This is a sponsored review from BlogHer and Seattle’s Best.
Recently Bossy was given the opportunity to taste-test the new Level System invented by Bossy’s close and personal friends at Seattle’s Best Coffee, which isn’t just a company name but a business plan!
The idea behind the Level System is to minimize the confusion that surrounds the many coffees and their many corresponding names and descriptions.
So for instance, in Seattle’s Best world, Level One is described as mild and crisp, while Level Two is bright and lively. Other words used to describe the individual Levels, which grow stronger as the numbers advance: easy, intense, balanced, elegant, complex, dark, smooth, rich, and bold.
While it’s true Bossy typically prefers her coffee without an accompanying thesaurus, she readily admits the Level System delivers the ascending flavors and intensity as advertised.
Shall we begin?
First Bossy would like to say that each of these levels passed Bossy’s standard for a good, strong cup of coffee. Bossy is very, very, with extra very picky when it comes to this, especially when brewing coffee at home.
The only difference as she moved through Seattle’s Best Levels was a certain depth and richness of flavor, which built toward Level Five. As a matter of fact, Level Five is the level that best suits Bossy’s overall coffee need, which Bossy can describe as emphatic. If coffee were an amplifier knob, Bossy would turn it to eleven. But Bossy is getting ahead of herself.
Level One was an absolutely delicious and perfect cup of coffee, and made Bossy feel as though she were breakfasting in a hotel lobby in the Swiss Alps while the sun drapes itself across the top of the crusty Eiger.
Level Two was an absolutely delicious and perfect cup of coffee, and made Bossy feel as though she were passing the late morning in a Parisian café overlooking a city park as the nursery school children scuff their shoes on the side of the roundabout.
Level Three was an absolutely delicious and perfect cup of coffee, and made Bossy feel as though she were enjoying an afternoon cup of coffee in the overgrown jardin of her rented casa in San Miguel Mexico as the smell of smoked corn tortillas floats above the cobblestone streets.
Level Four was an absolutely delicious and perfect cup of coffee, and made Bossy feel as though she had just enjoyed a light evening antipasto along the cliff in Lake Maggiore while the paddleboats gently break the surface of the water on their way back to the closing rental dock.
Level Five was an absolutely delicious and perfect cup of coffee, and made Bossy feel as though she and Frank Sinatra were just finishing their trio of baked fish in Frank’s favorite Manhattan restaurant at midnight as the two of them prepare to catch the latest Big Band along the avenue in Harlem.
Based on Bossy’s descriptions, which Level do you think best describes you?
In fact, answer this question and Bossy’s friends at her BlogHer advertising network would love to offer one of Bossy’s readers a $100 Amazon gift card!
Simply check out the official descriptions of each number in the Level System by clicking this link, and then leave a comment below telling Bossy which Level most suits your taste, and Bossy will employ her friend the Random Number Generator to select a winner on April 30th!
It’s one comment per person, please, although there are sneaky ways to enter more than once as follows:
a) Leave a comment on this post
b) Tweet about Seattle’s Best Level system and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
c) Blog about Seattle’s Best Level system and leave the URL to that post in a comment below
d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry
Speaking of the official entry rules which of course everyone should read, here’s a starter set of entry rules:
• This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older
• Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.
• You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
And then go to this round-up page for a list of other participating blogs which means? Anyone? More chances to win!
Thanks for participating, and good luck. Go get ‘em, Bossy’s council!
I’m a Level 1 or as my husband likes to say, “you’re a fake coffee drinker”. I don’t like my coffee too strong and husband likes his to have sediment in the bottom of the cup. Yuck!
I am a level 2. I have some at home and it is perfect for me.
mmmm, I love coffee so I’m sure any of the stronger ones would be wonderful. I love stronge but NOT bitter, and that’s a hard combo for some coffee companies to pull off.
I would have thought I was a Level 4 but based on your descriptions – I’d have to go with Level 2 because a Parisian cafe sounds just right!
