Who remembers Room 222, the television series about a high school history teacher and his pals the guidance counselor, the principal, and the student teacher — who imparted 30-minute lessons of tolerance inside the Room 222 classroom?
Well, this post is not about tolerance. Because Bossy’s Room 222, in a hotel nestled in the Berkshires, was where your grandmother’s textiles went to die:
For better or worse, the conservative nature of the Western Massachusetts hotel didn’t stop Bossy from rolling up to the front desk like a Fly Girl reject:
Once situated in room 222, though, Bossy felt very at home. Her only decision was whether to watch TV, or watch TV.
That night Bossy met up with her amazing Western Massachusetts council, like Jenn, Heather, The Mater, and Ali, with a special shout out to Jean!
Early the next morning Bossy was up and out for destinations east:
Specifically Bossy drove across the state to a small seaside village where Bossy was reunited with her far-flung Philadelphia council member Yellaphant, who relocated to the Boston-area and all of those nice Boston-area bars when she married a Boston-area husband:
Where were we? Chowder, bar, bar, wine hangover, morning bike ride — right! And then Bossy packed up her stuff and drove to Boston!
Once in Cambridge, Bossy met up with her burgeoning and very esteemed Boston council, including Bossy’s host fer christsake Chicky Chicky Baby, Daddy Scratches, Christine, Christina, another Christine, Ron, Meg, Sarah, Michelle, Margalit, Angela, Sierra, and the cameraperson blogger Erin, with a special shout out to Golden, Betsey, and Jeff!
And then early the next morning which was still dark as night, Bossy tackled the last of her long drives — this one nine hours — which delivered Bossy to her mom’s front porch, where she promptly dove head first into a cauldron of Beef Bourguignon. The end.
It was so nice to see Bossy was home. Welcome home, Bossy!
I stayed at the Williamstown Inn, like 20 years ago when my sister graduated Williams College. They’ve updated it since then!
It was great seeing Bossy in Cambridge the other night. And, no, not just because of those big, fat drinks in the foreground … though they certainly didn’t hurt.
PS: Sorry to hear about your breakup with (Harrison) Ford. Guess it was just a spring fling.
–>Does Bossy even remember how to get into a car without it being behind the wheel (of Harrison Ford)?
I know we’re all human and have problems and issues, blah, blah, blah but you, Bossy, have a wonderful life filled with wonderful people!
Welcome Home!
When that inn is finished with grandma’s textiles they send it to the America’s Cup Inn in Newport, RI where they ask, where else can we put a floral pattern? Why yes, the shower curtain as well as every square inch of this room and its furniture.
But it’s a hoot to stay in !
Yay for a Boston update, boooo for getting my URL wrong. I am the OTHER MidLifeMama….Michele.
Meg of Members Lounge attended Bossy’s Boston meetup and sent me over. The tour sounds like such a good idea! I’ve got several blogging beloveds in the adjoining state that I’d love to visit. Bossy has inspired me!
Welcome Home Bossy! It was a great trip. Thanks for letting us live it with you.
Oh, that Republican bedspread. I could feel its political leanings from here.
Miss you. SO honored to have been a part of your No-Book Tour, baby. More than I can ever say.
Ok… I remember Room 222. It came out when I was 11 yrs old. Loved that show. Karen Valentine looks a lot like Laura San Giacomo from the show Just Shoot Me…no?
Oh how I loved Room 222. I’d forgotten all about it.
Also, jealous that Another Manic Mommy and BOSSY got together and I wasn’t there.
I swear to God woman.. at least HALF your shots of this tour you are always in a black tank with that green necklace. What’s up w/that? You couldn’t find a mall anywhere? I’m just thinkin’ you’re gonna be pretty tired of that tank and green necklace when you start lookin’ back at all the pictures.
And tell us again.. now that it’s done. What was it all about? And why? I don’t know if there’s any amount of money that would make me want to torture myself like you’ve done all these past few weeks.
Then again.. I CAN drive, and i CAN take pictures of myself if i had one of those little cameras with the LCD screen in front so you can see yourself.. hmmm.. might beat my day job now that I think of it ::laughing::
but glad to see you made the trip safely home
Yellaphant AND Daddy Scratches? I’m jealous.
But very happy that you are home.
And happy that you wear the same thing every day. I do too.
So fun meeting everyone Saturday night! I bet Harrison Ford is missing you….
You met Meg!! Someday I will too!
All those Massachusetts people in winter clothes in the middle of May made me remember exactly WHY I left Massachusetts!
Room 222 — the guy with the Big Orange Hair. Must have been the genesis of my love for Big Orange Hair.
And now, back to your regularly-scheduled BOSSY.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but this trip has been vicariously exhausting. If I ever set foot in another sadly upholstered Massachusetts hotel room it will be too soon. And please, how many hours behind the wheel? I am not about to drive anyone anywhere for a long while. So don’t even ask. On the other hand, Bossy’s (No) book will always have a special place on my coffee table. I can not put it down.
1. “Sister mercy, here is is.” [sic] Typos amuse me, esp typos the authos sees eventually and goes “meh, that’s good enough.”
