Last night Bossy and her friend Martha went to Bossy’s friend Amy’s house for dinner, and to see Amy’s new apartment for the first time — and here are a few photos from the occasion!
Bossy admits she’s had a difficult time getting back in the game since returning from her six-week (No) Book Tour, unless that game is avoiding responsibilities, in which case Bossy is winning so you may as well forfeit.
But Bossy is going to try to make it up to you by telling you about last night anyway!
First of all, Amy’s new apartment house is so happy!
Once inside, Amy gave Bossy and her friend Martha a tour of the apartment!
And then, while Bossy obsessed online trying to locate two hundred photos of her favorite Barkeep and yours from Marfa Texas, Bossy’s friend Amy and Bossy’s friend Martha washed mussels free of their pubic hair:
Once the shellfish was scrubbed as emphatically as army pots in a Navy mess kitchen, Amy took those mussels and threw them in her simple, delicious homemade red sauce and cooked them until they opened:
Bossy can describe her night with her two sister friends in this way: As easy as falling off the chair. Which nearly happened!
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy what you would be eating tonight and with whom if given the choice?
And please check back later today, and Wednesday even, for the best food and friends comments on the web.
Mussels in champagne sauce, St Maarten restaurant, beloved departed husband.
African peanut sauce made by my lovely sis and bro-in-law.
Clams on the half shell and roller skates, roller skates!
Grandma’s fried chicken, beer with my dear ol’ dad (RIP).
Portofino’s filet on Disney Magic, complete w/friends and dh
pork carnitas, home made guacamole, refried beans with my hubby.
Massive Cobb salad, crisp Chardonnay, w/ BFF 300 miles away.
I would be eating crabs from a bucket in Norfolk
Surf and turf on a cruise ship with kelly Ripa.
Because it looks like she doesnt eat much so I would get 2 servings
Scallops wrapped in bacon cooked by a scantily clad man.
Vietnamese fresh spring rolls served by a scantily clad man.
Swimming in salsa and guacamole with a scantily clad man.
Fried chicken, mashed potatoes. Side order of scantily clad man.
–>Anything cooked by someone else and then add cold beer!
With my man,
sans baby booger,
eating Shogun of Japan
Already there – spaghetti with my two sons, here at home.
Keanu and I would be drinking red wine in beautiful Hawaii.
The best sushi in the city, please, w/extra pickled ginger.
Hey Bossy’s son, how about some more avocado/tuna salad?
p!nk and i would share a barrel of caramel cremes.
lasagna with dear daughter at home for week too sweet
Squid ink risotto with Neil Gaiman, and maybe my husband.
thai summer rolls with Husband minus his reflux (! !the reflux ! ! is an only child. . .) , plus cocktails.
entire lasagna for my pregnant self – don’t care who’s around.
I’d be singing for Yuengling,
It’s its own food group.
I just got back from eating sushi with my wonderful 21 year old son. It was great, He paid the bill.
Anything from El Encanto, with Bruce, and anybody else’s welcome.
A shout out to them!
pizza, frozen with pepperoni. two glasses of wine. happy, relax.
Spicy sushi and wine on a private beach with Beej.
Lobster bisque in York Beach, Maine, with my amazing mom.
Chicken tacos, guac, magaritas with Sharene
Burgers on my beach with BNL
Middle Eastern food with Bossy & council
Breakfast, anytime . . just me and the love of my life
i’d be eating pizza with a boy
wine, cheese, toasted bread, on a beach or street cafe.
Anything anywhere in France with wife (except MickyDs) with wine.
Juicy strawberries (mine dipped in chocolate) with my incredible lover…
Poached pears with the boy who flew back to Atlanta.
Sitting with my Dad, pounding a steak down, in NYC
Takeaway fish and chips with tired kids and hot hubs…

PS Not ideal, but already done (Wednesday is about to close up shop down here!!)
“Bossy’s friend Amy and Bossy’s friend Martha washed mussels free of their pubic hair:”
Did anyone else have to read this three times to get the weird mental image out of their head?
Swordfish tacos, mango margaritas in Pacific Grove. With little sister.
Front porch, under stars, cricket concert, rushing stream, contented husband!
Fabulous custom we enjoy no matter what is served
Cherry Garcia off of Johnny Depp’s stomach.
Tacos, enchiladas, nachos, salsa, fishbowl margaritas with my friend Gill!
My guy’s shrimp pasta big bowls in bed old movie
Last night’s leftover grilled cheeseburgers, sesame seed buns, with Hubby
Hmmm…how did their pubic hair get on the mussels?
Mussels and hunks of bread with Bossy, Amy and Martha.
Or with Chesapeake Bay Woman and her scantily clad man.
Pizza and beer with Mike Holmes – serious crush!
Thai with women friends; left husband home with his parents!
Last day, looooong in-law visit.
I vant to be alone.
Does it require a Brazilian wax to get mussels off one’s pubes?
Lobster, melted butter, french bread, champagne and my only one!
Anything vegetarian with Paul and Linda McCartney. I’m A dreamer.
doesn’t matter….it would just have to be with my cousins and a few bottles of wine!
Dr. Feelgood. A martini and whole Maine lobster. End of story.
Anything at all as long as it was with Jeff…
Lobster, mussels, scallops, my back-yard with my BFF, Carlita.