I am most definitely a level 5 coffee drinker. It has to be strong to stand up to the amount of vanilla creamer and splenda I put in it
Switzerland with a view of the Eiger. I like a light roast, but I brew it so the spoon will stand up in it.
Level 3, but only because you described it as being in San Miguel which is a place I daydream about daily.
I am a level 5 kinda girl.
I’ll join you for the light antipasto along the cliff in Lake Maggiore and the absolutely delicious and perfect cup of coffee at level 4
Level 3 during weekdays.
Level 4 – sounds divine. Thanks Bossy!
Level 5. Like my men.
I would probably drink a level 2 or 3. I am a late bloomer to coffee drinking.
I read the descriptions and especially enjoy the “exclusively for everyone” murdering of the English language.
I would take Level 5, of course. Must be bold. I hate prudent coffee.
I stopped at Panera’s this morning and got their “dark roast” and sleepwalked through the morning, as it had absolutely no kick to it. It was an insult.
It sounds like Bossy has been looking at that famous picture of Jackie Kennedy and Frank Sinatra ( — the look on her face…..
I’m most certainly a Level 1 morning coffee drinker, but with your descriptions … Level UP … Give Me Frank!
Level 3 sounds just perfect to me! You described them all beautifully though. Love the mug too!
Level five. I love me some Old Blue Eyes and MY old blue eyes need strong delish coffee to open.
I would definitely like a level 4, with a healthy dollop of whole milk please.
Thanks for a chance to win!
I think I’m a level two, though level four sounds pretty lovely, too.
The rules say I get an extra entry for tweeting, so I retweeted your tweet. :)-!/BOSSY/status/60035790427799552
I’m a level three person… right in the middle!
I am most definitely a level 3–middle of the road.
Level 1 please and yes the mug is lovely!!!
I’m an unquestionable Level 5. (Does Amazon ship to Argentina??)
I am a level three ’cause I am balanced, smooth and full-figured err I mean flavored…
Hmmmm… I think I’m probably a level 3. Anyway, you made it sound divine.
I’m with Bossy….I prefer my coffee AMPLIFIED.
Super cute mug too!
Sign me up for a three, please! And hello cute coffee cup!
Level 4 but I wish it was at George Clooney’s house in Lake Como.
Level 5. Like Bossy, I am an emphatic drinker of coffee. I like it dark, bold, and black.
I’m gonna go with level 5 – and plenty of french vanilla creamer added in.
Level 3 for me – brewed nice and strong and served with plenty of flavored creamer!
I’d like level one because it’s sweet and mild.
I’m a level 2: As in, I’d like 2 more cups of coffee please!
I have been enjoying level 2, without the envisioning Paris part, but I like that idea.
I’m a 5 all the way
Level One would be perfect for me. Any more than that and you’d have to pry me off the ceiling.
Based on those descriptions? Number 5. Because Frank is MY husband. I’d ask just what you thought you were doing out with him, but we all know Frank’s just that way. : )
it sounds like i would be a level four or a level five. which of those is the “freebasing mountain dew” level, again?
Level 4. I’m having a hard time seperating my Italian images from Jersey shore stereotypes though. Isnt’ that terrible.
I’m a four. Not quite as exciting as bossy, but not too crisp either.
Level 1 for me!
Definitely Level 1!
I am a definite level 5. Dark, flavorful and rich.
I think I would enjoy a level 3 and a level 4. I enjoy my coffee dark, but not biting my face off!
Level 5, with half and half and delicious, toxic sugar.
you seem to like all the places that I like!
I take mine black, and tend to like a nice medium roast, so I’m thinking I’d be a Level 2 or possibly Level 3 girl.
Level 3, please.
I am a level 5
Level 2. Something a bit stronger without being overwhelming.
smack dab in the middle at level 3 sounds like me!
Level 2 because I’m a coffee wimp, but not *that* much of a wimp!
I’d take level 5. I like it bold.
I think I would do well with either a one or two.
I am a level 2.
I am smack in the middle, level 3. Just call me Ms. Average!
I am a level 1!!! I love sipping mild, delicious coffee that just gives me some of that awesome flavor a tidbit at a time. Yum.
