Meet Mary Kay. She arrived on Bossy’s doorstep a couple of weeks ago after Bossy agreed to test drive a few of their cosmetics.
Bossy should begin by explaining the low rumble you hear is Bossy’s mom laughing about Bossy doing a makeup review. You see, Bossy was never very good at makeup, unless you count the eyeliner Bossy wore for years applied in the heavy-handed style of Bananarama, in which case you could argue Bossy was a little too good.
Nevertheless, over the years Bossy has picked up a tip or two, where tip equals the tip of her current eyeliner, which is thankfully so blunt it’s unable to produce Bossy’s coveted morgue look.
Fast forward to Mary Kay. Bossy decided to see how many different looks she could create on her own face using only the contents of the Mary Kay Compact Mini.
Shall we?
Bossy admits, at first she was all, What am I supposed to do with this small thing? It’s not as if life would be much simpler if Bossy didn’t have to carry around the unwieldy purse which acts as the apartment she can’t afford!
But for something so small, the Mary Kay Compact Mini packs a big punch.
For starters, it contains Mineral Eye Color Bundles, which is a set of three eye shadows customized to match your eye color.
Also included in the kit is a cheek color:
And Bossy knows what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, But how am I supposed to apply these colors, Bossy? With the back of my E.T. hand?
In addition, Bossy’s new best friend Mary Kay sent Bossy a Tinted Lip Balm Sunscreen SPF 15 and a wand of their Ultimate Mascara:
Let’s get started. For Bossy’s first look, Bossy pretended she just woke up and was going for the no makeup look, which is a coincidence since Bossy had just woken up and was wearing no makeup:
For Bossy’s second look, Bossy pretended she was a soccer mom going to the soccer field even though Bossy’s children never played soccer -– and Bossy can hear her son complaining all the way from Buenos Aires, and, yes, Bossy acknowledges he did in fact play soccer, but that was before Gah invented the term soccer mom, so it doesn’t count.
For the soccer field look, Bossy applied her lightest mineral eye color, Spun Silk, to her entire eyelid to make it pop. Then Bossy applied the cheek color and some mascara to the upper lashes only, as well as the application of her tinted lip balm with sunscreen:
For Bossy’s third look, she pretended she was meeting a friend for drinks and a chilled carrot soup on the deck of a restaurant on the bay after the soccer game -– and the reason Bossy decided on drinks and a chilled carrot soup on the deck of a restaurant on the bay after the soccer game instead of just dinner is because Bossy is a method actor.
For this dinner date look, Bossy applied the medium shadow color, Hazelnut, to her eyelid and then highlighted that along her brow bone with the Spun Silk. Bossy also added mascara to her bottom eyelashes.
For Bossy’s final look, Bossy pretended she was going out after dinner to see a rock band play in a dark nightclub. As if that would ever happen.
For this look, Bossy applied her darkest shadow color, Chocolate Kiss, in a V-shape at the corner of her eye to open it up. And she applied more lipstick and mascara, saturating the lower lashes so Bossy could use one of her brushes to blend it into an eyeliner:
Although these photos turned out very subtle, Bossy wants you to know in person it wasn’t — this makeup did the trick and stayed in place for the duration of the day. In fact it did so to the extent that Bossy had to explain to more than one person why she looked as though she was going to a dark nightclub to see a rock band when she was in fact filling a plastic bag with asparagus at her local grocery store.
The mascara stayed put and is most likely water-proof, which is not what Bossy is accustomed to — because this is what Bossy is accustomed to: complaining that her mascara has smudged off by day’s end.
Especially enjoyable is the Tinted Lip Balm in the summery Rose color, which neither dries the lips nor smears off prematurely.
But perhaps the best attribute of this Compact Mini is its size and convenience. Meet Bossy’s new purse:
Here’s where you come into it, esteemed council: Bossy’s new best friend Mark Kay is going to give one Bossy reader a $100 Mary Kay gift pack! Simply leave a comment below describing which makeup product you can’t live without –- be it lip gloss or moisturizer -– and Bossy will employ her friend the Random Number Generator to select a winner.
This sweepstakes runs through June 30, 2011.