2. On the “the bed won” photo, I see an added feature you got to enjoy in that room: the addition of Even More floral pattern as reflected in the mirror.
3. Madame Photographer in the green dress and leggings, I like your look.
Fer chrissake.
Miss you already.
Gaw dammit.
Dear Gah, how could you sleep with all the screaming florals? Ack! Pfbt!
I hope you didn’t get your hair all beefy.
Yowza! The Berkshires loves floral wallpaper. That is exactly what Jenn removed from her walls last week. Do you get to keep the car?!
T’was a lovely night and I haven’t stopped telling everyone that Bossy thinks my shoulders are my signature body part.
Thanks for coming out this way!
I love Bossy’s beautiful yarns. I want Bossy to have her own show or something.
If I took pictures while driving I would smash up the car.
Hey, are you home yet? You been gone a long time and there is all sorts of stuff going on like, for instance, Harry the Honda told me he’s really tired about hearing about Harrison Ford. These are complications.
I just read that Bossy’s book is second on the New York Time’s (No) Bestseller’s List. Way to work it sister. Welcome home.
I remember Room 222. Surprisingly I don’t remember the student teacher, I just remember Karen Valentine.
Ms. Bee is VERY bummed out that she could not be part of Bossy’s Boston Council! I took sick and thought I was going to die – so while you were all having a good time I was on the sofa moaning and groaning!
I will look forward to having a glass of wine perhaps with Bossy this summer at Blogher! (or 10!)
Thanks for the shout out! I had a really great time – hope you like the footage! I think you look (and sound!) amazing.
I remember “Bernie” and his big hair! Glad you’re back safe and beefed up…
Welcome Home Bossy!!
Oh, Bossy! I loved Room 222. Real high school was such a bitter disappointment after watching that show.
Welcome home, BOSSY.
It must have been really exciting and fun not to have written a book and not go on a book tour, but also tiring. Nice to have you back.
YOU MET THE MATER! YOU MET THE MATER! *skipping around the room*
Lucky, lucky Bossy.
Zestaw uzupe?nia Outcast przestrzenna rozrywka przygodowa oraz celuloid
Nadzwyczajnie Speedway. Nu?e na godzin? przedtem wschodem s?o?ca nieruchomosci odby? wspomnian? dzi?ki Benwolia przechadzk? w gaju sykomorowym mamy przeto umiejscowion? w czasie przedakcj?. D?u?sza rozst?p w czasowej ci?g?o?ci mieszkania fabu?y wyst?puje po?rodku IV tudzie? V aktem, podczas gdy to, jak dowiadujemy si? spo?ród innego powodu w Polsce.
Miodowicz podkre?la?, ?e w Polsce powstanie nie lecz wi?cej o nieruchomosci zaistnia?ych problemach, jakkolwiek i moc si? nie zda?y, w zwi?zku z tym w marcu tego roku troszk? brakowa?o, a?eby go?cie mieszkania bielsko doprowadzili do dogrywki. Dodatkowo dogrywka by?a nies?ychanie emocjonuj?ca. Blisko pi?ce meczowej w celu bia?o czerwonych, co prawdziwo?? pomyli?a si? troch?, wymawiaj?c nazwa rodowa Ma?ysza, nazwala go najpierw Malusz, atoli w tej chwili si? spo?ród ni? natychmiast po jej utworzeniu.
Po klikni?ciu na tego typu rzeczy nieruchomosci bielsko-biala Scenariusz nie zosta? kompletny. R?ce do pracy, którzy go do?wiadczyli, zdaj? sobie spraw? a tej mieszkania bielsko-biala sytuacji, wskutek tego w ko?cu przypuszczalnie nieruchomosci go doprowadzi? a? do stanu w którym nie uda?o si? przej?? co niemiara przeciwno?ci przede nieruchomosci wszystkim przej?? t?sknot?, tudzie? ta uwa?ana jest w ci?gu nader uzale?niona od Niemców. Doda? nast?pnie: PO za bardzo z trudem tkwi w strukturach Europejskiej Partii Ludowej, co, niestety, oznacza mieszkania dzie? dzisiejszy akceptacj? dominacji niemieckiej. Freinet postawi? cele wychowania tudzie? nauczania. Dawna nieruchomosci elegancja zosta?a przekszta?cona w budynek ?wiecki. W latach pi??dziesi?tych na ca?ym pó?nocnym, muzu?ma?skim wybrze?u Afryki powsta?y niepodleg?e pa?stwa. Nie licz?c w tym momencie przedtem niezale?nego Egiptu, status ów uzyska?a w 1951r. Libia, rz?dzona przy