I love that they have made picking coffe much less confusing!! I think I would be a 3. I want some substance bu I don’t want it to be too strong.
Give me a level 3, with some cream and just a touch of sweetener.
I think I’m a level 3..
Even though I am not rich, I am bold. Level 5, all the way!
I’d be a number two. I was going to write, “I’ll take a number two”. But, that would have been rude.
I’m a level 5. If my coffee can’t stand up and take hold of the day, I’m toast.
I would say FIVE but let’s go for FOUR so my obnoxiousness stays at a dull roar.
Well – Olivia is probably a level three but she wants it in Paris with a fresh croissant (even though Olivia is celiac and can’t eat fresh croissants – or even stale ones, for that matter)……..followed by a Gitane cigarette (even though Olivia doesn’t smoke) and with a dashing French lover by her side (even though Olivia is married but this is a fantasy, right?) and wearing a cute beret (Olivia could probably do that.)
But Olivia is Canadian (and therefore speaks French so she could do all that French stuff) so her opinion won’t win her this contest.
Still – Olivia enjoyed the fantasy…………………….
So we’re not doing the Guest Rider thing any more? I’m confused.
Level 4. I’m not rich, and I can only aspire to elegant. But complex? Yeah. I got the corner on THAT market! MAHALO, dear Bossy!
Definitely a Level 5-I need the strongest (legal) stimulant possible to get my day started!
I would guess level 4 & based on Bossy’s description that is right where I need to be. Yep, I’m a 4
I am a level 1 or 2, depending on how much milk/creamer is in it
Level 1 (and the hotel lobby in the Swiss Alps) sounds the most appealing to me. Can I have some now?
I’m a level 3. I would try the other levels, but I like Level 3 so much that I don’t want to waste any of my 3 cups a day on a level that I might not like!
I would have to say level 3. I could probably take 4 and 5 with sugar, but I have been avoiding it lately.
A level 2 with a touch of honey
I think I’m a three.
level 3: I think hanging out in San Miguel Mexico suits me just fine for now, thank you!
Oh, level three sounds lovely…actually, all the levels sound lovely. My husband would probably like level five best, as he also likes his coffee cranked up to eleven.
Level 1…or 2??? Who knows. Hope you are having fun on your trip.
I think level 3. It has a nutty nuance and so do I!!!
I’m definitly a level 1
Level 4, and agree with Regina; it absolutely cannot be bitter! I bought some rather expensive beans one time, and was so disappointed at how bitter the coffee was. I forget where I read it, but adding a pinch of salt to the cup took care of it!
Level 1-5 sound about perfect for me! Yum!
Number 5 for sure. But never with Frank. Not a fan. (I heard he was mean to his women) Bold coffee needs someone with a beautiful accent, Antonio Banderas, Javier Bardem or Fabio from Top Chef.
probably a level 3 or 4. i like my coffee strong but not to strong
Level one totally says me.
I’m probably a level 4 kinda gal. And Tootsie adores how BOSSY slipped a “Spinal Tap” reference into her morning cup of Joe.
I think I will mix 1 and 2. A 1.5? I like mild coffee with lots of flavor shots.
Level 5! I’m visiting my father and he, I won’t mention the name but it rhymes with polgers (gasp). So I went to the store and found Level 5!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU!!!!!!
Either I am a level 2 kind of gal, or I need to visit Paris! Very appealing.
level 3 I think. and nothing in it please. I like my coffee to taste like coffee. coincidently I don’t like anything else to taste like coffee. no coffee flavored chocolate, or licquer (sp), or ice cream….
I am a level 4. I live by the rules of Holly Go Lightly, dah-ling. Coffee is what I do.
maybe 4, possibly 5…
I would go with the four in the morning, and my second pot (I know, right?!) would be a three.
Level one.. with some decadent flavored creamer.
Level 1, I’m sure. Basically, I like my hot milk flavored with coffee.
I’m a level 5, tripled. I like to eat my coffee with a fork.
