Bossy’s Daughter and Sweet Stella! Awwwe. My 10-month old 108 pound Dane does that “scratch my belly” thing while sitting on my lap. It is very comforting for him, but very uncomfortable for me.
I have me one of those – except when Axel does that specific Great Dane pose… well, there are a couple of kiwifruit on display. And that’s all I have to say about that.
that is one irresistible tummy!
While just a little unladylike, who can resist such a happy dog?!
Stella is awesome!
What a happy pup. Lucky Bossy.
I love how her whole face just saaaags in happy, relaxed jowliness.
And I loved “UP”
That’s how I enjoy my Pixar movies, too.
Bossy’s Daughter and Sweet Stella! Awwwe. My 10-month old 108 pound Dane does that “scratch my belly” thing while sitting on my lap. It is very comforting for him, but very uncomfortable for me.
Bossy’s using a fan! And we’re wearing sweaters in Seattle. Bah! Lucky Bossy.
Did Stella jump up when they yelled “Treat!” on the screen, like all the other dogs?
I have me one of those – except when Axel does that specific Great Dane pose… well, there are a couple of kiwifruit on display. And that’s all I have to say about that.

We call Stella’s pose “Sunny Side Up” at our house.
Yikes, from the thumbnail picture I thought you had a road-kill deer!
Stella, that is exactly what I thought of the heat, too.
Stella is so demure.
Stella is UPside down.