Little Miss Sunshine State has it spot on.
Such will be life with your now teenage daughter. Please let me know if you can figure out where the sweetness is hiding. I haven’t figured it out yet.
Good luck, p.j.
Is that wine for Bossy’s daughter, too? Why is she drinking wine so early in the day? ‘Cause Toastie’s are all about breakfast, right? Five more years, Bossy’s daughter. Damn!
There’s a name for your daughter’s expression – Bershon. There’s even a Flickr group, that perfectly captures each and every annoyed teenager’s face (“I’m so berson”). Ahhh, lovely.
Speaking of lovely, so is your Toastie. And now I’m hungry again…
I was gonna ask about that wine, too. Maybe Bossy’s Daughter made this last night? Or maybe Bossy is hittin’ the sauce earlier now that the teenage attitude is in the house.
Thanks for those detailed pics of the complicated recipe from overseas!
Looks like your little goil has matoured during her adventure…
have a fun day in Bossy-world!
She’s annoyed. You’re the mother of a teenage girl.
It’s all in the name huh? Like jam buddies always tasted better than toast and jam.
Wow! That looks so difficult. Now, does the cheese go on the toasted bread first or after the ham?
I love your toaster! I love it a lot. Whether it works well or not is immaterial. It is a work of art.
And you have the same coffee machine that I have. I love that too! Keeps my coffee just the right hot temperature.
Little Miss Sunshine State has it spot on.
Such will be life with your now teenage daughter. Please let me know if you can figure out where the sweetness is hiding. I haven’t figured it out yet.
Good luck, p.j.
Poor Bossys Daughter. Your teenage years with blogging mother with surgically attached camera. This may be a very long era for you.
On the other hand, quitcherbitchin. You just got to spend a freaking MONTH in England this summer.
Oh mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Is that wine for Bossy’s daughter, too? Why is she drinking wine so early in the day? ‘Cause Toastie’s are all about breakfast, right? Five more years, Bossy’s daughter. Damn!
There’s a name for your daughter’s expression – Bershon. There’s even a Flickr group, that perfectly captures each and every annoyed teenager’s face (“I’m so berson”). Ahhh, lovely.
Speaking of lovely, so is your Toastie. And now I’m hungry again…
I was gonna ask about that wine, too. Maybe Bossy’s Daughter made this last night? Or maybe Bossy is hittin’ the sauce earlier now that the teenage attitude is in the house.
Maybe you could submit this recipe to Ree for her next cookbook? No? Better yet, write your own!
bossy daughter… just hand bossy bossy mom that glass of wine… then the bottle… she may slow down …..
I sorta thought it was cute there was wine on the counter. Which is how mine looks most mornings. BOSSY’s daughter = beyond cute, even when annoyed.
A toasty huh? Well at least she pairs it well with red wine!
next she can tackle beans on toast! another british classic…
Dear lord god this made me crap my pants from funny. shanks.
At least you’re just considering an affair with the toaster. Wish I could say the same….
I had to stop to see what the hell a British toastie was. And of course, it is just a ham and cheese sandwich. Why must the British be so vague?
White bread, Bossy?
now I’m craving beans on toast