Bossy needs you to know a few things regarding her new Xbox 360 4GB with Kinect game system.
The first thing Bossy wants you to know is she doesn’t believe in video games. Which is why it’s so convenient the Xbox thingies aren’t video games! They’re DVDs of sport, dance, and song fun dressed as video games!
The next thing Bossy wants you to know about the Xbox 360 4GB with Kinect is that Bossy has no idea what the 360 and 4GB and Kinect even mean. All Bossy knows is when Bossy told cool people she was test driving one of these game systems, the cool people otherwise known as Bossy’s son said the Xbox 360 4GB with Kinect is better than the competition’s game system, which shall remain nameless except to say it rhymes with We. Oh, wait.
Next Bossy wants you to know about a couple of the great features of the Kinect system. For one thing, it’s wireless. This means no more tripping around the family room trying to avoid the, uh, wires.
Bossy also wants you to know the Xbox hardware is sleek:
And while we’re on the subject of sleek, where sleek equals not sleek:
You are looking at a photo of Bossy’s family room, which is where the Xbox console is located. As you can see from the scientific display of arrows, Bossy has limited space for video game fun because she lives in a shoe box diorama. But the Kinect system requires only six feet of clearance between the TV and the participant for full functionality. Which is another way of saying, If Bossy’s house can support an Xbox, so can yours!
And Bossy wants you to know how simple The Xbox Kinect is to work. And Bossy should know, because she is a simpleton:
And now, the last thing Bossy wants to tell you relates to the first thing Bossy told you, which is she doesn’t like video games. Because perhaps the best thing about the Xbox is the parental controls which encourage parents to provide strict perimeters surrounding issues such as access, content, and amount of time spent playing these games. They even put together this video on how to best control your children’s activity by setting up an Xbox profile for each member of the household.
Remember back, oh, a paragraph ago when Bossy said that was the last thing she wanted to tell you about her Xbox Kinect? She lied. Because Bossy wants to tell you how much fun it is playing Xbox games such as bowling:
Which, come to think of it, looks an awful lot like when Bossy plays the Xbox game that teaches dance moves:
Which looks an awful lot like when Bossy celebrates an Xbox victory:
Now let’s get to the point: Thanks to Bossy’s friends at Xbox, Bossy is giving away one Xbox 360 4GB Console with Kinect:
To enter to win, simply leave a comment — one per person please — and Bossy will utilize her friend the Random Number Generator on Friday to determine the winner. Good luck to each and every one of you!
Oh YES! Thank you for giving us the chance at this cool cool gift. From one 1863-er to another.
Wow, #2. Thanks Bossy. My kids would love this!!
I like your grey running tights!
Wow. I’ve been bugging my husband for one of these for months. Kids? WHAT KIDS?! ME! Me, me, ME!
Well, now. That looks like a cool system.
Dude. This looks amazing. Thank God my kids are still babies because I wouldn’t be able to share, I want this all for myself. And? I’d even show a midriff picture if it earned me another entry, but I should warn you – it ain’t pretty.
I want one if these so bleepin’ bad it’s not even funny. P.S. That boy is a cutie patootie.
yes, please! does the midsection come, too?
so i thought i had my hands on a ps3 for my 15 yr old son. then last night he broke his ankle and phewww there went THAT $300. can you see where this is going?
Me me me me me meeee!! I hope by using it I will end up with ribs like yours. I.e., visible. I’m basically like a lump of jelly. Mmmm jelly.
Pick me!! Pick me!! I want a dance-off with my kids. I win at dance offs. Not that I rub it in or anything. ahem.
I hate bowling because of the heavy ball. Maybe air bowling would be more fun? I have to win to find out.
I love the Hobo couch! I’ll take the couch and the xbox console with kinect!
I have been watching the commercials for these and thinking they would be a lot of fun for the family
I want Bossy’s abs, rib cage and the Xbox please!
I’d like one so I have a legitimate reason not to get a gym membership this winter!
I could DEF use a Wii on steroids!
I second #15! You had two kids, woman – whatevah. You look faboo. So does the game!
would like to win so much can’t come up with anything pithy to say.
Raquita would like bossy to know that if she gives Raquita a Kinect Raquitas Husband will never tell me to get off the internet again and it will also redeem 2010 from being THE crap year of the century…
Thank you and I apologize to all of you who will lose when I win, losing sucks.
I think your hobo couch is rad.
Hope a lot of coordination isn’t needed to play!
I like your orange walls. They make the Kinect look way more awesome.
What couch? I didn’t see no couch!
Psych 15 and 18 … I have a Wii and it is … I’d love to kick it up a notch!
I had twins, wish that my rib cage looked like that. would love this.
Woah! We were going to get my son an XBOX 360 for Christmas but yeah… money ran short. This would be AWESOME!
Bossy is not a simpleton (but that ribcage does look weird)!
My 9yo son would love this! Thx!
I hope I didn’t miss the small print that says employees and relatives of Bossy are ineligible (and no, I’m not trying to double my chances to win – I just forgot to type this the first time).
We’ve been discussing getting a Wii “for the kids”, but I’m thinking this looks WAY cooler!
oh, I would love to win this! Thank you for the chance!!
I live in an actual shoebox so this would be super convenient for me.
You have a lovely midsection. I mean that in the least creepy way possible.
I have to enter for Jim. So throw my name into the hat. It’d make his Christmas.
I could hook this up to MY TV and not have to borrow DH’s to use HIS WII. Yes, this would be a very good thing.
I’m pretty much in love with my wii fitness games, but this system sounds AMAZING!
Also, I keep hitting myself in the face with wires.
Awesome!! We play wiu games as a family… But no batteries & no handsets??!! So much easier- & easier to store. Pick me! Pick me! = )
There are commercials for one of these not video game games geared toward small fry like mine that make the not video game game look so freakishly adorable and wholesome. Something about baby animals mimicking your movements? Yep, freakishly. adorable.
If I win – I will workout to get long and lean like you. Or just play. Thanks so much.
