Okay, maybe it’s not heaven, but it is Detroit. Specifically the sky over Detroit. But Detroit and heaven have more in common than you might think.
For instance, Detroit is much like heaven in that it’s got hotel rooms. Specifically one hotel room, with Bossy in it!
Detroit is also similar to heaven because it has cool people floating around:
And another reason Detroit is like heaven: they put on the best darn Madonna concerts!
For those of you who don’t know, where those of you equals just about everyone, Bossy will be in Detroit until tomorrow night, visiting with her friends named Ford. That’s because Ford thought Bossy might may might may might enjoy attending their Driving Green Technology event at the North American International Auto Show, and so it’s Ford who is putting Bossy up and feeding her.
But don’t just take Bossy’s word for it, take Ford’s word for it: Bossy was invited to participate in this program by Clever Girls Collective, Inc. in partnership with Ford and Ogilvy PR. Ford Motor Company paid for Bossy’s travel and accommodations at the 2-day Driving Green Technology event, Bossy was not compensated in any other manner for her time. Bossy’s opinions posted here are her own.
I’ve got to the point of being relatively stricken in years working on the theory that may is present and might is past tense – and no-one’s contradicted me yet. Maybe I just look scary.
Reception in the DIA?!?! So. Jealous. I have a refrigerator magnet with that VERY mural on it.
I thought might was for “possible” and may was for permission.
So, the last people to the pit stop MIGHT be eliminated, Phil!
Oh, Bossy. Looks like you are enjoying your Ford concert and receptions and hotel room and stuff. A paid junket is a very good thing in my opinion. Love art institutes. Not familiar with this one, but happy for Bossy.
I used to know all kinds of usage and grammar rules. I gave up when it became accepted practice to combine “All ” and “right” and drop the second “l”. Stuff like that drives me around the everloving bend. Many things have fallen into the abyss though. Finer points have dulled.
People = Council, BOSSY! We are yours.
In case Ford decides to marry you up with a new model, may I suggest “Tom” as his name. He’s yummy! Not available, but yummy, nevertheless. http://www.metrovelvet.com/blog/happy-birthday-tom-ford/
Ford was wise to choose BOSSY–I’m thinking of a Harrison Ford for my next vehicle.
Yeah the DIA is awesome!!! I never got invited to a party there. Bossy is a VIP.
I would never have left the DIA – I’m a sucker for fancy old buildings. Also, having cars zooming around on ramps next to the audience would freak me out. For some reason the whole thing reminds me of Cirque du Soleil except with cars. But I wasn’t there, so I could be WAY off on this.
Honestly? I think I have a refrigerator magnet bigger than that car.
Thank you for saying nice things about Detroit. Who knew it looked so ethereal from above?
Oh, well, you know, “might” and “may” will sort themselves out, but, BOSSY? It is ALWAYS “chaise longue.” Just sayin’.
DAMN, Bossy! Somehow I think Ford might not be loanin’ ya any Harrisons next year.
Bossy got a very cool invite. I love hotel rooms! Even without moon lamps.
Thanks for the positive comments about Detroit! We aren’t used to praise, so we’re just gonna stand here looking bashful…
Damn! That looks pretty darn neat, that Detroit place. Must visit it sometime, since my BIL is from there and all.
Detroit is also the site of George Clooney’s love scene in the great and underrated movie, “Out of Sight”, and if you haven’t seen it, well, sigh.
Ford seems like it is trying to “do American proud”.
First time I’ve noticed American cars for years.
Hey, if they can do a good job, I’m all for it.
This after years of volvo, citroen, saab and bmw ownership.
I’m a hard sell, but coming around!
I’m not convinced you didn’t fly over the Arctic on your way to Detroit.
Detroit is underrated! So glad you’re enjoying it. Also…seriously Bossy, buy some Faygo Rock n Rye. Not kidding!
Yeah, I’m with #20 (aka Sarah). That looks like the Arctic. Also, cool guys with sideburns and frames always = win.