I think I am a level 3
I’m a Level 3 or 4… mellow but strong enough to handle the milk I put in. I’m sitting on my back porch, watching the sun rise, my pups lounging at my feet, or romping in the grass. Ahh… but in reality, I’m trying to get everyone fed and pottied (dogs) as I run through the house trying to get myself ready for work. Then I wonder where I left my coffee, and find one of the sweet, romping dogs finishing off my cup. They prefer Level 4 I’m told.
4 or 5. Most mornings 5. I usually have only one large mug, so I want it to TASTE like coffee.
how weird is this!? i just, for the very first time, yesterday bought a 1lb bag of this…Starbucks went up to $10 something a freakin’ bag at our local grocery store. I could swear it was like 7 something just last week. It was time for a switch. i went with the purple bag…level 5. first cup this a.m. it’s good.
A cup of (level 4) and a stroll around the lake……perfect!
Sign me up for Level 4, rapidamente!
Level Five all the way.
I like coffee to grow hair on my chest
There should be a fifth level for chai latte! That seems discriminatory to me.
Pretty sure I’m a 4 most of the time, but bump that up to 5 for the entire month of February
Probably level 1… I like my coffee pretty mild.
I had Level 4 this morning, and it was perfect. However, I did not hear paddleboats or see Frank Sinatra, so I want to drink coffee with Bossy. Soon.
I would say level 4 during the week and level 2 on the weekends. You know, just to mix it up a bit.
I think Level 4 would be for me….nice and rich, but not over the top (as I suspect Level 5 would be).
I think I’d rather be in Paris with Bossy
Level 3… mexico!
I’m thinking Level 2 sounds delish right about now!
Level 5! I like to feel like I’m REALLY drinking coffee.
I am very much a Level 4!
Level 4 all the way!
That would be LEVEL 5 – kaboom!
I’m thinking level 4. Yum!
Level 4, but at Clooney’s on Lake Como, thank you very much.
I’m thinking level 4..go bossy
Level 4
level 3–right in the middle!
Level 5 definitely.
I am level 1 or 2
I have their level 2 coffee in my cupboard and it is my current favorite brew for my personal k-cup. Though I prefer the hotel lobby in the swiss alps, could I be drinking the wrong level?!
i’m a level 1, i want to feel as though i’m breakfasting in a hotel lobby in the Swiss Alps while the sun drapes itself across the top of the crusty Eiger
songyueyu at gmail
Level 3 fits me well.
I’d say a level 4. Definitely a 4.
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I’m a level 3.
Put me right in the middle! 3 it is:)
I think I’m a level 4 or 5.
I’m a level 4. I like the commitment that a coffee drinker has but I don’t like it so bold that I need to chew it.
I’ll be any level you want me to bossy baby, and I like it sweet like you…..ok enough sucking up
If there was a #6 I would be all over it! But I would happily settle for #5’s description of bold, dark and intense. Just like I prefer my men! Ha.
I don’t drink coffee (I KNOW!), but based solely on the descriptions, level 2 or 3. Primarily because sitting at a cafe in San Miguel or Paris sounds REALLY great right now!
I’m about to open up a bag of Level 3 for my morning brew tomorrow!
Level 4 has been just right for me. Love it! THX
Level 5, love that strong, bold and be here now coffee. Got to have in the mornings, every morning!
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
Tweeted here too!/gmissycat/status/61018778477150208
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
I think I’d be a 3!!! You did a great job of making them sound amazing!
how about a 4 with the option to upgrade?
I’d start w/ 2 and maybe be brave enough to try 3.
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com!/tigergal01/status/61103769257115648
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
level 3, brewed nice and strong!
I’m a softie at Level 1.
I’m a level 1…. I don’t like it too strong
Oh I’m all about the Level 5! Nothing I like more than strong, rich flavor. I like my coffee much like I like my chocolate- and when it comes to chocolate it’s 99% dark. Great coffee, like chocolate, is not for the weak.
I think I’d be a level 2 or 3. I’m not a huge coffee drinker but seem to be picking up the habit. Some mornings, after I’ve worked a double (which equals 16hrs) and have to be at work at 7am the next morning, I might switch it up to a 5.