Not June Cleaver would LOVE to win one of these!
My son loves video games. I don’t. Sounds like the Xbox Kinect would make both of us happy!
Are the tights or the abs included?
Pick me! Pick me!
I have a wii and guess what? My five year old can work that dumb controller better than me. So you see, a game system with NO controllers would be ideal. I like to pretend I’m smarter than her and the wii ruins all of that.
I love steroids! I mean, cool new game systems! Yeah!
Bobbi’s Son would like Bossy to know that he’d like his mama to be the favorite friend of the Random Number Generator.
Best strange rib cage EVER. Hey, Can you play Pong on that thing?
Merry Christmas Bossy!
Oh, I’ve wanted one of these ever since I heard of them. Wait – I mean MY KIDS really want one. Yeah, that’s it…
Wii on steroids! want one!
Hooo-leeee crap! My husband will birth a cow if I win this. Great give away, thanks Xbox and Bossy!
Hi Bossy, I would love this prize. I’m living in the stone age now with my ps2.
love the orange walls, would love to win as well!
My son’s xBox just got the RRoD*, so he could sure use a new one!
*Ask your cool people what that means.
wow, that looks fun! i’m also theoretically against video games
ooh the kids have been bugging me about getting one of these. truth be told, I’ve been bugging the husband about it too. good luck to everyone!!
I want to look like a dork playing this when my kids are at school too!
Here’s hoping you recover well from your surgery and are back Kinecting soon! And lady, I could really use this cool Not-Video-Game to increase my potential for abs like yours! Jealous!
I wouldn’t mind winning, but I mostly just want to say that I find it a bit annoying that Bossy midsection is suitable for posting on her blog. Because? Not in a million years.
Ooh! I am intrigued and would like to put my tech non-skills to the test with this! Sounds so fun…
Wow, my kids and hubby would love this too! And me too for the dance stuff – perfect thing to embarrass your kids with!
Bossy’s midsection and Bossy’s hobo couch and Bossy’s dance moves skillage make me oh-so-hopeful for a Kinect system so I can aspire to all of the above. *wistful sigh*
I REALLY want slash need one of these! i have three little boys and a husband. This means there is a huge overflow of testosterone and I would love this toy to either help me keep up with the crazies, or use it to distract them while i dive into my bowl-sized glass of wine (or is that whine?).
Great pictures!!! And yes, my daughter wants one of these SO bad!!!
You would hear the screams of joy from my house at yours if my boys came down to this on Christmas or any other morning, ever.Fun giveaway, Bossy, thanks. Dreaming is always good….
I LOVE how you market the XBox Kinect. I sooooo totally want one for my little girl and I. What a merry merry christmas it would be. We’d actually have fun ACTIVE things to do during the oh so cold weather that will be headed this way.
Maybe with a Kinect I could get a midsection like Bossy…
But I would definitely score some mom points for this one!
I am sold! But I’d much rather win one. Here’s hoping the random number generator picks mine.
Looks like fun. That is, as long as I don’t have to post pictures. Yours are beautiful, though
I live in a shoe box diorama. My son’s room is actually taller than it is wide. Anyway, this is awesome and would be a great way to end a truly crappy three months. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
If only we could all look so good playing games!
I am the most random number, so I’m a shoe in to win!
Just found your blog a couple weeks ago and have been a faithful follower every since. I love your dry humor. I would also like to win. I need a personal trainer I can turn off at the touch of a button;)
Pick me! Pick me?
Looks like fun!
You have the BEST giveaways!
And a perfectly nice rib cage…
That looks awesome, and even awesomer with your poses! yeah, I said awesomer!
OOhh, pick me, pick me!!
I so need one of these! If nothing else to embarrass my man roommate by beating him at all the games…hopefully my domination will not result in him pouting all night like the last time I beat him at a thrilling round of “who can clap the loudest?” haha
I don’t know what any of that stuff you posted means, but I betcha my 13 year old son knows. And he’s always wanted a cool mom!!
How awesome! This would make a great addition to our game collection.
me likey…. xbox thingy
My inferior Wii system is in desperate need of being replaced by this way cooler Xbox system. I heart Kinect!
The winters are long in Indiana. Need I plead MORE?
Wholly moley, as if I didn’t love Bossy enough, I’ve been dying for one of these. xoxo
Hmmm, all that wireless stuff makes me all suspicious. How can it work without wires? Oh wait, I am still confused by radio and TV. Never mind. What a cool system.
I will accept the prize only if you promise I’ll look as fantastically cool as you do playing it.
I’m probably one of the few in America who has never owned a video game. Please help me become just like the masses.
I’m in! As long as no one posts my picture trying the dance moves. I won’t look nearly as cool as Bossy.
I love how you decorate your house. I’d like to imitate it so that means I’d have to get rid of stuff, move things and clean up. Hmmmmm.
The best part of these gaming systems are the pictures of people playing them, hands down.
However, you still manage to look terrific.
It also looks like lots of fun!
Oh my gosh, my husband would have a cow if we won this. (Not to mention it looks like I’d have fun with it too, if Bossy’s pictures can be trusted)
Entering because my son just asked me about this today during the car ride home from school. If I win my son will have to earn his playtime with chores. Oh, how my house will sparkle!
I would love this…. I’ve been considering losing my other game system that rhymes with ‘We’ to get one of these… because hubby has said we don’t need both of ’em LOL
I see Mom of the year award in my future if I could hand one of those over to the kids for Christmas.
Sweet Bossy and her friends, please save my Christmas from no shopping ruin! Thanks a bunch!
I’m with Bossy, I don’t understand video games either, but my kids would fah-reak if they received one of these!
Three out of four of my kids asked for this for Christmas. Could be so fun to surprise them, considering the original loud and clear NO WAY. Thanks, Bossy for the chance.
Bossy, love this blog (even got my wife into it)! I sooo want an X-box but would never spend that kind of money on myself. Hope I win! See ya at the co-op!
