous. I didn’t know it was possible to see the seat of the car between them. Jeeeezus Bossy! And Welcome Home!
Bossy’s favorite thing is her crotch?
I think one has to be way taller than 5’2″ to manage (or even attempt) this feat.
Glad to hear that you made it home to your super family.
Well, those car sponsorships went POOF for next time!
I think what Bossy MEANT to say, was that (Harrison) Ford caressed her knees for hours at a time.
Bossy we sorta guessed that weeks ago with all those “hey look out the window I’m taking a photo of that while driving” pics…
I suspect Bossy was forced to drive with her knees since that’s probably the only way those loooonnng legs would have been able to exist in that little car.
It’s still a puzzle how she folded herself up into that backseat for those naps…
Was Bossy asleep while she steered that way? I know I would have been! glad you had a good (more or less) trip; welcome home.
Well, OF COURSE BOSSY steered with her knees. She needed free hands to do the NY Times crossword every day.
How else was Bossy supposed to snap those pictures in Donner Pass?
doesn’t everyone drive with their knees…..and you must get a shoe sponsor next time the sneeks have to go
What!? You weren’t pulling over every time you Tweeted???
You should only drive with one knee at a time, just so one of them is resting and can stay awake and keep a lookout while the rest of you takes a nap.
Hey, are you going to eat that piece of popcorn on the floor?
Drive with my knees all the time, sister.