From your descriptions, I’m a Level 1
Tweeted at
I believe I would end up being a 5
I am at level zero because I don’t like coffee at all. But I really like Amazon and my wish list is long.
Thanks for the contest.
I am the wimpiest of wimps when it comes to coffee, level one all the way.
i think i’d be a level one.
The level that most suits my taste would be Level Five, bold, dark, and intense. I like a strong coffee.
I love my coffee. I would say based on this a level 1 or level 2
I am definitely a level three kind of gal…
I like the sound of level 3. Delish.
Based on your wonderful descriptions as well as the site, I think a level 5 would best describe me.
I tweeted this!/The_Sunshyn/status/62180308400865281
Level 4 sounds good to me!
I would have thought I was Level 1 – but based on your descriptions – I’d be Level 2
I’d be Level 3!
I always think I want a bold coffee, but sometimes they are too bitter, so I think four would be just about perfect!
Level 5 for me please. Thank you.
I’m a middle of the road, level 3 kind of girl!
I don’t really drink much coffee, but I’m sure that I’d be a level 1!
I’d be a level 2!/susan1215/status/63065377852243968
Ahhhhh, level One. I do fear with a level 5, I may have an overpowering urge to climb the north side of Eiger.
I retweeted:!/carrieloves/status/63292599464759296
Definitely level 3
Level 11… Five levels aren’t enough to satisfy my required level of awesomeness.
Definitely level 1 or 2. I’m no coffee expert but I prefer lighter flavors versus the richer ones.
Not a big coffee drinker, so I would have to be a level 1 with lots of additions!
I am a level 3
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Level 1. Actually, if there were a level 1/2, I’d take that. I don’t like my coffee to taste like coffee at all.
Level 2 sounds perfecto to me!
Mmm – level four sounds delicious! Note the time ^ 6:40am and I’m trying to decide if I have time to go to the grocery store before I start my day…
I have had coffee in the Swiss Alps – I was just passing through and stopped just for a cup of coffee – long but true story, however, the point is – oh my gosh! That was one of the best cups of coffee I have ever had! So I’d pick one just to experience that again. Thanks for the post nice to know how Seattle’s Best is labeling their coffees. I like the system.
level 4
i think i’m a level 1
I think I’d probably be a level 4.. I really enjoy my morning coffee.
Thanks for the contest!
I think I’d love the Level 4. I like my coffee bold with complex flavors, and these all sound delicious!
Dearest Bossy, how I love your whimsicle descriptions. I am truly a Level 2 and Paris would be my ideal place to enjoy the absolutely delicious cup of coffee… and if I was seattle’s best, you can absolutely have 7 more cups. hehe
I shared the giveaway
Level Three was an absolutely delicious and perfect cup of coffee for me too. Love to taste my coffee with a little cream, real smooth.
Tweeted too!/marybug2/status/64077949384654848
marybug2 @ yahoo . com
2ND ENTRY TWEET @!/kytah00/status/64079595493801985
I am a Level 5 — hope that won’t influence in a negative way! Thanks for the giveaway.!/bikeohio/status/64124681644539905 tweet
I’m level 0. I am allergic to coffee~
Level 4 for me.
i think id be a two!/DesMoinesDealin/status/64170682862419968
I am definately Level 3 – Balance Smooth & Full Flavored!
wbailey113 at hotmail dot com
wbailey113 at hotmail dot com
I’m a level three !
Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m level 3
I tweeted
I’m definitely a level 5! The stronger and richer, the better for me.
I thought I would be a level Four and I took the quiz on FB and it says that I am a level Four Organic! I would love to try it too!
I tweeted here:!/FotoMacro/status/64408472992743424
I think I’d probably like the level 2.
Level 2! Your description of a Parisian cafe sounds great!
hmmm took their Facebook quiz and they say I am a level 4. I am guessing that is because I prefer to buy organic anything. LOL I would think I would fall in the level 1 though.
I think I’m a 4, I like strong coffee.
I think level 3 would be my style.
level 3 please.
Level 3