Can you play pac man on it? That’s the only video game I kinow.
Oh man! My son would be so happy with this he would speak to me! Please RNG pick my number!
I need that midsection.
If I win, will I have to build a family room to go with it? Cause I don’t have one.
I’ve sunk too much $ into Wii and Wii games to buy an X-Box now. But winning one would be ok!
I don’t believe in video games either so this would be perfect for me. Oh, and my kids might like it a little, too.
Any video game involving dance is just fine with me!
I, too, was born in 1863, and we have zero techno items in this household. Would love to win!
I would love the xbox and since I was born in1863 it sounds like the perfect thing for me
Pick me, pick me, pick me please.
This sounds like way too much fun! Thanks!
No chance of killing the TV. How cool is that!
Between the hubs and I, we need to lose enough weight to create a third-grader. I’d love to do it this way!
I think I need this. Now. What a great surprise if I win, can you guess what I’ll be doing Christmas day?
We love our Wii. Although I haven’t lost the weight I thought I would. We would love this too!
Oooo, we are planning to get an XBox for Christmas and this would be PERFECT to go with it. Great giveaway!! Thanks
Oh…I don’t like video games either, but after reading this, I MUST HAVE ONE OF THESE!!!!
: < }
Hope I win, it looks like fun! Best wishes for a quick recovery! And a quick glass of wine!
I think it looks like fun!
My sons played it with my nephew and had lots of fun. I’m sure they’d like to have one of their own!
This is the first gaming system that I’ve actually *wanted* to get — it looks so fun! Thanks for the awesome opportunity, Bossy!
Looks like fun, but I’d have to get the kids over show me what to do. Good luck with the surgery.
this looks like great fun. and no wires!!
Oh Bossy, you really are the funniest…and the best…and- yes, I really want to win! You give me hope that I could have fun in my shoebox, too.
This looks like a great time! Here’s to a super fast recovery.
My daughter has been begging for this!
My kids would love it but my downstairs neighbors probably wouldn’t.
Very cool giveaway Bossy! We thought our family room would be too small for this new Xbox, but if your diarama can support it, I think my small family room might work too.
Thanks for the giveaway (& all of the demonstration photos)!
I want this. Although, it might make my ancient TV look terrible in comparison and then my husband will want to buy a new one. Eeek! It’s worth the risk.
Get well soon Bossy!
Bossy, you’re the best! (ever!)
I never win anything but I have to give this a shot! My family would FREAK out if we won this!
Bossy, Thanks for this chance to win. How exciting! Although I must admit that my first thought when I saw the bowling picture was, “Why don’t you just go to a bowling alley instead?” But I’m old like that. Maybe I wouldn’t be old any longer if I had the Xbox Kinect.
Love the review! We hadn’t planned on getting one, but you make it look so fun!
yes please! that looks like too much fun!
Oh my, fun would be had by all with this there gizmo!
Oh please pick me! I’ve been so good this year – no really!
Love your walls, the color and the two stripes.
I, too, live in a shoebox. This would be very cool! to win!
Everything I do is random so maybe this will work!
It’s like being sporty without….being sporty.
My house might support the Xbox, but it might not support me jumping around on the 150-year-old floors during a workout. Still, I’d like to try.
Great, now Bossy’s mid-section is going to make me do crunches instead of eating a waffle! Thanks, Bossy’s mid-section.
I love imaginary friends!
OOOOOOOHHHH!!!! I want one of those!!!!!
I want one!!!!
Bossy, you ROCK.
Wow, what an amazing giveaway. Good luck everyone!
My daughter and I were just talking about these at breakfast this morning.
PS. I love your carpet.
Jake would love this! (and so would I).
Wow bossy…how do you get to test drive all these cool things?
I want Bossy to help me pick out paint colors for my house.
Will my mid-section look like Bossy’s if I win this thing?!
I am not sure who would like this more, my 6 year old son, or my 40 year old husband!
You crack me up. I wish my rib cage was as strange looking as yours. That would mean you would actually have to be able to see it though. Unfortunately it has been MIA since around 1991.
If I win, I’m taking ALL the credit. That jerk Santa can SUCK IT.
I would be a hero with this on Christmas morn and for a long time after, I suspect.
Julie also doesn’t believe in video games. But Julie needs to get in shape. So does Julie’s dearly beloved.
Oh but I have coveted one of these new machines since I first read about it….*lilfetime gamer and Microsoft Engineer type guy since the 90’s*
I so love bowling w/o the bowling shoes. Pick me! Thanks
I’m such a lurker here, but for the chance at one of these fun-things in a box, I’ll come out of that status and say “wow! i’d love one of those!!”
(and really….can I have your abs? please?)
This looks like a lot of fun! Good luck everyone!
That looks like fun! (And I am not a game person either)
This would make my Christmas shopping complete!
Oh! How much fun would my family have with that? Too much fun!
This would be great!
Yeah – I don’t have to make any videos to enter this contest!!!
You got me at hobo couch.
My cup would runneth over… fingers crossed…
Kids would love this and I would hope to use it and end up looking as good as Bossy.
I would LOVE this X Box! My two boys 13 and 10 would have a blast!!
Fingers crossed !
Would LOVE to have one of these!
Ooh! Pick me, random number generator! This would be a perfect Christmas present to share with my family.
…”Merry Christmas!” Miss Bossy and to your family too!
…Thanks for the giveaway and blessings too… :o)
Really want one!!
I would love to have this to go along with our existing XBox 360. My mom has a Wii and I am very envious. Now I can make her jealous with my Kinect! Pick Me!!!
To quote my nephew: ” I want one so bad that my wanting glands are hurting!”
Well. This looks like the most awesome thing ever. It will earn a spot my “lust” list, right along side the kindle and my husband’s beard stubble.
Also, you look FANTASTIC!!
My house is just as small, if not smaller that yours! I would love this and so would my grand children!
My hobo sofa is blue, and has only two cushions! Ca. 1979. And my son also lives in NYC. So except for the fact that I’m 20 years older than you, we could be twins! Please, Random Number Generator, let me win?
