Dear grandchildren, this is Live Aid, which celebrates its twenty-five year anniversary today. And this was Bossy in 1985 when the Live Aid concert packed stadiums on both sides of the Atlantic and was broadcast in every nation of the world — but Bossy watched it on her parent’s black and white television set in a beach house in Avalon New Jersey:
The Live Aid summer concert was organized by Bob Geldof on the heels of his multi-artist charity single Do They Know It’s Christmas. Live Aid was meant to offer financial relief to blah blah hunger Bossy forgets. What Bossy doesn’t forget is that Bossy’s close and personal friends The Hooters opened the show at JFK Stadium in Philadelphia:
There were also lesser-known musical artists performing that day. Such as these guys:
And this lady:
And these blokes:
And sometimes many of these unknowns would cluster onstage at the same time:
And it was really touching the way a few people hung out until the very end to see every act:
Bossy can describe her memory of the Live Aid concert in this way: Honestly, council, to have the day back minus big hair.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. Can you tell Bossy in exactly ten words what you remember about the Live Aid time period in music or otherwise? And to you young people: isn’t it your bedtime or something?
And be sure to check back later today for the best memories on the web.
Frankie Goes to Hollywood and those terrible t-shirts, Frankie says Relax.
Fell off bike – in hospital with concussion – missed it – sad.
Freddy Mercury. Just before he died. Still miss that man.
‘Hands Across America’ & heading out w/my parents to hold hands w/strangers…
Step-maggot lied. Said “we’re going!” Never will be forgiven.
Bad perm, hideous clothes; awesome music, won’t forget.
….. and obviously I can’t count because that was only 8 words. GAH.
Dad finally let us get cable, not allowed at concert!
hot…no sun block or water……or shade……did I mention hot? oh if I had it all to do over……I was just talking about The Hooters the other day. LOVE THEM!
JFK, Philly, HOT, epic, Africa, Wembley, 25 years?, I’m OLD.
Hot day, I remember. Listened on the radio all day.
Had on the “Relax” t-shirt. Fluorescent green (shudder) shorts, scrunchie in the hair and we were glued to the T.V.
In US on 7/14. I was in labor
Phil Collins performing both venues – flying from London to Philadelphia
Worked. Attached to transistor radio all day. VCR worked too.
Ok, that’s 10 words, but my strongest memory is longer. Listening to Paul McCartney at Wembley and having the foolish announcer say “there’s a reunion onstage!” And the other announcer saying “that’s a reunion of all the other musicians who played today.” Cruel thing to do to a Beatles fan!
U2 was mesmerizing. I watched the whole thing from England.
Bossy only happy the thing wasn’t Tweeted back then. Gah.
@ camp. Ran to bunk every 90mins to change the tape…(yes,cassette tape!)
Listened on small radio working with most sullen lifeguards ever.
Live Aid…I needed some in those days, big time.
peeing in mens room while Madonna sang – great day!
Jeeze, I was 47—so long ago.
Who is the lady????
Aid as in “kick in the seat of the pants.”
Mick Jagger and Tina Turner !!!!! Hot Stuff !!!
–>Madonna didn’t talk like a virgin or a Brit.
feeling like we might really be able to change something.
U2 and Queen. Wembley ruled.US broadcast= mere annoyance.
At the University of Karlsruhe (Germany). Bonding with Architecture students.
Eyes glued. 14 and obsessed with the Duran Duran fellas.
Parachute pants, legwarmers, braces, too much time on hair & makeup.
My parents let me watch the whole thing. They’re AWESOME.
Neighbor and I watched much of it in our pj’s.
Newborn baby had surgery. Me? Nervous Breakdown. Bad summer.
Loved the earrings, hair and clothes. Miss my skinny body.
no tickets. listened from OUTSIDE stadium. then watched MTV’s replay.
(then put it the audio together with the video in my mind!)
one big rocking day for sure!)
Watched all day with dear friend Kim. She’s gone now.
“We Are The World” was our junior high graduation song.
Thanks Bossy! Now I’ve that song stuck in my head.
(10 words) :-p
T’was a lovely day. Who’s the cutie in the earrings?
It gave us the “African children have no food” lesson.
Don’t remember it. Too old?
Single mom, attending college, 3 kids. Live Aid, Schmive Aid!
LiveAid, FarmAid, USA for Africa — loved the music and hope.
Friend was worried and confused: “What is this BandAid?”
Big hair, bigger shoulder pads, biggest, brightest earrings: so cool!
Can we agree that Madonna is the real “Karma Chameleon?”
My decade of oblivion. Two small boys. Current events? Hah!
