This is a picture of nirvana. It’s nirvana because Bossy finally decided to replace her very old and tired vegetable peeler with a young and ambitious vegetable peeler of the Good Grip variety.
Less than $8 provided the very thin line between sanity and the straight jacket, people, but how many years do you think it took Bossy to fork over this money? And see how Bossy did that? Stuck a utensil reference in the middle of her utensil post?
Bossy can sum up her joy regarding the replacement of her Good Grip peeler this way: Beets, potatoes, and carrots? Bossy is looking at you, chumps.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about? In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy about something in your life — little or big — that needs replacing?
And be sure to check back later today for the best replacement threats on the web.
If you missed last week’s challenge, click here to read the first recipes attempted by Bossy’s council when they were kids. In ten words, of course.
New vacuum this week; latest in long history of rejects.
Most favorite pair of summer wedge sandals….tears of sorrow.
Holly bush, I watered you faithfully. Why did you die?
whole kitchen needs replacing- doors falling off-clincher-no dishwasher
whole wardrobe- Fall finery not so fine- like me, tired
Achy neck tells me it’s time for a new pillow.
Giant, soul-sucking microwave: Take over the kitchen counter no more!
Car. Unfortunately, it’s too expensive and too many problems, and it’s breaking my heart!
Husband- not forever, just when he’s in nagging mode
Green pajama pants. Thread bare, holes in waistband. Love them!
Electrical wiring to entire house, I like to live dangerously
Our lumpy-stuck-in-a-hole-oh-my-back-mattress!
Refrigerator has leak, cost to replace it makes me weak!
Lost weight. My skin is saggy. So are my clothes.
Did the peeler, too. Can I replace my husband next?
#14s response reminded Bossy her answer is Boobs. New Rack.
–>My scale. Want one that lies and says I’m skinny.
Fitted sheet, are my elbows so pointy that they tear?
At-home care for elderly mom no longer enough. Sigh.
new washer just installed..quiet & fills so quick…awesome
Sun room addition to stop basement leaks. Much follows that.
dryer stopped working in August no more romance in line drying
deck – boards, railings, stairs, stain to keep it from falling down.
Good tweezers. looking like Bert & Ernie till they reappear.
Tired, worn out twenty-five-year-old carpets. Sooooo Gross.
Impossible to replace gums; will just continue with repair. Sigh.
Can we replace body parts? I need a new back!
My son who is an adult, but doesn’t act it.
The toilet seat, cracked now for over a month. Classy.
The crappy coffee maker, held together with a rubber band.
My shoes–the soles leak and get my socks wet.
condensation causing bathroom light to drip rust blood into sink.
The chicken coop door–broken frame+ripped wire=unsafe chickens.
My laundry basket–the handles are wrapped in duct tape.
my vegetable peeler is so old, you can hardly see the scar from when I peeled off part of my thumb with it.
peeling the very first potato I ever peeled.
thirty years ago.
Everything in my life seems busted at the moment. Fun!
swiveling kitchen faucet stuck… know it will snap if forced.
Refrigerator door handle broke off. Only $100 to replace…why???
Holes in screen door won’t keep bugs or birds out.
Some of the “M”s on some of my identification papers.
After seven years – my career – but where does one start?
Tile kitchen countertop of sadness; wish it were granite instead.
Baby, for one that sleeps through the night. Kidding, kinda.
My haircut, my job, my fat pants, my tatty underpants.
Oh job from heck, 2 weeks, not bittersweet just sweet
Veggie peeler’s blade pops out mid-use, kinda defeats the purpose.
My career search yields no results. Someone please hire me!
battered slip-on Nike’s. new pair every year.
Kidney. Stuck at 24% function; need to get sicker first!
Entire life needs reboot, but attitude could probably use work.
My old bathroom sinks in the house that I just bought that is mine, mine, mine. I really hope every gets what they need replaced….or fixed or just employed. Wish there was a national helping hands network where women could lend each other time in their dryers or people could volunteer their time to fix plumbing or get leads for economical used appliances. Sigh……
Flabby bottom and stomach. Maybe intense sweaty yoga will help.
I want to replace my ex with one less crazy.
Would like to replace my unemployment check with a paycheck!!
Bad yoga teacher(s). Sure wish for just the right one.
How can I have this many jeans/pants that don’t fit?
My new veggie peeler makes me smile too. So sharp!
Husband’s very set in his ways. Uses old veg peeler.
Foyer rugs have got to go-dogs sliding on them!
My roof, windows and doors … please, just shoot me now!
a/c crapped out unexpectedly–can you say maxxed credit card??
Some new eyes would be nice. Cataracts BE GONE!
Planning kitchen reno. Roof started leaking. Kitchen reno on hold.
My car. But I love her so much! Poor Thelma
Vacuum, mine sucks. Guess if it did, wouldnt need new.
Dishrags, mine stink. Even after washing, Is it the water?
Fans, mine all died. In Arizona and need them stat.
Man, I could go on and on, but petty crap.
Shower head drips maniacally while bathing—causes confusion and torment.
Kitchen updated except floor. Ran out of money and energy.
The cat shredded upholstery on sofas – embarrassed to have company!
okay….so this isn’t 10 words but I have so much to replace right now to start a new life and have been feeling a little sorry for myself but it helped reading other’s trauma that were written with a little sense humor….made me realize that we all face some kind of s**t and I’m not alone and we can all support each other and give each other a smile in the process! THANKS for sharing everyone!
Need new dehumidifier – could anything be more boring to buy?
Exciting new stuff!!! Furnace, gas line, water heater, garage door.
That’s actually my sister’s replacement list. Also a new roof.
Dontcha hate it when money goes to invisible house items?
Old body needs replacing with body of someone who exercises.
Ugh – my vacuum cleaner !! The cord is frayed in many many places which I have tried (unsuccessfully) to seal with duct tape. The mechanism that keeps it upright is broken so it continually comes crashing to the ground and the plastic tube is cracked so I have to hold it together when I vacuum to get any suction. I hate the sucker
House was struck by lightning. More than ten word story.
All my clothes.
Something in my life that needs replacing is “my life”.
Dishwasher, roof, front wall, bathroom floor, winter coat – enough said!
My friends might say I could use a new attitude.
MY vegetable peeler. Put off 12 years. And still counting.