My 4 year old loves to watch herself on TV. I can’t imagine what she would do if she were actually controlling the avatar on the screen!
Might as well throw my name in the hat. Good luck with surgery Bossy.
Bossy You ROCK! You would rock even if you didn’t give away cool stuff!
Oh, bossy…this would be great! Random number generator odds….better then not playing
That would look so sleek in our new shoe box. Um, I mean new family room! Basement with carpet = official family room! All it’s missing is an Xbox… (P.S. I’m an awfully good pointer, if I say so myself)
Eat something, will ya.
thanx for this!
My children would love to have one.
–>I like Bossy’s son’s comment the best. I’d love to win and try it out.
Very entertaining!
That looks really fun. Thanks for the giveaway.
If random number 188 is chosen, Bossy will have to come back to Malibu and cruise Brad Pitt’s house. Sorry, I meant bowl.
Look very entertaining!
*crossing fingers*
We are so “the year 2000”, we don’t even have a WII ! So this would blow their minds!!
My family would love this! Please Mr. Random Number Generator, pick me!
Do I get extra points because just yesterday my son said that was the only unreceived gift standing between him and true happiness?
Bossy rocks. Happy Holidays Bossy and friends!
This is an excellent present! (Besides, my stomach does not look like Bossy’s stomach. It would be nice if it did,though!)
I would be the best mom EVER! My kids would love this for Christmas (and maybe I would too!)
The Xbox sure would make our traditional Christmas game of “Pin the Tail on Santa” look really lame.
I am DYING to try this out! I would LUV, LUV, LUV to win!
(Don’t include me in the drawing, though! – That’s this comment and 199, I think. I was more commenting to comment.)
This would really help our Christmas. Thanks Bossy!
being a chicago bohemian, i just got a TV. please tell your RNG how awesome it would be for me to hook of these up to it.
I’m lucky 205?
Ok, Bossy. Having never delved into the video game pool, you’ve convinced me I would like this one!
I’ve never wanted something more from your give-aways than this!!! Ahh!!!
I had a baby 6 months ago (#4 in 7 years). No one needs this product more than I do.
Thanks for the great holiday giveaway Bossy. I will never see my husband if I win :o)
How cool!! This would be awesome to win!! Thanks Bossy!!
Want. Want badly. Great excercise! Thanks for the giveaway, heart you Bossy!
Me! Pick my number!
I think this means that my kids will have to pick up the piles of toys all over the floor to play Kinect. So the XBox 360 Kinect is also just like having a cleaning service! Awesome!
Since this thingy is on my Christmas list to Santa, how cool to win one! Thanks Ms.B!
If I win, I promise never to look as good as Bossy does playing with it.
I would win Wife of the Year in my husband’s eyes if I won this (nay, Wife of the Decade!).
My son would love me forever and ever!
Well, I think we have only about 5′ of clearance between our TV and the nearest chair. But my d/h manages to set up the Nordic Trak in the space, so I’d be willing to try the new X-box! Of course, that would mean the scholar son will be spending his entire winter break in our bedroom – but at least he won’t be vegetating in a chair!
Thanks, Bossy. Take care, p.j.
Oh, I want to play this SOOOO bad! Oh, and I guess my family might like it, too….
I want this soooooooo badly. It is the most fun thing eva!
I know this thing wants to come live at my house, where we will have lots and lots of fun together! Fingers crossed!!!
I wanna!!
I don’t believe in video games, either. But I would still like the opportunity to noodle away years of my life with this X-box!
Bossy? I have never in my entire life owned a video game or a gaming console or whatever they have morphed into these days. (I did rock Q-Bert and Ms PacMan at the arcade, back in the day. The day in the year of 1987.) But I think I would very much like Kinect, it looks more active than all those old thumbs-only games I watched friends’ kids play.
Pick me! Pick me!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I really, really, really, really need this!
Those photos made me roll. Awesome.
At leasy Bossy’s ribcage is visible! Mine is hidden behind layer after layer of flab. I could really use this!
Oh, I so want one of these.
My boys would absolutely die if this was under the Christmas tree!! Love the demonstrations!!
We have the wii but I am secretly dreaming of the new xbox system.
This is an awesome giveaway. My children will fight over it. One is at home the other is away at college.
OMG we just bought more and more games for the grandkids’ WII (that we bought a few years ago and they still love) and now they’ll be begging for this. If I win, I’m keeping this one at our house though since I never did get my own WII.
My husband wants one and I keep telling him we do not have enough room…but maybe we do. I’ll tell him Bossy might send us one and we can find out.
Considering I am about to cut off my cable, I think this would be the perfect way to waste my time. Hook me up, girlfriend!
Oooo…I would LOVE one of these!!!
XBOX rocks and Kinect makes it that much better I’m sure Bossy now agrees!!!
My kids…ok my husband and I would love this!
I hate wires. I love playing games with my family. Therefore…I NEEEEEED this, Bossy!
love, love, love it! Love the no wires too. I hadn’t even thought about that factor!
I have been anti bee, hee, lee, see, tee, pee……for a long time. You get the picture. Because even though I am a badass at the finish line, sometimes mararthoners need to get their dance party on yo!!!!!!
Happy Recovery!
Thanks for a great giveaway, Bossy. Wireless looks very, very good on you!
We are getting rid of our cable. This would be the perfect replacement!
Oh I’d take one just to embarrass my kids doing the dancing game and pretend to be the coolest mom on the planet
I have heard this is the hot new item. I would love to win this!
I have only 6 feet of clearance in my living room too! It’s obvious that I need an Xbox w/Kinect.
Ooh, this would be way cool for Christmas! Especially since I the winter weight is creep-creeping up.
This would be the Ultimate Christmas Gift for us. Thank you so much for the chance to win.
My kids would be thrilled!!!!!