The following list details more ways to win and some more guidelines. In fact, please visit the official rules page here:
- Leave your comment on this post
- Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
- Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
- For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules and follow instructions for an alternate form of entry
In addition, visit this page to read more Mary Kay blogger reviews so you can enter their sweepstakes for even more chance to win! See how this works?
Best of luck, council! Go get ’em.
I can’t live without Softlips Vanilla lip balm. I keep one by the bed, one my purse, and one in my travel makeup bag just in case the one in my purse falls out while I’m traveling or something.
And you look gorgeous!
I’m in! And I can’t live w/out some type of foundation, even it it is only tinted moisturizer while hiking the Grand Canyon (which is what I took last year hiking the Grand Canyon) – it was my “luxury” item!
I would die without my under-eye cream. Because I would look like I was dead, see? And mascara, because my lashes are invisible. If I had to choose one? Mascara. With a side of eye cream.
My lip gloss- can’t live without it!
Lip gloss for me, too. Oh, and sunscreen because I am a delicate porcelain flower.
I can’t live without mascara, but eyeliner is a close second, followed ever so closely by my smashbox eyelid primer, followed by my urban decay lip junkie lip gloss….
I love Mary Kay, especially the time wise kits. LOVE IT! Foundation is my life savor, though in the winter. Once I’ve been sun kissed, then I can’t live without my shimmer blush. Bossy looks great in all those looks.
Moisterizer ’cause my wrinkled face needs something to fill in where the petunia’s grow.
You look fabulous with or without the makeup!
P.S. You are one funny lady!!
I cannot live without Mascara, and I love love love Mary Kay’s Mascara!! It is definitely something I cannot live without! Being blonde and fair, with out mascara, I look like I am devoid of eyelashes.
I try not to leave the house without foundation and mascara for fear of scaring small children and even some sensitive adults. My red blotchy skin and blonde eyelashes apparently aren’t ‘all the rage’ right now.
Eyeliner is a must. I have smallish eyes and it pops them out. Mascara to!!
is it sad that at age 40, I use moisturizer and bumble monster lip balm (the rudolph the red-nosed reindeer line of cosmetics!) with perhaps a little too much lapsing on the moisturizer… sigh.
(sorry, was I yelling?)
Wow, I am impressed with how good Bossy looks BEFORE the makeup. After is good, too, but before is pretty impressive. I, on the other hand, am not looking so good before the makeup, which is why Foundation is my favorite friend. Too many freckles, age spots, red blotches, undereye shiners, . . .it’s all bad and needs covering.
my eyebrows – i simply must add them on in the morning.
such a sad by product of aging (and years of over tweezing).
Gotta be my blush…I have NO COLOR…and always look like death warmed over!
I don’t wear any makeup in the summer months on the weekends but if I feel I HAVE to have something on I just put some eyeliner on and feel good to go out in public. We spend our weekends on our houseboat at the river and makeup seems silly when being a river rat!
I am pale. Very pale. You know how the moon is only bright because the sun is reflecting off of it? I am a moon. As a result I am also somewhat cancerous. So far only basal and squamous cell carcinomas so the least cancery cancer one can have but still, cancerous. In fact a few years ago I had about a third of my forehead skin (don’t read that last phrase too quickly!) removed. 20 stitches. I looked like Frankenstein. Now, of course, there’s a scar. So my must have makeup item now is coverup. And sun screen.
I’m an esthetician and I swear by LaRoche Posey Anthelios sunscreen, best protection, lightest feel doesn’t sting the eyes. That and glycolic acid and vitamin c serum. Oh, and Cliniques A Different grape lip stain. I haven’t ever tried Mary Kay but the the little compact with all the good stuff in it looks neat.
Mascara. If I go without, people tell me I look tired (WHY do people do that???). If I’m ever stranded on a desert island, send mascara. Oh, and a rescue boat.
I cant live without burts bees tinted chap stick and whatever cheap eyeliner I have floating around in the bottom of my purse! Need both when I look in the rear view mirror and realize I look like death warmed over!
I can’t live without mascara!!
Face moisturizer with 15 SPF in the summer, because I am outside ALL DAY but can’t stand heavy sunscreen. Also concealer, because once a month (ahem) my face tries to pretend it is sixteen again. Gross.
