This is Bossy.
This is Bossy at a blog conference last summer.
This is Bossy at a blog conference last summer collecting lots of swag.
This is Bossy at a blog conference last summer collecting lots of swag that eventually made its way into Bossy’s purgatory basement because Bossy didn’t really need any of the swag she collected.
This is a Kodak pocket video camera:
This is a Kodak pocket video camera which retails for over $100 even though Bossy keeps calling it a Flip camera. This is a Kodak pocket video camera Bossy wants to give away to one of her council. So let’s play a little game, shall we?
These three are Bossy’s friends. These three are Bossy’s friends who at some point in their lifetime broke a bone.
One of these Bossy friends broke a shoulder and one broke a couple of fingers and one broke a wrist. To enter to win the Kodak video camera, simply match the Bossy friend with the broken body part. You don’t have to be correct to win, Bossy will employ her friend the Random Number Generator and consider all entries, one per person please. Good luck!
I’m gonna guess Amy was skiing, Eric was the vicitm of Huey Lewis (and I’d love to hear that story) and Wendy ended up in the college health center because of that nasty dorm room accident.
Eric – Huey Lewis concert (’cause guys always do dumb things showing off at concerts)
Wendy – skiing (’cause she looks like a skiier)
Amy – dorm room (process of elimination)
Eric was definitely a huey lewis victim. Perhaps wendy skiied with disastrous results & amy is a huge goof..?
eric-dorm room
Eric skiing; Amy Huey Lewis; Wendy dorm room
Based on years of guesswork…..
Wendy – fingers, Eric – shoulder, Amy – wrist
Don’t ask ’bout the success rate of my years of guesswork – suffice it to say I usually get one lousy number when I play the lottery.
Amy – Huey Lewis
Wendy – Skiing
Eric – Dorm Room
Or maybe not.
Amy – Skiing; Wendy – Huey Lewis concert; Eric – dorm room.
Amy Broke her wrist. Eric-fingers Wendy shoulder. BTW I suck at guessing.
I’m going to say …
Wendy – Shoulder (She looks more the out of doors, fun, adventurous type!)
Amy – Wrist (She looks like the type would would have a blast at any concert!)
Eric – Fingers (Because we all know that girls don’t goof around in their dorm rooms!)
Amy = Dorm
Eric = Concert
Wendy = Skiing
I don’t have to be right? This never happens. Oh, lucky day. Here goes: Eric-skiing; Wendy-dorm room; Amy-concert.
Wendy – concert
Eric – skiing
Amy – dorm room
Eric = concert
Wendy= Skiing
Amy=dorm room
I love not having to be correct!
Amy – Huey Lewis concert
Wendy – goofing off in dorm
Eric – skiing
I’m going to go with the order in which they appear.
Wendy — concert
Eric — dorm room
Amy — skiiing
How fun!
Amy: concert
Eric: dorm room
Wendy: skiing
My guesses are:
Wendy broke her shoulder
Amy broke her wrist
Eric broke his fingers
let’s pray to the RNG ’cause I’m taking a huge guess:
Wendy = wrist
Eric = shoulder
Amy = fingers
Eric shoulder
Amy wrist
Wendy couple of fingers
Eric – Huey Lewis/wrist
Amy – Dorm/fingers
Wendy Skiing/shoulder
Eric–fingers. Because boys do a lot of goofing around. Girls are not that crazy.
Amy totally looks like a Huey Lewis fan, so I’ll say she broke her wrist.
And Wendy? Definite skier. So let’s say she broke her shoulder.
(I broke my wrist once roller skating down a giant hill. NOT one of my finer moments.)
I’m in, and I’m not peeking at the other bonetestants’ guesses.
Wendy — Shoulder, skiing (women don’t have upper arm strength, right?)
Eric — wrist, huey lewis concert — Too vigorous on the air guitar
Amy — fingers, dorm room — Trying to move her fridge probably
Amy – Huey Lewis Concert
Eric – Dorm Room
Wendy – Skiing
Huey Lewis? AWESOME.