I would love to have this for Christmas, it looks like so much fun!
to heck with the kids I want to learn to DANCE
Oh yeah I have a big kid still at home who I suppose would like this
I am sure it couldn’t give me a running figure like yours so why would I want it? Can it teach me how to jog? Or can Bossy’s son do that from afar?
Yay for something fun!
I sure hope your friend, the random number generator, is my friend too! Hint, hint Random — don’t make me come after you. I mean, boy Random, you sure look hawt today.
I have always wanted to bowl in my living room. I love to bowl. I hate to leave my living room.
Dancing? Bowling? Exercise from the comfort of my living room? PLUS, the added bonus of my kids thinking I’m Wonder Woman?! Count me in!
Thanks for the giveaway, Bossy!
I want to zumba!
We have that other video game system that rhymes with “we”, and I was told by an 8 year old son whose name rhymes with Fenjamin that it was “so last century”, i.e. the century in which I was born. I grounded him for life and finished the rest of his dinner. Then, I got my walker and went to bed… at 6:30.
the kids have been BUGGING me for one of these – please pick me random generator friend.
i’m up for dancing!
I would lift my ban on video games for something like this. Excersize AND family time with the kids? Sign me up!
265 sounds lucky…..
That looks like FUN!
Awesome give-away!! Thanks also for the info on it.
I love the outfit! Perfect for Kinecting!
Pick me – please!!!!!
Oh my. This would look nice under our tree. And by the tv. Just sayin.
I want!
looks like the kinda fun I need in my life!
Bossy looks like so much fun!
I won a free game for the Kinect but I don’t have the system…it’s a sign!
I played Kinect for the first time a few weeks ago and was sore for days afterward. So much fun!
I want one! My husband won’t let me buy any of the game systems, so you’re my only hope Bossy! Maybe I need an undivorce, too?
Oh, to have your dancer’s body! Looking mahvelous, mahvelous, simply maaahvelous, Bossy!
Bossy looks too cute in her get up . Hope Bossy is feeling better and buying wine online as I type. (my two boys would love this Xbox)
Ooh, I like things on steroids! I’d love this!
Oooh. Pick me, Random Number Generator!!!!
Hey, can we bowl against each other? Each in our own private family room bowling alley equipped with food and drink?
The man-child in the house has been WHINING INCESSANTLY ABOUT THIS SYSTEM. Something about it being CHristmas time? whatever, it would be lovely to WIN IT for him!
Thank you for the opportunity Ms Bossy!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hmm. Could this be the first non-video game, video game to enter our home? Come on, you sexy random number generator!
Bossy looks extremely fit in these gaming pictures. One can only hope that a pile of goodies was hovering just off-screen. After all, what’s gaming without a snack? It’s dangerously close to exercise, that’s what it is.
Ooh, my son thought our space was too small for one – but I think, according to your scientific measurements and precise diagram, it could work!
I’d love to win this if it would help me have a body like yours! Dang, girl! You are buff!
At last! A non-video game that a mom can understand and play!
My husband would love this. Glad you’re enjoying it, too!
My family would have such a blast with this if we win. We have one of those game units that sounds like “we” and we have a blast. This would be so much awesomer!!!!!!!
Considering the last game system I purchased was a Game cube, I would love to break into the present with the 360 technology. Thanks for this opportunity!
I love love love your instructions with photos, and I want to dance, too. Or, I could just continue shoveling out from 21 inches of snow… pick me please!
Bossy, hope everything goes well with your surgery and you have a speedy recovery! I think I would like a chance to see if the Xbox is better than the Wii!! Thanks,
Would LOVE to win this. Would also love a stomach as flat as Bossy’s. Really, either one would be fine.
i too am not a big fan of video games but i am strangely convinced this would totally rock my world. (a world in desperate need of rocking by the way)
Typically I’m against game consoles and such, but I’d like to try this one out. Looks like fun and way less confusing!
This thing looks AWESOME!!
Wow! Bossy, you inspire me. If I win, I will think of you every time I use it.
My daughters would LOVE the dance central and Kinectimals! I got my wife to dance with the Dance Central game in the middle of Walmart last week and it was EPIC. THAT GIRL IS POISON!!!
Dear Santa,
Yes. Please.
pick meeeeee! pleaseohpleaseohplease
Can’t hurt to try!
Wow- that looks like so much fun!
How fun! Looks like a great cure for the winter doldrums!!
This looks like so much fun. Something to get us all off the sofa this winter
Well, sure, I’ll toss my hat into the ring. Of course I won’t win, but what have I got to lose? I have been drooling over the Kinect system.
Have 13 year old, only child, boy/man in household. This means=Must have Kinnect! Please oh please.
skip and jack would look really cute jumping around playing Xbox games
My little family would love to have the XBox Kinect system!
Love ya Bossy!
My kids would love ya also if I won this!
Merry Ho Ho!
Bossy – you’re the bomb! It looks like the XBox has helped make your holidays happy – it would help make mine happy too
I don’t beleive in video games either (luddite that I am) but I have been lusting after one of these. Thanks for the chance, Bossy!
I might dance if I had one of these things!
I have been coveting this game system and my living room is also shobox diorama-ish. Hmm…my kids just might like this too. haha.
Played with one in Best Buy Yesterday!! I gotta have one now!! So much fun!!
What fun! I am always random, anyway…so please pick ME!
I like your house, Bossy. It looks like a house that always welcomes a friend dropping by. Everyone always looks comfortable there.
Your hobo couch does NOT look twenty years old. You shouldn’t have said so!
I would love the Kinect X Box, wherein ‘I’ would be ‘my son’. Oh, won’t you make his Christmas bright?!
Bossy, I sure hope you got to keep one for yourself, not just test drive it.
It looks like fun!
I hope that if I win, it comes with a Bossy to help me hook it up and also to play it with me!
My husband would freak if he unwrapped this!! And I just love your posts Bossy!
I was also born in 1863 and find this to be very strange.
That is pretty awesome. Also, you look stellar playing video games!
My downstairs neighbor will love to hear me having a good time with my new Kinect.