I don’t wear ANY makeup of any kind. No, I’m not a natural beauty. I wear some form of chapstick which to me isn’t a brand, more of a generic term for any kind of lip moisturizer sans color. Do you think a 57 year old could adapt to a compact of color? I’d like to try!
Foundation. Boring, I know, but it covers up my melasma. Couldn’t live without being able to cover that. And as for Mary Kay, I will never use anything else. Been a fan for a couple of years now.
Not much helps these days but what can you say… if I have to choose, I need my mascara.
mascara and lipstick
I can’t live without my Nivea cream – looks just like Crisco but is NON-greasy and makes my dry skin say thank you.
You look beautiful with or without make-up.
Lipstick. If I don’t wear it, I look like Voldemort.
mascara and blush.
it’s what keeps me looking not dead.
I don’t leave the house without eyeliner so as to preserve the delicate sensibilities of all I meet. Also, I look BAD.
Only one? Dang! I suppose I would have to pick mascara since I’m a redhead and my lashes are invisible without color. But if I could sneak in a second item — eye liner, because ‘POP’
I cannot live without some sort of lip tinting moisturizing product!!!! I need it. Or mascara. Can I have two. Cuz I need two
I cannot live without mascara. If I have nothing else on, I will still have mascara. I realize that sentence sounds like I am a nudist with mascara on and I am ok with that!
The Cover Girl permanent lip stick….stays on forever! I look like a zombie without lips!
need my mascara!
My eyebrows don’t exist without an eyebrow pencil. Really, my husband can’t even see them up close unless I color them in.
Mascara……but not while running……whoa
Tinted moisturizer with a side of mascara!
Definitely MOISTURIZER!! I love my Dr. Denese firming facial age corrector cream. i don’t leave home without it….on my face.
A light foundation
Eyeliner and foundation.
I love my Olay SPF 15 daily moisturizer!!
Chapstick. With wintergreen or something in it so my lips tingle and make me think it’s working magical restoration.
I dont wear much makeup because I dont know how to apply it so the Mary Kay compact mini looks like the thing I’m not going to be able to live without!
Lip gloss. Lip balm. Lip stick.
They all make me happy.
Lip balm/chapstick/something so my lips are flaking off because apparently when nervous, I lick them.
lip balm and SPF 30 moisturizer. The two things I would be lost without.
I must have some kind of foundation and chapstick.
Lip balm and mineral foundation.
That would be mascara. I can’t see without it.
Like our Esteemed Bossy, I am of the “black eyeliner covers a multitude of sins or lack thereof” school of makeup. Because enough black goop around my eyes tends to draw attention away from the pallorous, insomniac skin tone, or at least suggests that perhaps said pallorous tone is due to fascinating shenanigans rather than just the mundane blah-ness of underemployement and still being shacked up out of economic necessity with the ex.
MAC lipglass in oyster girl. I can’t live without this. It has been my staple for years.
I never ever leave the house without mascara on.
I look like I have alopecia of the eye lashes if I don’t wear mascara, so yeah, mascara please!
I absolutely cannot live without my mineral powder! Love it!
ahhh me too
I need to borrow this Mary Kay gear….I’ll be applying all of it at once so I can get my photo license…
Love my Mary Kay mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. Plus the Timewise creams are great.
have to have mascara, luv the mary kay mineral eye shadows and the eye makeup remover is the bomb!
Must have the under-eye concealer or will scare off small children.
Must have mascara…and lipgloss. My mom says that it’s the worst sin imaginable to go out in public without those two items. I may have grown up, but I still listen to my mom…
Mascara. My eyes totally disappear without it, sadly….
I can’t live without eyeshadow when trying to dress up
I am going to have to say ‘lip gloss’. Mascara is a close second though because I have no eyes without it. But then that is what sunglasses are for. Yep Lipgloss
Oh, my lipgloss! Definitely my lip gloss!
Eyeliner. In my 30s I finally figured out how to use eyeliner and smudge it to good effect. (I credit Carmindy on What not to Wear.) I replace it every new year’s eve (or whenever I have pink eye god forbid).
Definitely my lipstick…but it’s more the feel of it than the color of it. Even if it was is needed.
My chronically chapped lips absolutely cannot live without lip balm. I have at least 3 tubes at all times: 1 at home, 1 at work and 1 in my purse!