Okay, so let’s see . . .
Amy’s the Huey Lewis moshpit victim, Eric snapped bones in his dorm room, and Wendy ate it while skiing. Yes? No? Who cares–my camera has been broken (how appropriate to this post!) for over a year and it would be very nice to have a camera with a functioning screen so I could see what I’m taking pictures of.
Wendy broke her shoulder skiing. Amy broke her wrist at a Huey Lewis concert (really? Huey Lewis???). Eric broke his fingers in his dorm room.
Eric = shoulder
Wendy = fingers
Amy = wrist
I have absolutely no idea and I read your blog everyday! I guess me having a terrible memory and can’t remember what I did yesterday sometimes doesn’t help me any!!!! Oh well!!! Can’t wait to see how my memory is at 50! Scary!!!!
I’m going with….
Wendy: skiing
Eric: Huey Lewis Concert
Amy: Goofing around
Amy =fingers
Eric = wrist
Wendy = Shoulder
Oooh, love this giveaway. I guess:
Amy = Concert
Eric = Skiing
Wendy = Dorm
Eric – skiing
Wendy – Huey injury
Amy – dorm room
Eric = broken wrist
Amy = broken fingers
Wendy = broken shoulder
Wendy – shoulder while skiing
Eric – Wrist at Huey Lewis
Amy – fingers in dorm
Amy – skiing, Eric – Huey Lewis, Wendy – dorm room?
Wendy – concert
Amy – skiing
Eric – dorm room
Wendy broke bones skiing. Eric broke bones at Huey Lewis. Amy broke bones in her dorm.
Hope I win.
Amy/Dorm, Eric/Concert, Wendy/Skiing
Wendy – wrist
Eric – shoulder
Amy – fingers
I think…
Eric at the concert
Wendy skiing
Amy in the dorm
Thanks for the chance Bossy!
Wendy – broke her wrist skiing. She looks like an outdoorsy skiier-type person.
Eric – broke his fingers goofing around his dorm room. That’s just what guys do.
Amy – definitely broke her wrist at a Huey Lewis concert. She looks like she would crowd surf!
pick me pick me…
Amy – Huey
Wendy – finger
Eric – skiing
Amy – concert
Wendy – skiiing
Eric – dorm room
Hooray for swag!
Wendy – *skiing
Eric – *concert
Amy – *dorm
Eric, dorm room. Wendy, concert. Amy, skiing. I just craves me that camera!
Eric = Huey Lewis Concert
Amy = Dorm room
Wendy = skiing
I wanna kodak camera flippy thing!
Ok since you said us international peeps could play too, here goes:
I’m going with Wendy – skiing, Eric – dorm, and Amy – concert.
Wendy – finger
Eric – shoulder
Amy – wrist
Amy would definitely broke her wrist at a concert. Thats just her luck.
Wendy looks outdoorsy – skiing
Eric – fingers in the dorm, probably was due to a drinking game
And if i win I can film Amy at work since we know how much she loves the camera
Frankly, all three accounts are a little suspect.
Wendy –Huey. Amy–Dorm. Eric–skiing
Wendy = shoulder
Eric = wrist
Amy = fingers
eric=dorm room
I think you were trying to be tricky by actually listing the friend’s injury next to their pix.
p.s. i don’t like to use caps when typing on a laptop (?!?)
Wendy – skiing
Amy – Huey Lewis
Eric – dorm room
Totally random guesses.
Wendy wrist
Eric fingers
Amy shoulder
Wendy – Skiier (she looks all outdoorsy)
Eric – Huey Lewis concert (maybe he jumped off the stage)
Amy – Goofing off (she looks like a goofing off kinda person. jk. jk)
amy – wrist @ concert
eric – shoulder skiing
wendy – fingers at dorm
I don’t really care which of Bossy’s esteemed friends did what but I’d like the camera. Before next Friday when I go on vacation please…
as if I’d ever win anything. Congratulations to whichever of you is the winner!