YES, PLEASE! What a great (and timely) giveaway!
Pick me, pick me, pick me.
So can Canadians win? I need one of these, srsly.
OK, so I’m guessing that living in France disqualifies me, but what the hell – I’ve never played a video game so don’t actually know that I hate them, just strongly suspect I do. BUT these virtual dance-fitness-bowling thingumajigs look fun and might actually get me to do something exercise-like, so yes, please, I would love one and very much deserve one after the craptastic year I’ve had…
Thanks in advance!
Oh, Bossy this would be great! My kids have asked for one but Santa just didn’t make enough this year!
Thank you!
All I’ll say is oh please, random generator, pick me.
Great giveaway Bossy.
I am intrigued by the kinect and have seen it in action and all the fun that comes with it….
winning this would be like the icing on top! Happy Holidays!
I’m fairly sure my sons would love to see me dancing, what with all the finger-jabbing-in-the-air and overbite I develop while displaying my fab moves.
I really don’t want anything tangible for Christmas, but I’d hardly kick this out of bed.
I would also like to have Bossy’s hair.
Looks like a tone of fun
Oh Santa could come early!!!
My boyfriend and I argue about having a game system all the time. I think he’s just cheap. If I win I’m not sharing with him at all.
I have a couch just like that! We would love the Kinect!
Love the effortless set up. Nice to have you back Bossy!
My husband has been drooling over this since they first came out! Great giveaway!!
I want to learn those dance moves! Thank you, Bossy!
I’d love to replace my Wii with something wireless!
woohoo!!!!! Hope I win!!!!
Hope I win again!
This would make an excellent birthday/christmas present for the boy.
Looks like this could be fun and only one button!
Love it, Bossy! Thanks for the tutorial and the giveaway.
Hey, I can wave my hands in the air!
Oh, my ribcage looks like yours, plus 50 pounds – but I do have rib expansion thing going on! Count me in for the drawing!
WOW! Thanks for the chance to win. And…I love your couch!
Oh Bossy! See how people love you and your fun stuff? I would like to throw my name in the hat. It would be fun to have a video system that was mine, all mine!
I miss those sit-down-at-a-table video games they used to have at arcades and pizza places!
My kids would go ballistic!!!
Yes please, just what I need to get up off my hobo couch.
My kids would totally freak out if I won this and gave it to them for Christmas!!
Thank you for the chance. The man of my house would do cartwheels if I won this, and I’d love it too!
I have a hobo couch too. And a matching hobo chair.
And hobo dry skin. And hobo hair.
This would be the best Christmas present evah!!
I want! I want!
Too awesome – maybe I would actually exercise if I had one of these!
I would totally want this! Hope I win. And thanks!
I really want to get the body you have.Hopefully the Kinect will help?
Deep inside me lives a thin girl – hopefully the Kinect would help her come out!
This is the first time I have been to your blog. I hope I wiin
I never win these things….
bah, humbug.
No, really…I mean MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
With close to 400 entries, my odds of winning are quite small … hope prevails!
um. please?
Here is my comment! Here’s hoping!
I am so curious about these, I’d love to play with one without having to pay out the nose for it.
Glad for the instructions how to use – my cell phone is very basic. Now I know what everyone is talking about. More important – surgery? Did I miss the update?
Would love one of these for my family. My 4 year old would love it!!
I would love to win this!
Merry Christmas Bossy and family!!
Would LOVE this!
Woohoo! A Bossy Giveaway!
‘Wow! Mom, what’s this big box? Mom? Where are you goin – ‘ (door slams)
aaaaaand scene!
oh my. wouldn’t i be on cloud 9.
I’m not much for video games either. Mostly because I suck at them. But I’d sure like to try this!
I finally traded in my hobo couch, but I am still rocking the hobo coffee table. I want a Kinect so I can fit back into my tiny pants.
Looks like fun! Happy Holidays.
My Wii needs some steroids and the commercials for this have me intrigued – no need for controllers is nice – no worries about 3 year old throwing the controller into my brand new TV!
Well, now. Bossy’s midsection looks eleventy (Yes, eleventy) times better than mine so I nominate MYSELF to be the winner of The Xbox Kinect Holiday Giveaway! My waist is already thanking you.
This is my comment: Please, Please randomly generate this number. Also, Happy Holidays!
Looks like a real good time – count me in!
Would LOVE to try the Kinect…because I need a reason to look even more ridiculous when playing video “games” (the Wii ain’t cutting it anymore).
Ooooo What a perfect way
to get thru the winter….
Love the giveaway!!! Merry Christmas Bossy!!!
Looks super fun! Can’t wait to try when I win (hopefully)!
What an awesome give away!
Bossy – Pick us, my gf is your biggest fan and desperate for this stupid thing. She also wants to hang out sometime.
Yours truly –
Most awkward comment of the day
Obviously, as loyal Bossy readers (ok, ok, so it’s just me), we’d love this!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!
Awesome give away!
I have a friend who REALLY wants this, so if I win I will gift it his way.
What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for this great opportunity! I’m bunny hoppin’ all over the house! lol
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com
This is me entering the contest.
A very nice giveaway!
@GetGameSmart tweeted about ya, and here I am
Bossy ya look fine, I am old too, and think this game looks fun (OK maybe not bowling but everything else )
Thanks so much for this opportunity! My daughter is really wanting one for Christmas…what a great giveaway!
I would love to win this great prize since I have never had a game system.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this.
When I exercise I never look that good. I always have the look of pain.
I’d love to win one of these for my family! Thanks for the giveaway!!
OOOhhhhh… that looks FUN!!!!
The Kinect is so much fun! Would love to gift my Mom and Dad one to get them off the couch!
Really? A Kid inhigh school and one in college and you have that body while I, with my 2 little ones look like this? Unfair, Bossy. Unfair!
pick me! pick me!
Looking good, Bossy!
I really want one of those for my kids. Yeah, that’s it, for my kids.
I hope 410 is a lucky random number!!