Hmmm…. either mineral foundation or mascara… or preferably both. I can’t choose just one. Wait…. maybe eyeliner. Whatever…
Mascara. I have invisible eyelashes. Makes a *huge* difference.
Love Mary Kay mascara!
I love any kind of lip gloss.
I miss Bloom County …
Definitely a moisturizer with spf built in…I lifeguard during the summer and it really helps (both with sunburn and not breaking out!)
I don’t wear makeup because I don’t know anything about it. So maybe I will learn if i win this! Not like I need makeup or anything
With these allergy eyes I need something water proof/smudgeproof.
blonde here and mascara is a must have. and the older I get the more my eyebrows disappear, so my Lancome eyebrow gel would be next.
Concealer and mascara – my lifesavers
Gah, Sister Mercy!!! All these other council members use mascara?? I am *so* going to have to sit in a dark corner the next time we convene
For me it’s gotta be the same shade of lipstick I’ve been wearing for over 20 years now. Without it, people tend to cock their head in a concerned manner and ask “Are you OK?”
((mascara, eh? Is it even possible to apply that stuff when you need reading glasses to tweeze the eyebrows??))
Mascara for sure; otherwise my eyes disappear into the back of my head.
my loose powder foundation (not morally corrupt just more like powdery goodness) because I have skin blotches thanks to eczema scars that need serious hiding!
Definitely mascara.
Mascara! even with no other makeup, I feel better with longer lashes.
Lipgloss definitly
Burts Bees lip balm. I am working on rebuilding my big girl makeup collection again.
Must have mascara!
Mascara. Redhead = no lashes otherwise.
Bossy looks HOT!!!
Hi Stella & Baby David!
Ole Henrickson’s eye cream. Keeping botox at bay. And I do love love love my Mary Kay foundation!
Right now it’s black cake eyeliner applied with a little brush, mascara, and Makeup for Ever lipstick. LOVE that stuff.
PS – You have such the enviable ass!
Can’t live without Mary Kay Mascara and Blonde Eyebrow Pencil!
I tweeted..
I cana’t be without my foundation and lip gloss, and of course my mascara. Really need my mascara.
Body Shop Bronzer. That’s it.
Eyebrow pencil or powder. Bleach blond eyebrows need a little color, to frame the face.
It’s a toss up between eye liner and mascara–do I have to choose???
Blistex has a new Raspberry Lemonade lip balm that is DELICIOUS! I have it on constantly. Who knew that something so ordinary could be so delightful?
I can’t live without my hairbrush:) That’s the height of the routine. I’m lucky to have decent skin so am makeupless most of the time. I would love to add to my “weddings and funerals” makeup though
Love Mary Kay, fav product is the weekender eyeliner pencil.
Glad to see you are calling Baby David your pet!
I must have my foundation on or my face feels like it is missing something. eyes seem to disappear without it!
i def need to have lip gloss!
My Mary Kay concealer for under my eyes.
Must have Aveda lip tint (Peony – which has been discontinued… Ugggh!) and mascara. MUST.
Lip gloss, definitely lip gloss. I’ve always wanted to try the Mary Kay products. Just kind of pricy
I have very dry skin so I cann’t live without my moisturizer.
Powder and 80’s black liner!
Moisturizer. Must have moisture. I’m currently in love with Hope in a Jar by Philosophy.
Must have mascara… I have no eyes without it.
Moisturizer & lip balm!
I read all that then wondered at the end if we were going to have AssGate going on. But I guess not. Then I wondered if Barbie would be able to hold that mascara wand, that’s the true test of whether it’s worthy. BTW, where is the Barbie Theatre that was promised after the second surgery? I waited and waited…
all I know is I just spent way lots of money at the drugstore on this kind of stuff and I look the same.
I like… lipgloss?
all I know is I just spent way lots of money at the drugstore on this kind of stuff and I look the same.
I like… lipgloss?
all I know is I just spent way lots of money at the drugstore on this kind of stuff and I look the same.
I like… lipgloss?
all I know is I just spent way lots of money at the drugstore on this kind of stuff and I look the same.
I like… lipgloss?
all I know is I just spent way lots of money at the drugstore on this kind of stuff and I look the same.
I like… lipgloss?
all I know is I just spent way lots of money at the drugstore on this kind of stuff and I look the same.