I have no idea, but would love a new camera! So here goes my guess:
Eric – Huey Lewis concert
Amy – Skiing
Wendy – Dorm room accident
wendy – skiing
eric – dorm room
amy – huey lewis concert
because it would make too much sense for the musician to be at a concert!
Wendy = shoulder
Eric = wrist
Amy = fingers
But who knows? Sounds like the plot of an extremely low budget film! Now, if I only had a video camera….
Oh, this one is easy.
Wendy – wrist
Eric – fingers
Amy – shoulder
Eric- Wrist
Amy- Fingers
Amy- concert
Eric – dorm
Wendy – skiing
Guessing here…
Wendy – Shoulder
Eric – Wrist
Amy – Finger
Wendy – Shoulder
Amy – Wrist
Eric – Fingers
Woo for not having to be right! My baby would LOVE to stick her face in front of this camera!
Eric = concert
Wendy = Skiing
Amy = goofing
Wendy – shoulder while skiing
Amy – fingers
Eric – wrist at the Huey Lewis concert (I love, Love, LOVE Huey!)
Eric- Skiing
Amy- Huey Lewis
Wendy- In the Dorm Room with the Candlestick
Decisions, decisions!
Wendy – Huey Lewis [probably trying to rush the stage]
Eric – Skiing [probably trying to imitate Bossy’s husband John Cusack in Better off Dead]
Amy – Dorm room [probably trying to leap from her loft]
Wendy = skiing
Eric = dorm room
Amy = Huey Lewis concert
Eric- concert/ wrist
Wendy- ski/ shoulders
Amy- dorm/ fingers
Amy – fingers
Wendy – wrist
Eric- shoulder
Hey…did you notice that the first initials spells, “Awe” ???
My kids spell, “Ace”….and their dad takes them on hikes called, “Aces adventures”….:)
Eric – wrist
Amy – fingers
Wendy – sking
Wendy – shoulder (ouch)
Eric – wrist
Amy – fingers
Wendy: Shoulder
Eric: Fingers
Amy: Wrist
Eric – Shoulder
Amy – Fingers
Wendy – Wrist
Amy- skiing
Wendy – concert
Eric – dorm room
Amy–huey lewis
Wendy–dorm room
Eric-dorm room
That’s my guess and I’m sticking with it!
I will guess Wendy with a finger in a dorm room
and Eric with a shoulder at a concert and
Amy with a wrist while skiing.
Does this sound like the game clue to you?
Thank you for the fun contest!
Wendy is the ski victim, Eric is the Huey Lewis victim (The Power of Love, anyone?) and Amy is the dorm room victim.
Can I have the Flip now?
Wendy – concert
Eric – skiing
Amy – dorm room
Amy / Dorm
Eric / Concert
Wendy / Skiing
I’m guessing Wendy broke her fingers goofing around her dorm room, Eric totally has the unfortunate wrist incident during the Huey Lewis concert, and Amy — poor thing — broke her shoulder while skiing, but met a hot ski patrol medic which took the sting of the fall away completely.
Eric – skiing, Amy – Huey Lewis and some booze, Wendy – goofing around at college.
Can I win even if I don’t have a blog?
Amy – Wrist
Eric – Shoulder
Wendy – Finger
Eric Huey lewis… because why NOT? Wendy Goofing off and Amy has that drinking going on thing again.
Wendy – concert
Eric – skiing
Amy – dorm room
Amy-broken Wrist at the Huey Lewis concert.
Eric-broke a couple of finger goofing around in a college dorm room.
Wendy- broke a shoulder while skiing
Thank you for cool kodak pocket video camera giveaway.
Wendy –skiing
amy-huey lewis, eric-skiing, wendy-dorm room
Eric – fingers
Amy – Concert
Wendy – skiing
Amy – shoulder
Eric – fingers
Wendy – wrist
I fractured my elbow jumping on a stomp rocket when I was 39!