WOW, would this be great or what! Thank you
Wii on steroids … That is funny…
That looks like fun!
We got snowed in today and this would have made the time go a lot faster!
Looks like fun, maybe even a weight loss tool with all that dancing and bowling involved.
Sending you much love Bossy!
My peoples will love this!
I don’t even *want* an Xbox….but suddenly I want one
If I win this my 3 boys would think I’m the coolest mom ever.
Looks like fun!
Wow, this would be a great gift for me!!! Thank you Bossy!
As always, Bossy gives the best presents… Can this come with decorating ideas for my new house?
I’ve got just the 7ft. space to put this in.
I’m so old school I’m practically still playing Atari (ok, not quite that bad), so I’d love to win!
My cousin brought his to Thanksgiving at my mom’s and we played with our kids. It was super fun, thanks for the contest!
I keep thinking I need to get one of these to help me be a lazier parent. Then I remember how poor I am. Which makes me gratefuler for your website than I normally am.
I hope that I win so I can get a cool rib cage like Bossy too!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh! Best giveaway! I would LURVE to have one of these! Come on Random – pick me!!!!
Thinking of you, sending good healing thoughts in your direction, dear Bossy… I hope you are back to yourself (and some wine) quickly!
I keep hearing about this damn game system and want it more and more.
Oh Bossy……that looks like it could be really fun!
great giveaway, Bossy! Merry Christmas!
Bossy, you rock!
If I win, do you think I should put curtains on my windows?
Love your blog and winning this for my grandson would make me believe in santa.
Ooooh, a video game system that BOTH my kids could use – Nice!
Well Bossy, I went through an actual divorce and I could use a little pick me up cuz it sucks around here sometimes. I hope your un-divorce is better than the actual one. The kid and I could use funtime, ya know?
What fun! I want one!
I would actually have to use the exercise videos as the unit will function as a clothes hanger like my treadmill and elliptical.
would love to join the 20th century…what, this is the 21st?help….
The only thing I’ve ever won was a black fir footstool circa 1970. I would love to win something cool.
I could really use this thing. And, all of you Would agree if you took a peek at my fat arse!
Wow great giveaway My son would love this
This would be amazing! Thanks for the chance!
This game looks awesome!
Oh, yes, please, please, please! I can’t afford this at all and we live on the farm, no cable, and I swear if I have to try to live through another snowstorm/snowed in moment trying with all my might to not throw myself into the storm to avoid my family’s “happy moments” (i.e., fighting) I will not survive!
Would love to kinect with my kids.
For a change.
We have a Wii. We’d like a Wii on Steroids.
A Wii on steroids would be oh so nice!
ooooh! Bossy your rib cage/ abs are FABULOUS! I haven’t seen either of mine since 1999. Maybe the video system would help me find them again….?
Woo hoo! What fun!
rhymes with we… I nearly spit out my wine. Nearly.
Was getting one for Christmas – and then the washer broke. So, yes, please.
My kids would LOVE this… OK, so would I.
I need this because my husband doesn’t think our kids are old enough to appreciate this system yet, and I don’t know if I can wait until they grow up to buy “them” this game system. But if I won one…. well that’s different!
I loved your review and dont have much room either and would loves this
I didn’t think anyone online was older then me. Old or not this is my game. I wanted a WII which I never got but I have switch to the xbox and kinects. So maybe I will get one of these, if I win of course.
Looks like fun!
Bossy, I love your blog.
This one pulled me right out of *lurkerdom*. I guess I’m a little behind the times – maybe I can sell my Atari 2600 if I win!
I like the couch and don’t care of it is 2 decades old. I’d love to see if I can master this xbox thing. How does it compare to an Atari? (The first and only video game I’ve ever had.)
I am leading a sad and deprived life without this wonderful thing.
WoW! What a fun way to make my kids TRULY believe in Santa!
I would love to have one of these, but there is no way I would look half as good in that outfit
Hobo couch! I am not at all sure that the xbox will work with our ’90s TV, but I know my hi-tech brother would love it.
Dude… A) I am commenting. B) Awesome moves.
i would loveeee this!
Oh My.. loved this!! You’re just adorable!
pick me!!! pretty please!!!
My son would love this Bossy.
Thank you for the opportunity!!!
# 471 or so would love to win something this holiday of craziness.
happy holidays.
I hope you are recovering well – from your surgery, not from playing video games.
I hope this is open to canada
we have tried the Wii and the graphics just didnt grab us so this sounds like the machine for us… we could do with the activities for when we are snowed in lol.
I need a workout buddy.
Merry Christmas Bossy. I am undivorced and need a workout too.
My daughter asked for this. Her only chance is winning it because I can tell you right now that Santa ain’t gonna bring one.
I see the commercials for this and I love the dance game! Very cool–thanks for the opportunity Bossy!
I wanna play the dance game with you!
I’m probably too late, but oh this would be great!
That would be a nice Christmas gift!
Wow, I own NO video games!!! That looks like fun!!! Pick me!!!! I dont’ win anything…actually won a flip camera from a Bossy Giveaway that never arrived, so I’m still good on my no win streak!!!!
Am I too late? Hope not! Fingers crossed …
Me too, me too….hope I am not too late!
Wishing you and your family a warm holiday season!
Oh no, am I too late? I so wanted to be cool like Bossy. Get well soon, our bossy one.
Is this where you enter to win the hobo couch?
Fine. I’ll settle for the XBOX.
Well this would be fun to have!
And FYI – I sense that we will be testing the boundaries of bossy’s comment section when the BIG FREAKING comment numbers hit 4 figures…
Me! Too late? My kids would sh*t eggrolls….
I would love to win this and be my son’s hero for this Christmas!
This would be a great thing to surprise my husband with and to share with the (alleged) cutest baby in the world
How fun would this be?? I don’t have any kind of gaming system (or cable, for that matter) so this would be very entertaining for my house this winter.
oh wow- thanks so much
I love your crazy moves. LOL And your son’s assessment of it being like the Wii on steroids. hehe Awesome giveaway!
i really think i need one of these, because my kid is too young for world of warcraft.