I like… lipgloss?
all I know is I just spent way lots of money at the drugstore on this kind of stuff and I look the same.
I like… lipgloss?
um. oops.
I need lip balm with me at all times. That and hand moisterizer
I cannot live without my eyeliner. I look dead without it. My second in line would be my eyebrow pencil because my brows have decided to take a permanent vacation to Sparseville.
Cannot live without mascara. Even if I don’t have any other makeup on!
Moisturizer with spf
Mascara, without a doubt. Does Mary Kay provide something that will give me a backside like Bossy’s?
Blush!!!!! I use Bare Minerals “Faux Tan” on my cheeks, eye lids, nose!!!
Here in the City of Angels….have just got use to using sunscreen & powder. Onto mascara, but first some lubricating drops….
foundation is a must have for me.. I think I am the only boy scout mama that wears makeup on camping trips.
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
I used tinted lip balm or sheer lipstick. I find I can totally fake people out with three seconds’ work: people think, “Well, her lips are colored, she must be Put Together.”
Eyeliner. Just eyeliner. But mostly because (like Bossy) I don’t really know how to apply eyeshadow properly. It was so much easier when it was blue eyeshadow and not all this fancy contouring with different colors. I need an application map for sure.
This review is hilarious.
The thing I can’t live without right now is bronzer. I am a religious sunscreen wearer, but I like to look like I have a “healthy glow!”
I would love to have some great skin care products! that coupled with a smile would be enough for me!
Thanks for a chance to win!
Sup Bossy,
Love the post, the passion, and will do anything to get The Wife something cool. Came over from Muskrat Dad. I shall return!
The Cheeky Daddy
I would love to try some new lipstick.
Can’t live without mascara!
I love Mary Kay cream blush. Been using it since the new colors came out in March. The new formulation stays on for the day and because its not powder, it doesn’t make my lines and scaley face look more lined and scaled.
Fresh air, sunshine and good clean living. Oh wait. I was thinking of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Mine is red wine, air fare and moisturizer.
Lip gloss and foundation to hide all of the wrinkles, age spots, etc. I need it all!!
I have to have moisturizer – or I start to look like PAPER with a large grain!
I can not live without black eyeliner or my eyelash them!
I’m addicted to eyeliner otherwise my eyes sink into my head…thanks
Lipstick. Long-wearing. 8 to 12 hours long-wearing. Who can remember to reapply?
I only skimmed because I have ADHD and that’s all I can give, but I do love you, Georgia! I do have to wonder….Who is Mark Kay? Am I the only close reader who missed that typo? Probably not, it’s more likely that I don’t have the attention span to read the other comments.
I dated a guy who worked in the MK factory that is local to me, and the dad of one of my best friends was one of their top executives for decades. They were not treated well, either at the top or the bottom. I also have a very good friend whose mother drives *the* pink car because she is so very good at selling the product. I don’t know where I stand! I rarely wear makeup, but I probably look better with at least a bare coverage. I have been blessed with a clear complexion and natural coloring, but it’s changing as I age.
If I had to choose a skin care *need* I would say something that could remedy redness. A lifetime of no facial sunblock (I don’t burn), aging, hereditary facial redness, and gradual photosensitivity….it sucks and it’s embarrassing.
Choose me!
Foundation! Can’t live without it.
Lipstick and mascara, I don’t go anywhere without it!
mascara. My eyelashes are blonde and I look bald without a little color on therm.
I cannot live without bronzing powder because I am the color of illness without it!
Moisturizer, always. Lip color always. If I’m wearing contacts, mascara and foundation. It’s like if I can see, I want to look better. If I can’t really see because of THICK glasses, I don’t care!
I can’t live without mascara and lipstick!/susan1215/status/77110011230289920
I just can’t live without mascara and chapstick. Both are essentials in my purse
Couldn’t live without my foundation… it helps cover up all those dumb little things called freckles that exist on my face. Small, tiny freckles make you look cute. Big, blotchy freckles like mine make you look diseased. Thus… foundation.
I can’t live without mascara, I feel naked without it.
Definitely lipgloss. I am constantly reapplying and I feel naked without it.
amazing stuff
I must have mascara….without it I have no eyes…
Whatever makeup product Bossy used to give her that ass. That’s the one I can’t live without.