Wendy – Huey Lewis casualty
Eric – unfortunate skiier
Amy – dorm goof
Has Martha never broken any bones?
Wendy = skiing
Eric = Huey Lewis
Amy = goofing around dorm room
Eric – Huey Lewis concert
Amy – dorm room
Wendy – skiing
I think, I hope. I want a camera!
Wendy – dorm fingers
Eric – skiing shoulder
Amy – Huey Lewis wrist
wendy – finger
amy – huey lewis wrist
the dude – the other broken bone skiing or whatever
Wendy: Broken shoulder
Amy Couple broken fingers
Eric: Broken wrist
Wendy=Huey Lewis Concert
Amy=dorm room
This is a little close to home for me as I broke my foot just walking through my house two days ago. (ok…I slipped and jammed it into an open door) The pain is excruciating and the ortho shoe is just plain butt-ugly.
i think it’s…
eric in the dorm room
amy on the mountain
wendy at the arena
Eric – wrist
Wendy – shoulder
Amy – fingers
I don’t care who broke what & when………. Ina is pissed you didn’t come for dinner when you were on your NY leg of your trip!
Amy – shoulder
Wendy – fingers
Eric – shoulder
OK, I will play because I love guessing.
Wendy – Huey Lewis
Eric – Skiing
Amy – Dorm Room
Wendy – Goofing around
Eric – skiing
Amy – Huey Lewis
If I win do I need to tell El Hubbo that his Father’s Day gift was sans cost?
Amy- Skiing
Eric- Huey Lewis (what? he’s cool)
Wendy- Goofing in the dorms
Amy- goofing in the dorms
Eric- at the concert
Wendy- Skiing
Wendy – wrist
Eric – fingers
Amy – shoulder
I say each one goes with the one next to it.
1=1. 2=2. 3=3.
Amy = Huey Lewis (because thats awesome)
Wendy = skiing.
Eric = dorm because he’s a guy and guys do dumb stuff
I say, Amy = skiing, Eric = dorm, and Wendy = concert.
My first stop by your blog. Hilarious.
My 8 hr old coffee may or may not have just shot out of my nose.
Here is my guess at this “clue”-esc who-broke-it game
Ok: Wendy – fingers in the dooroom (with the candlestick)
Amy – shoulder skiing (with the wrench)
Eric – wrist at the concert (with the rope)
totally guessing here:
Wendy – Wrist
Eric – Fingers
Amy – Shoulder
I have my reasons
Wendy – wrist
Eric – shoulder
Amy – fingers
wendy = skiing
eric = concert
amy = drinking accident in dorm room
Wendy = Skiing
Eric = Dorm Room, because guys always goof around in college dorm rooms.
Wendy = Concert
oops, it should read….
Wendy = Skiing
Eric = Dorm Room, because guys always goof around in college dorm rooms.
Amy = Concert
Amy was skiing. Eric was at the concert. Wendy was in the dorm room.
Would it be bad/awful/wrong/ass-ish to say I stopped reading at “Huey Lewis”?
Amy-dorm room
Eric was skiing (I was going to say concert, but everyone else did so now I’m trying to buck the trend!)
Wendy was in the dorm room and
Amy was at the concert singing along
Eric Dorm room
Amy concert
Wendy skiing
And I’ve broken my arm. Although I realize that’s not one of the questions.
wendy broke her fingers; amy broke her shoulder; eric broke his wrist.
random number generator: are we even on speaking terms?
Wendy – wrist
Eric – shoulder
Amy – fingers
Am I warm?
I’m gonna go with-
Eric- fingers/dorm room
Wendy – shoulder/skiing
Amy – wrist/concert
Wendy – Wrist
Eric – Shoulder
Amy – Fingers
Am I right?
Amy = random
Eric = number
Wendy = generator
Amy broke her shoulder, Eric broke his fingers, Wendy broke her wrist.