OHH, pick me, pick me oh random number generator friend!!
Would LOVE santa to put one under my tree! Thanks bossy, you ROCK! (without cords even!)
This would make me the coolest Mom ever to my 17 and 14 year old boys. It’s been many moons since I was cool in their eyes. Please help a mother out!
Looks so cool!
I want a game on steriods!
I believe in video games. But only on Saturdays.
Love the hobo couch.
Looks like the whole family could have fun on this Wiii on Steroids
Awesome – I’ve heard great things about Kinect! Thanks Bossy!
Wii on steroids. Love it!!! My son wants one of these soooo bad but hubby just lost his job so it is so not in the budget right now. Looks like a lot of fun, maybe I’ll get lucky and win it.
I could use a new way to get a workout in! And so could hubby!!
My ribcage looks exactly like your except with a little more padding around it. I would love to beable to work some of that off plus I need to update my game playing for the grandkids!
Wonderful give-a-way. Hope you’re not selling our email addresses.
oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please!
um, can you tell I want to win this?
ps: i missed bossy. hope you’re ok!
Hope I’m not too late to enter! I’d LOVE to have one of these.
Very cute poses Bossy.
So it is fun and it is exercise? I think I need one
What’s wrong with a Hobo Couch?
Nice Pix. Did I win?
We could finally upgrade from the Atari!
I have a 9 year old who would love this!
8-year old grandson who lives with me would LOVE to have this – and so would I!!
LOL, “DVDs of sport, dance, and song fun dressed as video games!”; Best. Description. Ever.
looks like a ton of fun!
Please pick me!!!
Hope you are doing well Bossy,
Elissa in MA
RNGs tend to hate me, but I can hope.
Me! Me! Me! *please*
My son said these are awesome! Hope you are doing well after your surgery.
Oh, that looks like fun! And I have no gaming system.
the kids would be thrilled to win.
An excellant way to get my newly retired husband off the couch and from viewing Black & White Turner movies!
I know that this retired old man needs one of these…
My cat would simply love this. It would beat the hell out of chasing a string
I would love to play the Kinect!! I would just have to make sure to shut all the blinds before I started dancing and bee bopping all over the place, lol.
I die everytime I see the commercial with the cool kids dancing! I want to be those cool dancing kids!
That looks like such fun!
I could only hope……but I do totally have my eye on the Zumba DV-Game that you use with the connect. <3 Zumba!
Ha, you’re adorable. *crosses fingers*
What an awesome system.. does Santa take requests from adults?
Wow – over 500 comments – either Bossy is as sexy as she looks or people really want an Xbox. I believe in both things. That Xbox would look really fine sitting in my room waiting for someone with a skinny midsection to come over and bowl.
I love the ads for this non-videogame! Looks like a lot of fun!!
I hope it is not too late to enter. This would be so fun.
Bossy is looking mighty fine in her workout gear!
Happy Holidays!!
I don’t know if it is too late or not but…please, please, please!!!!
How awesome! I’d love one =)
I would love one of these so I could stop embarassing myself at the gym
Awesome. My kids would love this- all five of them!
oh it’s Friday, is it too late? Because I would like a 1/542 shot at getting one of those!
Looks way to cool!
If i win this i might get a tad of self esteem…. well, maybe I would.
My kiddos would love this! I had no idea that they time restraints on these, that is awesome!
Oh, that looks fun!
Awesome! My family would love this! We’d push our hobo couch right out of the way to play.
This would be a FABULOUS gift to win!
As a Canadian I’m pretty sure I don’t count to enter, but I just wanted to say I really want to try this thingamy and see if it’s as cool as it might just be!
My 12-year-old is wishing for this!
My son thinks Santa is bringing one of these. So not going to happen…
…or maybe it will!
THIS would be amazing to win! And your ribcage? At least you can see it (from one who seriously needs to find hers!)
I really really need a pick me up after the day I’ve had. This would do it!
I would love to have one of these, mostly so I can watch my husband dance around like a crazy person. Oh wait, he already does that . . .
It’s still Friday in California!
Probably too late, but it’s something the kids really want. Thanks for making someone’s holiday.
I’d rather have Baby David.
This looks like a whole lot of fun. I don’t have much more space than this, either, so it’s good to know that it can be used in a tiny house like mine.
Fun Fun Fun!!!
Please Santa Bossy!
Am I too late, please, please ?
That looks like fun.
That looks like fun!
As opposed to the folks that really WANT the xbox 360 Kinect I really NEED the xbox 360 Kinect.
Wondering if living in Australia will discount my entry.
This looks like it could be a fun way to exercise. I would still like one though. Thanks
Well, it looks like the time to win is past. However, you made this give away as funny as all your other posts…so a big thumbs up to you. Oh, and you’re a fox!!!! April can’t believe how foxy bossy is:)
You had me guffawing! XO!
darn it i’m too late… crap…. but you look so fab bossy! merry merrry… all the way… that and a glass vino!
Am I too late?? Did it end yesterday-Friday or this coming Friday? Please, please let me still be on the list, because I really want to make friends with an imaginary bowling ball. Wait. That just doesn’t sound right.
Fantastic giveaway! Happy Holidays!
Too late? Would love a connect!!
And as usual, your post was so funny! Love your blog, keep it up!
Midsection alert indeed! Your abs are fab, but the ribs are a bit disturbing, I grant you that. Just kidding, Bossy — I love ya!
Love it..and you..and would love one.
I’m sure I could figure this one out I’m in
After that post they should sell one to all the people that don’t win. Maybe they will give you a few more x-boxes.
I like your wall color and I would like a Kinnect!
Very nice. And love the midsection alert!
Yes, please!
Love it, want it;)
Oh! Awesome! We need one for our shoebox too!
Woo-Hoo! Hope I’m not too late!
ooooo oooooooh I need to win one of these to play with. I love video games