Bossy was in New York City this past weekend and decided the six trains necessary to get her there and back, which take six mass transit hours round trip and remove months from Bossy’s lifespan, are worth it because that is how much Bossy loves New York.
I’m glad Bossy likes my hometown as much as I do.
I reverse-commute from NYC to NJ, and if I take the train, it’s five hours in transit in a day. But all in all, that’s better than three hours or more stuck in traffic.
Yeah, Penn Station! i love reading the Jersey Coast line towns, even if all I ever get to do is ride the NE Corridor to MetroPark in Edison to see my bro. I can fantasize that I am shore-bound!
Glad to know you are o.k. p.j.
Agreed. We live 70 miles from NYC and go there fairly often. There is something exciting about walking the streets and taking in all of the sights and sounds. As for smells…well, that could go either way.
Why doesn’t California have plentiful and efficient train travel? Oh how I’d love to avoid 3 hrs by car to get to my favorite big city, San Francisco. But no, our founding fathers said, “Let’s build El Camino Real” and that was the beginnings of our gah awful freeways.
I miss my daily four hour round trip commute.