Clematis vine. Especially that of the purple Jackmanii variety. This photo was taken of Bossy’s mom’s front garden since Bossy doesn’t have any Clematis vines at the moment — but Bossy does remember a rule of thumb when considering where to plant it: they like wet feet and a dry head.
Bossy also remembers something about placing flat rocks at the base of their stem for stability and maybe to provide that extra shade down there.
In fact, the only thing Bossy doesn’t know about her crush the clematis, is how to pronounce it. Do you say Clem-eh-tis or Clem-ah-tis?
that’s pronounced flower.
You say cluh-maa-tis.
I say po-tah-tao.
pot-tah-to, pot-ta-too, clem atis clem etis….
–>I posted a picture of mine earlier this week on the blog. I’m just glad I could spell it because I don’t know how to pronounce it either. We cut ours back in the Fall too and it keeps getting bigger.
You say clem ah tis and I say tom ah toe…
“they like wet feet and a dry head” That’s what she said! No? Hmm, there’s a joke in there somewhere, I’m sure.
Pronounce it either way. The plant doesn’t care.
I like Clem-ahhh-tis.
Dare I share that I sometimes get confused and call it chlamydia? Honest. Did it twice.
Corrie’s right although I think the emphasis on the second syllable sounds less like a disease. Actually, either sound bad. Good thing it’s a gorgeous flower.
Oh let’s call the whole thing off! We have the exact same one, which we’re trying to grow up our pergola – per ge la or per go la, you make the call.
Cla matt iss
clem ay tis, actually.
OMG! I was just looking at flowers like those the other day and thinking “those are so pretty. I wonder what they’re called?” And, BOSSY, like a mind-reader, posts it. YAY! Happy!
I avoid pronouncing it. Just like anvil, vacation, anemone, and about 600 other words I’m told I pronounce wrong.
I like your Hipstamatic shot. I’ve been admiring the regal purple flowers on a neighbor’s Clematis (now I know what it’s called) when I walk around the block. Of course I was shameless about photographing it.
I have a related question: Is it cli-TOR-is or CLIT-or-is? Gorgeous either way, just like the flower…
Clem at us.
I say cle-MAT-is…and you should definitely plant one. They grow like crazy and bloom all summer, and they do like their feet in the shade and their heads in the sun.
I think Brits pronounce it one way, Southerners the other, and the rest of us do well simply to know what to call it.
Reminds me of when the Seinfeld crew was trying to remember a woman’s name that sounded like a female body part. Dolores.
Reminds me of the name Lois. Those in the North pronounce it LO-is. Many in the South say L(oi)s (oi like oil). And then there’s the prounciation straight from St. Bernard Parish in Louisiana; those say Lerce.
Just a gorgeous flower. Too hot for it in Brisbane Austraia though. No matter how shady it’s feet are.
Dammit! I’m so late to this forking comment party that all the good “potato potahto” jokes are taken.
I usually have several varieties growing and as long as I have at least one Jackmanii I’m happy. Now…is it Jack-mohn-ee or Jack-mann-ee?
I have a thing about Canada. So I say eh.
Say it one way – it’s a vine..say it the other way – it’s a STD.