Greetings from under a pile of carbohydrates! Welcome to Bossy’s Holiday in Review. The first thing you should know is Bossy drank a lot of holiday libations:
And Bossy consumed a lot of holiday food:
In fact, Bossy consumed so much food wrapped in food dipped in other food, Bossy assembled the following flow chart for your consideration:
But Bossy didn’t just eat over the holidays, she did other stuff too! Like eat with friends!
Oh silly Bossy, stop exaggerating! Because Bossy did other things with her friends over the holidays besides eat, such as card games in front of the fire!
And Bossy threw a couple of parties for her extended family. Here they gather on Christmas eve to sing carols with the musical accompaniment of Bossy’s brother and Bossy’s Unhusband and Bossy’s friend Wally:
And then. And then! And then Bossy’s daughter and Bossy’s nieces put on a 8-page single-spaced musical written by Bossy’s daughter to be performed in Bossy’s shoebox diorama already full with fourteen party guests and their musical instruments!
And here’s what the musical was about according to Bossy who had already consumed her weight in red wine because of the above shoebox diorama stress and more:
Rudolph wakes up in his shed one day and he is missing his nose. Where’s his nose? So Rudolph does what any random reindeer would do, he takes his mysterious case to those very famous private investigators, Afro Man and Ski Mask Dude:
And then, due to a limited supply of actors, Afro Man questioned a few of Santa’s reindeers about the crime without the help of Ski Mask Dude:
And then other stuff happened!
And then, yeah!
Bossy doesn’t want to give away the ending she was too drunk to remember, but you can rest assured the suspenseful tale draws to a close with a closing number!
Bossy can sum up her 2010 holidays in this way: Goofs, every one. Bossy wouldn’t have it any other way.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy what your favorite part of the holidays has been so far?
And be sure to check back later today for the holidayist memories on the web.
Spent entire holiday flat on back. Guess what? Still there.
Eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, drink , drink.
The watching of movies movies movies and more movies.
New holiday tradition: start day walking SPCA dogs. Pretty sweet!
Pork Loin, Ham, Mashed taters, Dance Central, Despicable Me
Oh, Bossy, I don’t need 10 words. I can do it in four:
They all need therapy.
House filled with family. Feeling very blessed this year. Happy.
Wrapping presents while rocking out to Christmas tunes, tree aglow.
My California sweetheart gave me a Weber gas grill!
Hanging out with friends, cats, and beer on Saturday night.
Optimistically awaiting my Xbox winner notification while playing old-school games.
36 weeks pregnant, having a love/hate relationship with Christmas.
I also made the mistake of marrying a man who works at a church. Christmas season he is almost ALWAYS at his office. Which sucks because it also happens to be the busiest season for our family personally. I am so very tired.
No two years the same. Every year the best ever.
Reading old timey books to grown children I love – Sigh.
Fireplace. Us three. Beloved little dog.Dozing. Happy together. Content.
Not having to travel!
Lots of pajama days, building many Lego Star Wars kits.
Of course that leaves out the trip to the emergency room in the blizzard with a boy who couldn’t breathe, but we would prefer not to remember that part. Boy is now fine. New gray hairs on my head feeling right at home.
Opening heavy box and finding The Autobiography of Mark Twain !!!
Going back to work and watching the snow melt away.
New dog Jack cuddling with Christmas squeaky toy.
Slipper-clad feet and roaring fire for 48 straight hours.
Recovering at office to avoid so many leftovers at home.
Joy of Cooking’s eternity definition: two people and a ham.
Everyone at home–that’s enough for me; done with cookies.
The dogs ate the fudge. And they didn’t throw up!
Exhausted Christmas carols family decided to sing patriotic songs…. Whiskey anyone?
Hubs and I buying and decorating our Christmas tree…yesterday!
Turkey catching fire and filling the house up with smoke
Flight canceled! Eleven hour drive from Michigan – thanks Philly blizzard.
Family, Family, Family. Felt Dad’s presence from above. Content.
About thirty drunks ate some of the best food ever.
Various and sundry family- wines red and white, minimal fuss.
Daughter’s heart healing with scars and courage – brave new world.
Kids, toys, joy, and a visit from the Booze Fairy.
LOL @foolery! Loves me that Booze Fairy!
Vicious nor’easter. Wine. “Nother nor’easter. More wine. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Sorry Bossy, no ten words today, I just wanted to see if Bossy’s Daughter’s Theater Company is available – I think they look great!
Bossy, are you well? Did you have a sex change? Inquiring minds want to know.
Your daughter is soooo creative, she should be a director or cameragirl.
Gave SPAM and SPAM cookbook to Dan, the IT professional
(You really had to be there to appreciate the perfection of this gift. He loved it. *Finally* the means to turn SPAM into something people actually appreciate!)
“mommy, i love you!”
making new traditions with new love.
The massive eating of mashed potatoes was horrifying yet tasty.
Played Apples to Apples too! Niece’s husband a witty player.
Family: another state, daughter thats here: gone with those people! = (
Made husband pretend we are there playing games, not same!
Wishing Bossy and her family the best new year ever!
Learned my uncle stowed away on the Queen Mary. Really!
Ate lots of shrimp and cheese and gained four pounds.
Glowy lights and nine million days of rain in California.
Cozy rain, apples to apples (jr): 4 year old judge!
Turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey…. pie.
Having fabulous hubby off from work for eleven straight days!
survived an aortic aneurysm! Home from hospital in time for Christmas!
Spandex cheetah hot pants and fake sparkly Uggs. Sweet Jesus!
Everyone send big hugs to #12 Meg. Here’s mine <<>>
And another one for #50 Aimee!!! <>
Slept 1,492,014,809 hours while blessed in-laws babysat the kids.
Thanks Tina! Smiling and happy to be alive.
Saw Bossy’s Daughter’s future as performer at Shadowbox Live – HYSTERICAL! (
It was kind of like travelling with the Ghost of Christmas Future…
Husband coughed incessantly: Urgent Care. Clicked heels: get me home!!!
Another Christmas to add to sad history of crappy ones.
Did enjoy nephews: “non-tipsy Aunt Reeb = Boring Aunt Reeb!” Drink up!