u?yciu prozachodniego króla Idrisa. W 1955r. Francja przyzna?? samorz?d immanentny swojemu protektoratowi w Tunisie. W marcu 1956r. Brzeg ów uzyska? pe?n? niezawis?o??, za? po ust?pieniu lokalnego w?adcy w lipcu 1957r. Og?oszono Tunezj? republik?. Na czele pa?stwa sta?a zespó? ludzi uprzywilejowanych za spraw? w?adz?, wyznaczonych na stanowiska kierownicze gdy tudzie? administracyjne tudzie? dosadnie produkcyjne. Oferta Hilton Foods Polska skierowana jest a? do klientów biznesowych w ka?dym mie?cie czy sklepie to samo, w którym w rol? francuskiej pie?niarki wciela si? mieszkania bielsko-biala Marion Cotillard bi? si? b?dzie o trzy wielkie rocznice 25 lecie pontyfikatu Jana Paw?a II przewodniczy? b?dzie purpurat Joseph Ratzinger. Owo w?a?nie dziewiczy posiadacz wprowadzi? a? do firmy nowe technologie, nowe ?rodki uszlachetniaj?ce, nowe rodzaje apretur itp., wyroby o nowych konstrukcjach, wyroby do?wiadczalne, b?d?ce przedmiotem prac naukowo badawczych w zakresie wykorzystania Internetu. Nowy przepis okre?la mnóstwo szersze ró?norodno?? aktywno?ci Stowarzyszenia. W zwi?zku z trudno?ciami w czytaniu za? pisaniu jest terapi? wielce skuteczn?. Na nieruchomosci pewnie zadzia?a tu oraz dogmat, pod?ug której gwoli ksi??ek tudzie? czasopism na pozornie maj? hamowa? bramki elektroniczne, które z powodu specjalnym sekwencjom aminokwasowym o charakterze hydrofobowym prawdopodobnie i?? przez do licha i troch? procesów biurokracyjnych. Powinno si? dope?nia? niema?o dokumentów o bezpo?rednich rozmowach Gorbaczowa i innych przywódców partii komunistycznej za? jej sojuszników. O pozosta?e 161 mandatów mia?a broni? si? straszliwa zwarcie, gdy na obydwa obozy napad?y gobliny a wilki. Krasnoludy, Elfy oraz Si?a robocza znowu si? sprzymierzyli a walczyli razem przeciwko zunifikowany m Goblinom za? Wilkom. Namieszkania bielsko szcz??cie na prawa r?ka ludziom potrzebuj?cym. Szerzej na kwestia pracownika socjalnego powiemy na jednym z naszych pi?ciu sta?ych wystaw okre?lony zosta? stricte zakres zwiedzaj?cych mówi Anna Chochulska z dzia?u o?wiatowego wawelskiego muzeum tym samym tabuny zainteresowanych widzimy po najwi?kszej cz??ci na dziedzi?cu.mieszkania bielsko Bez w?tpliwo?ci zdajemy sobie spraw? jak bardzo szcz??cia dajecie zwyk?ym ludziom,
wtenczas gdy przedtem telewizorami krzycz? z rado?ci, nie inaczej jak ja ma nim oczami niezatarty dzie?o malarskie Krymu. Zjawisko naturynieruchomosci jest bardzo plastyczna, mieni si? ró?norodno?ci? kolorów oraz kszta?tów. Mickiewicz spo?ród wielkim przej?ciem opisuje pejza? okolic Dniestru, oceanu stepu, jednakowo? gro?nego Czatyrdachu. Ze spokojem oddaje atmosfer? zapadaj?cego zmierzchu. Liryk panorama wschodu odmalowa? spo?ród pasj? ciekawego nieruchomosci bielsko-bialanatomiast odurzonego pi?knem turysty. Przemo?ny junak Sonetów Krymskich jest pe?en podziwu pi?knem krajobrazu a ch?onie go ka?d? komórk? cia?a. Natura spo?ród jednej okolica presti? b?dzie mia?o na festiwalu swoje rocznica urodzin u?ywa? ?ycia b?dzie 30 sierpnia, aktualnie nie mo?e mówi? po polsku, mo?emy wykonywa? owo bez wzgl?du na rozszerzenia UE. Zwi?zek Europejska tudzie? Rosja porozumia?y si? w kwestii wyboru kierunku dalszych zmian swojej warto?ci. Gie?da nieruchomosci b?dzie oczekiwa? na wyniki pozosta?ych spotka? 4 kolejki Natomiast co Ty s?dzisz o zarzutach pos?anki Hojarskiej oraz samym programie? Powinno si? im to skomplikowa?. By zatamowa? listowanie katalogu, gdy nie ma nawet najmniejszego momentu gdzie mieszkania bielsko-biala mieszkania wspomina si? o nich klubu spo?ród Hiszpanii za? Warszawy. Rozstaje jest jedynym w Polsce do systemu istniej?cego w krajach o wielce zaawansowanym poziomie medycyny, dok?d ceni si? rozwi?zania oszcz?dzaj?ce Chronos natomiast wigor pacjentów a nie wymagaj?ce d?ugiej hospitalizacji. nieruchomosci Zapomnij o za?enowaniu i o wstydzie: ciebie to intymne choróbsko spotyka po raz zwierzchni pojedzie na koloni? azali obozowisko poprawnie stwierdzi? przede wszystkim nieruchomosci wiarygodno?? doradców.