Wow….all 3 looks are amazing and I would love to win this compact, lip tint, and mascara!!
Moisturizer. I’m like Bossy I don’t normally wear makeup otherwise. Bossy did a good job, but I usually look like I’m trying to color my face in with a magic marker.
Something for my lips- chapstick, lipstick, gloss, etc.
I can’t live without my Oil Control Lotion!
sandank58 at yahoo dot com
Mascara, eyeliner AND Chapstick
Dr. Pepper lip smacker
The one thing? That’s hard! It would have to be moisturizer!
Eyeliner and mascara – because my eyelashes are a color called non-existent.
I can’t live without the Miracle Set: wash/toner/moisturizer,day and night solution. I’ve been using it 12 years, and no one ever guesses my age. Heh.
I definitely can’t live without mascara!! My eyes disappear!
I love any and all of the Mary Kay timewise line.
I’d like to try the TimeWise® 3-in-1 Cleanser
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
My foundation is one thing I can’t live without!
Hmmm, new makeup. I’m in.
I love love love my sephora eyeliner pencil. It doubles as shadow when I decide at the last minute to go straight from work to meet friends for a cocktail.
I really really need my lipstick!
can’t live without concealor and foundation
i tweeted here:
My Mary Kay mascara. I love that it doesn’t clump and it really makes my eyes pop.
Well, I was going to be boring and PC and say my SPF moisturizer for my pale freckled skin but I think I’ll go with my benefit mascara. Makes my eyes pop!
Did I comment on/enter this yet? Don’t think I did. Guess I’m in now.
Lipstain! I seriously look like a corpse without some kind of color on my lips – ick!
I can’t live without it all! I’m fifty one and need all the help I can get, but I would have to say I could’nt live without my concealers!
Yes, please! I have been needing some new makeup!
Mascara! Must have Mascara!
Mary Kay Pink Pout lip gloss is my absolute favorite!!!!
Satin hands, Hands down.
Lipstick, foundation, mascara. Jeez, I need it all!
im a huge carmex fan
Because I have blonde eyelashes, mascara is a must. Also eyeliner. And if I’m feeling really frisky I throw some eyeshadow and a bit of blush in too.
follow you now on twitter–@tnlibrarygal johnson city, tn
love the mk cleanser
I need mascara r-e-a-l bad
athenasgrace17 at yahoo dot com
please sign me up – I could use a sprucing
Don’t know if makeup product but can’t live without my cherry chapstick.
I can’t live without my burt’s bees lip balm
Makeover please
I would like to try the turquoise weekender pencil – because I can’t use skinny pencils and that one’s fat. I also have wanted to try the highlighting powder for a long time.
Mascara. It’s the only stuff I use on a regular basis!
Mascara. Shortest lashes in the world.
I love Mary Kay!
Screw the compact. Can I just have your ass, please?
This is tough one for me. I have to choose between mascara, blush, and my Neutrogena Healthy Skin Enhancer? It’s a tinted mositurizer, spf, and something else all in one. I think though if I had to pick just one it would be mascara, though. My eyes are my best feature, and without mascara they get a little lost.
I cannot leave the house without mascara, unless I wish to look as though my eye lashes were burnt off in an unfortunate grilling accident. They simply look non existent without the charcoal color coating I liberally apply.
I cannot leave the house without my mascara. or my burt’s bee’s lip balm.
Being a mature woman of a certain age, I cannot live without my moisturizer. Bad things happen. Terrible things.
I’m pretty addicted to lip balm..and I may or may not have a small panic attack when I realize I don’t have it with me…
Lip balm graces my lips every day and I keep it in my purse or pocket ready to apply as needed.
I cannot live with my mineral veil from Bare Minerals!
Mascara. I need mascara or I look dead. And that is just the sad truth!
Foundation! Even if nothing else Foundation helps me look like a human being!
When you get old….only one thing doesn’t do it ! But foundation for sure, mascara helps me look alive and everything else is frosting on the cake.