Wendy broke her shoulder, Eric broke his fingers, and Amy broke her wrist. In the green room with the knife.
Eric – shoulder
Wendy – wrist
Amy – fingers
Wendy skied
Eric hueyed
Amy went to college
Eric – Huey Lewis
Amy – Dorm room
Wendy – skiing
Eric – broken while skiing
Wendy – broken in dorm
Amy – broken at Huey concert (THIS is the one I’m curious about.)
Wendy- shoulder
Eric- fingers
Amy- wrist
Hmm, just guessin’ here:
Wendy broke her fingers
Eric broke his shoulder
Amy broke her wrist
Eric broke his fingers
Amy broke her wrist
Wendy broke her shoulder
Eric broke his wrist
Amy broke her fingers
Wendy broke her shoulder
Hmmmmm—I once broke my nose playing football. Does that count?
My tomatoes are late
Sorry about the Flyers
Wendy – Wrist
Amy – Shoulder
Eric – Fingers
Wendy Skiing, Eric at Huey Lewis and Amy in the dorms.
Amy = Dorm = fingers
Eric = Concert = wrist
Wendy = Skiing = shoulder
Eric – fingers
Amy – wrist
Wendy – shoulder
Pick me, Random Number Generator!! Pick meeee!!!
Amy – fingers for sure.
Eric – shoulder I think
Wendy – wrist – she got pushed or something!
Eric – Huey, Wendy – Dorm, Amy – Skiing
Hello from Austin!
WeNdY = SkIiNg
ErIc = GoOfInG
AmY = LeWiS CoNcErT
Amy-Dorm room
Eric – skiing
Wendy – dorm
Amy – concert
Eric-Fingers/dorm room goofing
Amy-Wrist/Huey Lewis (can’t go wrong there!)
I have no clue! But will take a chance.
Eric – skiing
Amy – Shoulder/skiing
Wendy – Wrist
Amy: concert
Eric: skiing
Wendy: dorm room
Wendy- skiing
Eric- goofing around dorm
Amy- wrist at concert
Wendy skiing. Eric fooling around in a dorm. I don’t think girls fool around in dorm rooms that hard. Which leaves Amy for the Huey Newton concert….
Eric – Goofing in dorm room…because guys are goofs.
Wendy – Skiing accident…because she looks like she has some kind of gold medal.
Amy – Hurt herself at a concert…because she looks like “that” kind of fun lady.
Eric- broken fingers
Amy- shoulder skiing
Wendy-Looks like she might dig Huey Lewis, sorry.
Thanks for sharing the swagger.
Eric: skiing
Wendy: Huey Lewis
Amy: dorm accident
Eric-shoulder. Amy fingers. Wendy wrist
Eric – wrist
Eric looks like Huey Lewis kinda guy.
Wendy is the skiier.
And Amy seems like a goofball.
Eric – shoulder
Amy – fingers
Wendy – wrist
Eric- shoulder
Amy- fingers
Wendy- wrist.
Yes, I did copy the entry in front of me. Because cheaters win! And Bossy’s friends break bones.
Stereotyping at its best. lol
Eric -dorm room
Wendy–Huey Lewis
Aloha, Bossy! Mahalo for this groovy contest!
Amy=dorm room
Bossy’s friend Wendy broke a shoulder while skiing. Bossy’s friend Eric broke a couple of fingers goofing around his college dorm room. Bossy’s friend Amy broke her wrist at a Huey Lewis concert.
this person wants to be bossy’s friend but is really just the sister of bossy’s friend and she loves to visit her sister but never seems to connect with bossy when she is at her sisters house near bossy’s house… and she sprained her ankle hiking to petrogliphs….
Wendy – dorm room goof
Eric – HL concert
Amy – Skiier
Eric–Huey Lewis; WEndy–skiing; Amy–broken fingers…
Come on luck numer 175!
Eric-shoulder. Wendy-fingers.
Eric-shoulder. Amy-finger.