Every night Bossy takes a walk around her neighborhood, and every night there’s this part of the walk where Bossy crosses under the railroad tracks. Bossy hates this pedestrian tunnel. Among other things, it still holds last October’s puddles.
Nothing like a pedestrian tunnel to make one feel like a 6-year-old, holding one’s breath the length of it and running up the stairs on the other side.
That gives me the heebie jeebies. I think I watch too many scary movies!
Hate those things. And they always smell really foul.
Are you sure it is safe? Take care, Bossy!
Playing Bernard Hermann music on your iPod while in the tunnel can’t be helping
I hate those tunnels too. They always smell of pee and I’m always afraid of lurking bad guys.
Scary!! Aqualung could be under there!
I hate that tunnel, too. But I think the puddles have been there for five years or more. Ever see it when it rains? FULL TO THE TOP.