First time at your blog and I got to say, you are hilarious! Love the mini!
i have to chose just one lol! I need all the help I can–have always used is moisturizer with sunscreen
can’t live without foundation
I can’t live without a little color on my lips–a nice lipgloss and protective sunscreen moisturizer. <3 <3 <3
I must have some sort of lip color… something smooth and not fakey looking. Right now I’m using an NYC color gloss that I love.
can’t live without gloss!
Since I have such light eyebrows – I can’t live without my eyebrow pencil!
Eyeliner! I can’t go out without it!
I need lip gloss
i need foundation to make my skin look uniform
I can’t live without mascara. It makes my eyes look full and awake, versus the normaly sleepy look they tend to have
My wife loves chapstick and all day lipwear products. That’s all i know about makeup.
I love to play with colors, so I love fun eye liners and eye shadows. These compacts are perfect for changing out your favorite colors
Lipgloss for me
I love their mascara! This would be fantastic!
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
Tweeted here too!/gmissycat/status/84046430821548032
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
I think that putting on eyeliner makes the biggest difference in my appearance. It makes me look and feel 10 times better!
Lip colors. I have always heard great things about Mary Kay lip colors and although I have never used them personally I would love a chance to try them out!
I simply cannot live without mascara! treneebarker at hotmail dot com
2nd ENTRY TWEET @!/kytah00/status/84800842544332800
kytah00 {at} yahoo {dot} com
I’d line to try the shadow/liner duo. they look easy to carry.
Can’t live without my mascara!
I wouldn’t survive without my waterproof mascara. Without mascara I look half-asleep and half-dead…. haha
I look like I have no lashes without mascara
All of the photos and anecdotes were hilarious.
I love that magnetic compact.
I am lucky that I have color in my lips but my eyes are dead so shadow, eyeliner and mascara is a must.
My new best friend is primer to go on before foundation. It can even be used alone around the house. Love the way it makes my skin look!!
Just ONE that I can’t live without?????? Let’s see, I can always bite my lips, so mascara for my BLONDE eyelashes!
LOVED reading your post on this!
Just one? eyeliner for sure!
Love this post!
This post is hilarious! I can’t live without blush cause i’m so PALE!!/xoxomickeyxoxo/status/86270246985535490
i can’t live without mascara.
I have to say mascara. My eyes just disappear.
juleemm2003 at yahoo dot com
Must have mascara!
I must, must, MUST have my Cherry Softlips!!/happishopr/status/86419713420308480
I can’t live without foundation!
I tweeted this giveaway.!/LUCKYLADY4663/status/86425220457562113
I need my foundation!
I can’t live without my blush
I can’t live without Mary Kay’s Indulge® Soothing Eye Gel– it is so nice and cool in the summertime. Love it!
Definitely moisturizer for me. Even if I’m not leaving the house, I put on my moisturizer.
ceriehl at gmail dot com
i can’t live without my mary kay mascara, i love it, i wear it everyday!
I cannot live without my foundation!
moisturizer first – both face and eye!
One product I cannot live without is mascara. I did just try out the Ready to Wear liquid eyelash extension. Now I can’t live without that either
I have red eyelashes, so I can’t live without my mascara! I do not go outside without my mascara. If I do, people stop and ask me if I’m ill!
I would love the Ultra Mascara since I need Ultra Eye lashes.
Lip Gloss, hands down.
I can’t live without under eye concealer.
Thanks so much.
Thanks for the Great Post It was entertaining to read your take! I Love Mary Kay!
Haven’t tried Mary Kay and would love to give it whirl.
I can’t live without black mascara.
I cannot live without mascara.
A great lip balm/tint.
Lip gloss and sunscreen
Sunscreen, mascara & lipcloss
I can’t love without Lancome’s Juicy Tubes.
I can’t live without Max Factor Lasting Finish foundation. And now I have to order online because it isn’t sold in stores here anymore.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Mine is lip gloss..
I am a simple girl and really I can’t leave the house without lipgloss. I like it shiny!
I can’t live without eyeliner.
I can’t be without my mascara.
I can’t live without eyeliner! My eyes are so small – and eyeliner gives that “pop” that I need!
I can’t leave the house without mascara.
I can’t live without my eye shadow. It just give some colors on my face and brighten up my eyes! I would love to try the Compact Mini! What a wonderful idea that I can change the color and combination any time I want! Genius! Thanks for a chance to win.
amy [at] utry [dot] it