Friend in labor,and only four weeks til my wedding.
The year I graduated from high school. Big blonde hair!
Me: desk girl at Apple health Club. Fred Schneider: guest.
I was three. As in years old. Live Aid 2011?
Ginormous permed hair, lipsynched We Are The World with officemates.
Bossy, watching at home, obsessively worried over crowd size. Trampling?
Watched Live Aid while packing for move to San Francisco.
husband died no money& five year old = never ending work
Age: Almost 10, watched it, maybe taped it on beta?
Shit, Kathy dropped the purple microdot in the shag carpeting.
Brother played in bar while watching musician friends on TV.
One baby, one in oven. Watched in ugly maternity clothes.
Found out “starving student” was not just a cute nickname.
Missed it, parents put me in rehab for entire year.
Timing labor pains all day for my first born child.
Was four. Rainbow Bright is all I remember from then.
Waitressing at Hard Rock Cafe—hair feathered like Big Bird.
80’s all good. Loved the hair. Loved the men. Sigh
Married 1 year – felt “old” at almost 24 years old
Had a ticket but gave it up for Wildwood. Dumb.
I was twenty five and did whatever I felt like.
Watched, loved…and still have 9 hours on video tape.
Aquanet, fingerless gloves, Strawberry Hill, parties, crushing on doctor’s son.
grounded…preventative mom. Watched on tv, best friends front row.
Lil 15 year old Susie Hill was PISSED off that day!!!!
The world isn’t alot better so what was the point?
15 year-old me discovered Queen rocked harder than any other band
I don’t even remember it, What is wrong with me?
Sat in front of TV until eyes were practically bleeding.
Summer night job. Watched and slept intermittently at boyfriend’s.
Another ten:
Shoulder pads, big hair, bright colors, shining optimism, college kid.
Random thoughts:
I saw the Hooters the day after they signed their recording contract – they played “rock and roll star” – fun show. I still have that first vinyl. The drummer wore a sweaty bright yellow jumpsuit (odd thing to store in my brain all this time). Which college was this at? Lafayette or Bucknell, maybe?
crowd scare me….stayed in my seat the whole time….YIKES!
was 19……sat with my sister who was 14 and my three other friends were on other side of stadium…..never again…..HATE CROWDS……
“Do They Know It’s Christmas” still brings tears to my eyes. The whole live aid thing I don’t recall that the 3 channels we could maybe get on our TV in the far north of northern Wisconsin didn’t televise it. No MTV at my house, I know, I was deprived as a child. DePRIVED Bossy, not Depraved, that came much later in my life.
Like after I found your blog. 
Sixteen. Don’t remember watching it. Probably having sex with boyfriend.
6 years old. I only remember “We are the World.”
Holy Crap. You just reminded me (I had blocked out the possibility) that my middle child is about to turn 25. How is this possible?! No no no no….
it was my 21st birthday and my brother wouldn’t take me to the show with him. however, he did call to tell me he rode on an elevator with mick jagger & tina turner. thanks bro.
Preggers that summer only vaguely remember live aid, anything really
Carroll # 47 – amen
Nursing my first baby. The birth of MTV. Still love the LiveAid Christmas Song.
Wait, I think the first two were 1983.
can’t remember. antidepressants, failing 1st marriage. stupid young love.
Terrible twos
in 1985-
Pixels peeing pants.
So was I.
Hey Bossy, I don’t remember what I was doing or how much I watched…but I do remember YOUR (1984) face looking exactly the same as it does in 2010! Howdoyoudothat???????
Graduated from high school. Thought of Madonna as bad imitation of Cyndi Lauper.
Oops, I completely forgot to count. Sorry!
my oldest will be 26 this year. I was probably watching with BF Becky & kids!!
Dad hired driver to take 6 teens to Philly. AMAZING.
(we were on the field – just to the left of that screen in the middle. Almost crushed near the showers)
I was older when LiveAid happened. But, I have the best memory: Lynard Skynard played in my backyard for my party on the St. Johns River in 1971. I went to Lee High School with these guys in Jacksonville, and their namesake, their football coach, Leonard Skinner, just died last week, after a lifetime of high living, booze and gambling.
I have to say it was a great party, and I have pictures of my mother with Gary and Leon, posing in her Oscar de la
Renta Ikat gown (my, gawd, I wish she had saved that). My best friend, and roommate in college, also had them at her party at the Florida Yacht Club.
Us old gals have stories to tell. I guess I shouldn’t post this on your well-read blog. WTF, I love your writing and hadn’t read it recently. Still, fabulous!
Love you,