This bracelet, which is advertised as a Kabbalah bracelet, even though Bossy thought Kabbalah bracelets were of the red thread variety, tied around the wrists of Jews like Madonna.
Bossy admits to not knowing very much about the Jewish religion or this Kabbalah stuff — for instance the 72 Names of God, and how one of those names is featured on the pendant hanging from the bracelet, which is supposed to provide specific insights to the wearer — but anyway, perhaps it is pretentious to wear something you know nothing about which is why Bossy doesn’t have one (yet), but can’t Bossy just like the thing because it’s sexy?
What do you think? Is it pretentious to own a Kabbalah bracelet when you don’t know what a Kabbalah is?
–>I can’t even spell Kabballah. Go for it.
It’s a lovely bracelet. And it certainly can’t HURT.
Yesssssss. But we know my views on things of this sort.
Are those rubber bracelets? Like no-jew Madonna rocked in the 80’s???
Go for it, what is amazing is that there is an Islamic alternative name for this charm : “Eye of Fatima or the hand of Fatima” , regarding to Fatima Zahra, Prophet Muhammad’s daughter, sort of “protection of the hand” or “The hand of God“…I wear both…I’ll take help from any camp, says the Irish Catholic…
It’s lovely. I say go for it. I would want to know exactly what it says though.
Kabbalah is all about mysticism;of course you should wear it!
Has Bossy fired her Far Flung Correspondent for not showing up to work yet???
Seriously get a translation. Might say “I am an idiot”
It’s good karma. Wear it!
Dunno about pretentious, but isn’t it kinda’ like wearing a t-shirt with a slogan in a language you don’t read? who knows what you’re telling people?? But, or you could just take a chance. It is pretty.
Didn’t you ever play this game when you were a kid? It was advertised on Saturday morning cartoons and everything:
It is pretty. I like it.
I would like to know the source of that bracelet as it is fabu, and even the one Kabbalah website I just looked at says anyone who wants to wear such symbols should. In fact, it says you shouldn’t know what the symbols and blessings are on the amulet, so that you don’t interpret it your own way and interfer with the purpose of the blessings. So ignorance is the way to go!
I keep saying KABALLAH in my head over and over again and giggling. If ya likes it, wears it. done.
if it really is a kaballah bracelet, how come Madonna doesn’t wear one? I am skeptical. Wary even. This may be a kaballah splinter group forming to plot mass hoarding of shelled edamame. But let me consult my Jewelry for Jews and Wannabe’s handbook,….
i think yea it is. if it is religion that you know nothing about and don’t even partake in then you probably shouldn’t wear it. if you do some research and then believe in what it means… then i would think it isn’t such a bad idea.
I say go for it. The black bracelets mean you aren’t a virgin, though so don’t wear ’em…
Religious symbolism as sexy… mmm….
I seriously doubt Brit and Madge have a fookin’ clue either. They just liked the shade of embroidery floss they picked up at their local Michael’s.
I think it is a very pretty bracelet and it might inspire you to do some research on what Kaballah is SUPPOSED to be. – not just the religion du jour for some over hyped celebs.
Pretentious? No. Not sure what the correct word is, but I don’t think I’d be going around wearing religious jewelry from a faith I did not believe in or knew nothing about. Just saying…
Not much of a believer of any sort these days, but when I was a (Christian) kid, I very much wanted to wear the Star of David as I thought it very cool – mom said no. I am glad in retrospect (doesn’t it seem disrespectful?).
Bossy is not pretentious therefore nothing Bossy wears is pretentious and also if something brings comfort or creates friendliness toward self = not pretentious but nice. I have an addiction to buying little buddha statues and I always think “am I a pretentious ass?” but then I remember that I love these little statues even though I don’t FULLY know all about them. They make me happy, not hateful and that’s good. Yay Kaballah bracelet!
pretentious no, but somewhat disrespectful. At least find out about it and wear it then. I have lots of Celtic jewelry and a Bridget’s cross. Its from my country of birth and usually has a legend or significance. If I see someone else wearing it I do expect them to know what they’re wearing . Otherwise it seems to cheapen its symbolism. I have no problem with someone appropriating a cultural item but I do expect them to at least know what it is. Something.
Isn’t that odd? I’m usually pretty loose about stuff but it seems I have a strong opinion on this.
Remember when it meant you were gay if you wore your earring in your left ear or something (for guys) and that you were bi if you wore two (for guys)? I remember nodding in recognition at George Michael’s double pierced ears in the I Want Your Sex video.
RE: the bracelet: It’s pretty. If it brings you some peace and calm and pretty pretty than who cares? I’m not one for putting too much emphasis on material items, though, not that I don’t LIKE material items and lovely things, I just don’t get all riled up over much. Unless you had like, a swastika bracelet, that didn’t have anything to do with the Neolithic period in INida.
i’ve only ever seen the red stringy kind, but if you like the bracelet wear the bracelet.
i’m jewish by birth, but was raised by godless heathens yet I have always wanted either a chai necklace or a ring that says “i am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” in hebrew (almost got them as wedding rings, but the whole godless heathen thing…). anyway, i say go for it if you want it (it is really cute), but i would at least find out what it really says.
I have no religion and believe in nothing…but I have worn crosses because they were pretty, though I don’t anymore. I think the bracelet is pretty hot, but I might have someone on Etsy make up a non-religious version
Here’s another YES.
I tried to turn the screen upside down to read the text on the bracelet for you, but couldn’t make out all the words. (Let’s hear it for 5 years of Hebrew school!) But a blessing is a blessing, yes?
Kabbalah is not really a religion, but a collection of interesting stories of the mysticism of Judaism. Here’s a primer I wrote for someone who asked to understand a little about the difference between Judaism and Christianity. Hope it’s an interesting start.
(P.S. Hi! Delurking. Wish I could have been around to meet you in Houston on your no-book tour – heard it was a fun time!)
Hm. It definitely doesn’t say the name of God on it. It seems to be a quote from Genesis 49:22. The JPS translation of that verse is “Joseph is a wild ass, a wild ass by a spring–wild colts on a hillside.” Other translations offer, “Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a spring, its branches run over a wall.” The quote is a bit jumbled on the bracelet (which, by the way, is totally adorable despite my distaste for Kabalah) which may have been done intentionally but I can’t figure out why this verse would have been chosen. Whatever. Still cute.
I stand corrected. It has part of the quote from Genesis and one of the 72 kabbalisitic names of God (note, these names are just permutations of letters, not actual words). According to Yehuda Berg (of the Kabbalah Centre)’s book on the 72 names of God, this particular name is good to warding off the evil eye.
I feel if you want a little protection and to feel “good” in these times of uncertainty, then go for wearing the bracelet. Not to self-promote, but I manufacture jewelry and we have all different people of many beliefs that want a piece of jewelry to wear simply for protection. Now if it actually comes true, that is up to the believer, but the idea is out there that you are “safe” from evil and hey, what is so wrong with that?